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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 14, 2020

        Jones                                  2010, she compiled a history of the

                                               church, entitled: “Precious Memories”
                                               printed and published by B&D Graphic     Theola Jones’ memberships
        FROM PAGE 1                            Design+ Pam.
                                                 In 1995, a special request was made by  Benefactor and Tree of Life Committee  Inkster Head Start-Community Rep.
        barrier at Wayne County General        Inkster Mayor Hilliard L. Hampton, Jr. to  Junior Choir                     Inkster Democratic Club
        Hospital, also known as Eloise. Mrs.   the editor of the Inkster Ledger Star to  Junior Usher Board                Inkster RSVP
        Jones worked as a hospital attendant, a  appoint Theola and the late educator,  Junior Missionary Group            Inkster Pioneers
        licensed attendant nurse II and a ward  Maude Reid and Karen Williams as spe-   Cathedral Choir                    Inkster Missionary Group
        supervisor for 25 years in the psychiatric  cial writers for a new section. “Inkster  Inspirational Choir          Inkster Festival Commission
        division of the hospital.              Good News”.                              Action Committee                   Inkster Commission On Aging
           In the late 1970s, the Wayne County   Mrs. Jones was a volunteer tutor with  Steward Board Emeritus             Inkster Advisory Board
        Intermediate School District and the   the Inkster Literacy Council. She was a  Pastor's Steward                   Inkster 50th Anniversary Committee
        County of Wayne formed a partnership to  member of the Detroit Black Writers
        introduce high school students to the  Guild and she participated in a poetry   Blood Donor's Club                 Because Inkster Cares
        world of work. Mrs. Jones was selected to  reading event in 1994 at Wayne State  Courtesy Club                     Inkster Citizens Who Care
        train and supervise the students in the fil-  University Hilberry Theatre. She  Public Relations Chair             Multi-Cultural Society Madonna University
        ing division of the billing department.  received a heart-warming reception for  Finance Committee Chair           Detroit Black Writer's Guild
           Mrs. Jones retired in 1981 after 33  the reading of her poem, “Images” that  Organizer Senior Citizen's Circle  YWCA Board of Directors
        years of service.                      depicted the life of slaves on southern  2nd Generation Lifetime Member     Regional Advisory Board-Wayne County
           Her deep commitment to fair and     plantations. The poem was published in   Charter Member Mother's Club       Flora & Booker Dozier Scholarship Fund
        equal treatment prompted her to serve in  the Detroit Black Writers Guild       Mother of the Year Club            Mayor Hilliard L. Hampton Jr. Youth Foundation
        several positions for Local 25 Council 25  Anthology.                           NAACP YOUTH GROUP                  Wayne Metropolitan Community Service Agency
        AFSCME where she was an active mem-      She was a devoted member of Smith      Inkster Literacy Council (Tutor)   Out-Wayne County Head Start
        ber. For many years she served as the  Chapel A.M.E. Church which she joined    Inkster Charter Commission Inkster Summerfest  Program-Community Rep.
        chief grievance writer on behalf of union  at the age of 7.                     Committee                          Top Ladies of Distinction, Michigan Metro Chapter
        members that resulted in the reversal of  She served on the Steward Board
        unfair practices. In addition, she served  under the pastorate of five pastors and  Inkster Friends of the Library  Khamalaw White Scholarship Fund
        as Building Steward, Special Conference  retired as Steward Emeritus after 40   Inkster Committee for Literacy (Tutor)  Charmettes Social Club
        Member, Good and Welfare Committee     years of service. She chaired the finance  Inkster Election Board           Fred Hart Genealogical Society
        and Nursing Office Liaison. During her  committee and she authored the very     Inkster Goodfellows                Wayne County Retirees Club
        employment, a group of employees       first Finance Committee Training         Inkster Construction Board of Appeals   Local 38 AFSCME
        joined together to form a committee    Manual of Smith Chapel.
        named “Just Friends.” Mrs. Jones served  At the request of the Rev. Melvin D.  Among those left behind to honor her  B. (Maggie); brothers-in-law, Weaver
        as the secretary and the co-coordinator  Reed she coordinated the activities of the  memory are her sons, Aaron III and  Jones (Shirley) and Robert Jones
        until the group was disbanded due to the  Senior Citizens Circle for 23 years. It was  Dennis (Regina); her daughter, Rita  (Ceneilla); sisters-in-law, Marian Allen,
        deaths of many members.                the first group for senior citizens in the  (Lloyd Edsel);; grandchildren, Lloyd III,  Esther Brown, Sharon Austin (Ulysses);
           Following her retirement at the age of  history of the local church as well as in  Tamara (Michael Sr.), Tiffany, Arica and  many nieces, nephews and cousins along
        55,  Mrs. Jones  decided to fulfill a life-  the Fourth Episcopal District. The organ-  Stephanie; great-grandchildren: Micah,  with special family friends, Sonya,
        long dream to attend college. She      ization was active visiting the sick and  Michael Jr., Mackenzie, Jaden, Octavia,  Deloris and Chris and a host of beloved
        enrolled on a part-time basis in the   shut-in and hosting celebratory occasions  Leasia, and Lloyd IV;  her brother,  Willie  friends.
        Gerontology Program at Madonna         for seniors throughout the metropolitan
        University and earned a 30-Hour        area.
        Certificate in Gerontology, an associate  Her pastor submitted her name to be
        degree in Gerontology; a special certifi-  included in the first Selected Registry of
        cate in Activity Therapy for the Elderly,  the African Methodist Episcopal pub-
        and a Bachelor of Science Degree in    lished by the A.M.E. Church.
        Gerontology with a minor degree in       Mrs. Smith was active with a long list
        Journalism and Public Relations. She   of groups, committees, choirs clubs and
        graduated with high honors in 1990, after the church.
        having earned a 3.8 GPA. She was induct-  For several years she chaired the
        ed into the Kappa Gamma Pi Sorority, a  Focus Hope Food Program, the General
        prestigious Catholic scholastic group. In  Motors Food Program, Wayne County
        1989 she was presented the St. Catherine  Food Program as well as the Federal
        Medal by the faculty of Madonna        FEMA Food Program. With the help of
        University- the sole winner of the distin-  church volunteers food was distributed to
        guished scholastic honor. An avid writer,  the elderly and the low-income residents
        she completed writing courses at       of the city. She championed the cause of
        Schoolcraft College and the University of  those less fortunate all of her adult life.
        Michigan Dearborn campus.                For more than seven decades, Mrs.
           During more than seven decades, Mrs.  Jones was an integral part of many civic
        Jones responded to requests for poems,  and community groups. In 1987,
        tributes, helped write obituaries, (in some  Councilman Ernest Hendricks submitted
        cases printing them at no cost whenever  her name to represent the City of Inkster
        needed), resolutions, letters of recom-  as one of the 150 First Lady of Michigan
        mendations, and proof-reading materials  honorees at a ceremony in Lansing
        for college bound students. In 1997 the  where she received a proclamation from.
        Cathedral Choir of Smith Chapel A.M.E.  Paula Blanchard, the wife of then Gov.
        Church presented a play “The           James Blanchard.
        Womanless Wedding” written and direct-   Among her many honors and acco-
        ed by Mrs. Jones. In 2009 for the 85th  lades were: Key to the City of Inkster and
        Church Anniversary, she wrote and      the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019
        directed a skit entitled: “Appointed”. In  presented by Mayor Byron Nolen.
        Senior meals

