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May 27, 2021                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                     INKSTER - PLYMOUTH
                                                      INKSTER - PLYMOUTH

         Marching on

         Fife and Drum Corps reunion is planned

           The Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps    Revolutionary War.
        (PFDC) is conducting a nationwide search  Past and current members and families
        for alumni to participate in the 50th  are invited to the gathering for a picnic
        anniversary celebration of the group   lunch and jam session from, 11 a.m. until 4
           All former members, parents and     p.m. Saturday, July 31 at McClumpha Park
        instructors are being sought to join in  in Plymouth. Email
        marking the half-century of the founding of  for ticket information or find them on the
        the non-profit group dedicated to preserv-  PFDC 50th Reunion Facebook page.
        ing the ancient arts of color guard, fifing  The students in the fife and drum corps
        and drumming. The students, ages 12-18,  also perform in nearby states like Ohio and
        perform all year at parades, historical and  Indiana and have traveled to Canada to
        patriotic celebrations, concerts, cultural  celebrate their historic art.  Each year the
        affairs and other civic events.  The music  corps members also go on tour and per-
        spans the 17th to 20th centuries with an  form at Revolutionary War historical sights
        emphasis on music played during the    and national landmarks across the country.
         $6 million cannabis processing plant breaks ground

           It has taken more than four  investment were hurdles the                                                                Bayham in the city will distrib-
        years to cultivate, but a new $6  company had to overcome dur-                           ”                                 ute both medical and recre-
        million Black-owned marijuana  ing the planning of the facility.       It's important that not only do individuals         ational facility and Stockdale
        growing and processing facility  “We've had financial humps       get an opportunity to work in the cannabis arena,        said the facility will distribute
        is scheduled to open in Inkster  that we've had to get over. We're                                                         to dispensaries. He said future
        this fall.                     coming from way behind. We                     but to be eligible to do so.                 plans include branding of
           Members of the Inkster City  don't have access to capital like                                                          cannabis products by Michigan
        Council first approved the city-  a lot of other ethnicities.”                                                             Agricultural Services.
        ordinances allowing the facility  In addition to the raising of  in the cannabis industry.     “It's important that not only  The facility is expected to be
        in    October     of    2019.  capital, the lack of Black opera-  That decision was prompted  do individuals get an opportuni-  open this fall utilizing a portion
        Groundbreaking at the huge,    tors in the marijuana industry  by Stockdale's struggle and sup-  ty to work in the cannabis  of the building and could
        25,500-square-foot building took  prompted the direction of  the  ported by Sahir Al-Salam, who  arena, but to be eligible to do  employ as many as 50 workers
        place last Friday. The cannabis  business, Stockdale said. His  serves as the community liaison  so,” McPhail-Stockdale said.  when complete.
        growing and distribution facility  wife, Christina McPhail-   and head of investor relations  “And as we all know, felonies   Stockdale said the company
        is being built by Michigan     Stockdale, who serves as chief  for the company. They agreed  and certain convictions can be a  would begin following up on job
        Agricultural Services.         legal counsel for the business,  that their struggle in financing  hindrance to work any job  applications and employment
           Mark Stockdale, the founder  will provide legal expungement  was not unique and prompted  regardless if it's cannabis or  inquiries next week.
        and CEO of the business said   services for those with criminal  their decision to attempt to  not.”                         To       apply,     email
        that financing and capital     records who are hoping to work  “give back” to the community.   The new building at 2615

        Free air purification kits are now available in Inkster

           Free air filtration kits are now  The target useage for the kits                                                        distributed on a first-come, first-
        available to Inkster businesses  are schools, small businesses,                          ”                                 serve basis.
        and residents.                 and nonprofits, officials said.             These are great for restaurants,                  To request a kit, contact the
           The kits are funded by the  “These are great for restaurants,               hair salons/barbers, and                    office of Inkster Mayor Patrick
        City of Inkster, Wayne County  hair salons/barbers, and any                                                                Wimberly at (313-)563-4234. Kits
        Economic Development, and      other small space. The air filtra-               any other small space.                     can be requested by email at
        Ford Motor Co. who have part-  tion kit supplements a room's                                                       To
        nered to distribute and deliver  existing filtration system to fur-  COVID-19 virus particle concen-  Kits should be requested as  requests a kit, indicate in the
        the air filtration kits.       ther help reduce the risk of   trations,” city officials added.  soon as possible as they will be  subject ''Air Filtration kits.''
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