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May 27, 2021                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Flying high

        Yankee Air Museum offers

        World War II plane rides

           Yankee Air Museum will be   Doolittle in the famed Doolittle
        flying its UH-1 Huey Greyhound  Raid of April 1942.  C-47s were
        helicopter on Saturday, May 29  often the tip of the spear during
        and Hairless Joe, the C-47 troop  World War Two, inserting para-
        transport on Sunday, May 30 in  troopers behind enemy lines
        celebration of the Memorial Day  prior to massive invasions,
        holiday weekend.               including D-Day and Burma.
           “We are encouraging every-    The unmistakable sound of
        one to take a ride on the adven-  the Bell UH-1 helicopter rotor
        turous side this holiday week-  struck fear in the enemy, and
        end,” exclaimed Kevin Walsh,   hope in the hearts of the wound-
        president and CEO of  Yankee   ed in Vietnam, Walsh said.  The
        Air Museum.  “Our World War II  UH-1 was affectionately called
        era C-47 and Vietnam era UH-1  the Huey and it was the game
        Huey are each the venerable    changer of the United States
        workhorse of the conflict in   Army, landing soldiers into battle
        which they flew.  People flying on  and evacuating the wounded.
        these aircraft pay homage to the  The Yankee Air Museum owns
        men and women who sacrificed   and operates a combat veteran of
        so much for us.  Their support  the 240th Assault Helicopter
        keeps us flying.”              Company, known as the          scratch off your bucket list and  Museum, 47884 D Street, in  801 Kirk Profit Drive, Ypsilanti.
           Hairless Joe is the Douglas C-  Greyhounds,” Walsh added.  write into your history.”     Belelville.                      To book a flight visit www.yan-
        47 Skytrain, painted to honor the  “The museum works hard to    Air Adventure rides on the     Rides on the C-47 are sched- and click on
        1st Air Commando Group flying  preserve and protect aviation  Huey are available every 15 min-  uled for noon and 1 p.m. on  “Fly With Us.” Additional flight
        missions in the China-Burma-   artifacts, and it is expensive,”  utes beginning at 11 a.m.  Sunday, May 30.  The rides last 20  times may be added, on both
        India Theater of World War II.  said Walsh.  “Our Air Adventures  Saturday into the afternoon.  minutes and cost $195.  These  days, as customer demand war-
        Hairless Joe is named in honor  and these living history experi-  Rides are $99 for an 8-minute  flights depart from Yankee Air  rants.
        of the C-47 flown by Lt. Col. Dick  ences create lasting memories.  A  flight.  These flights originate  Museum's Bay 7 at Hangar 1,  Yankee Air Museum will be
        Cole who was co-pilot to Jimmy  ride on a warbird is something to  from the north lot of Yankee Air  Willow Run Airport, West Side,  closed on Memorial Day, May 31.
        Romulus Hometown Heroes nominations are sought

           Romulus residents have only  individuals who exemplify     to participate, officials said.
        until tomorrow to submit nomi-  courage, kindness, and unselfish  Nomination forms are available                        ”
        nations for the annual Home    character through their acts of  at city hall, the Romulus               Residents are urged by city officials
        Town Heroes awards for 2021.   heroism in or out of the commu-  Chamber of Commerce office,     to take the time to complete a nomination form with
           Nominations for educational  nity are now being sought.    the Romulus Athletic Center and
        services professionals who are   Residents are urged by city  the Romulus Public Library and    a letter of support and return it to Romulus City Hall.
        dedicated, inspiring, and making  officials to take the time to com-  are sought in the categories of
        a difference in schools; citizens  plete a nomination form with a  Outstanding Education, Courage,
        who consistently demonstrate   letter of support and return it to  Citizen/Group or Veteran.   ATTN: Hometown Heroes       award applications and a selec-
        excellent community leadership  Romulus City Hall by tomorrow,  Mail or bring the completed  Committee, 11111 Wayne Road,  tion will be made based on the
        and have made a significant con-  May 28. All residential and com-  nomination form and letters of  Romulus, MI 48174.     committee members'  recommen-
        tribution to the community and  munity members are encouraged  support to: Romulus City Hall   A committee will review all  dations, officials said.
        Industrial Park is fully leased                                                      To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           Kansas    City-based   developer    Brownfield vacant property previously
        NorthPoint Development has nearly com-  owned by the Racer Trust portfolio, offi-
        pleted a two-building industrial park,  cials said. Northpoint management opted
        Ecorse Commons, in Romulus.            to invest in the Romulus community for the
           The buildings total 654,000 square feet  opportunity to responsibly redevelop the
        of industrial space and NorthPoint     site to create long term sustainability for
        Development officials say the development  the neighborhood. The site offers conven-
        is already fully leased. NorthPoint part-  ient highway access for beneficial trans-
        nered with local brokerage firm CBRE,  portation for warehouse distribution and
        Lauren Scarpace and Eugene Agnone III  manufacturing.  Romulus features an
        to  lease the development in just 12   abundant labor force to help support ecom-
        months. Tenants scheduled to occupy the  merce growth and the expansion of eco-
        buildings include retail logistics, ware-  nomic development for the local communi-
        house distribution and supply chain solu-  ty, he added.
        tions, according to a NorthPoint represen-  NorthPoint expanded Ecorse Road with
        tative.                                a turning lane to provide support for opera-
           Ecorse Commons was a large-scale    tional businesses in the new development.

                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                        REQUEST FOR
                             ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS
         The Sumpter Township Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road,
         Belleville, MI 48111 at 7:00pm on Thursday, June 10, 2021 to receive public comment for the following zoning ordinance text
                                    NATURE OF THE REQUEST(s)
            1) A PROPOSED AMENDMENT to Section 2.2: Definitions of the Township Zoning Ordinance.
            2) A PROPOSED AMENDMENT to Section 5.8. - Home Businesses.
            3) A PROPOSED AMENDMENT to Article 9: Signs.
         This Public Hearing has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 0 of 1959 (amendments
         to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens an opportunity to express opinions, ask questions,
         and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
         For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk's Office prior to the
         hearing date.
         Esther Hurst
         Sumpter Township
         Published:  May 27, 2021
         Posted: May 20, 2021                                           ST0054 - 052721  2.5 x 3.548



                                     BUDGET HEARING
         A Public Hearing on its proposed budget will be held by the Board of Education of the Westwood
         Community School District on:

                                     Thursday, June 10, 2021
                                         at 6:30 p.m.
                                    In the Equilla F. Bradford
                                     Administrative Center
                                    3335 S. Beech Daly Road
                                 Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48125

         Copies of the proposed budget will be available for review in the Westwood Administrative Office
         Center between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on June 10, 2021.
                                                    Sarah Ward, Secretary
                                                    Westwood Board of Education
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