        being served

           Michigan recently received
        additional federal funding to
        help provide meals to older
        adults as the state responds to
        the COVID-19 pandemic. These
        programs enable Michigan resi-
        dents 60 years and older to
        obtain meals through home
        delivery and pick-up services.
           The need for these services
        has increased as measures to
        slow transmission of COVID-19
        have left many family care-
        givers unable to assist older
        loved ones. To abide by physi-
        cal distancing of at least 6 feet,
        meal sites have also been tem-
        porarily closed, including the
        noon-time meal provided at
        Allen Terrace, the city-owned
        and operated senior resident
        community in Northville.
        Residents registered for the
        congregate program have been
        receiving food delivery that
        covers multiple meals during
        the week, through the program
        managed by Wayne County and
        a local Area Agency on Aging.
           Seniors who need extra sup-
        port at this time can now sign
        up for assistance, including
        meal delivery, delivery of non-
        perishable food items, and
        daily wellness-check calls,
        through the MDHHS coron-
        avirus website.
           Northville Senior Services,
        part of the Northville Parks and
        Recreation Dept., also offers
        wellness checks conducted by
        local volunteers. To learn more,
        contact Joyce Drever at (248)
        305-2851 between 9 a.m. and 1
        p.m., Monday through Friday or
        email her at jdrever@
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