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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 14, 2020

                                              BELLEVILLE - NORTHVILLE
                                              BELLEVILLE - NORTHVILLE

        Death of former Van Buren Fire Chief is mourned

           Retired Van Buren Fire Chief  dual fire chief and building                            ”                                 Eric Simons; a daughter-in-law,
        David Cameron McInally, 77,    director position with Van Buren                                                            Susan McInally, and four grand-
        died May 1 at St. Joseph's     Township, becoming the first full-         We've lost one of our public safety              children,  Grant Klingler, Jacob
        Hospital due to complications  time fire chief in the township..                                                           Simons, Ashley McInally, and
        from COVID-19 impacted by      He retired from fire service in            family members, please keep him                  Emily McInally.
        other health conditions.       1991 after 29 years, but continued     and his family in your thoughts and prayers.           Mr. McInally was preceded in
           Mr. Cameron was born March  on as the Van Buren Township                                                                death by his parents.
        13, 1943 to Aubrey and Esther  Director of Developmental                                                                     His family expressed their
        McInally.                      Services until retiring from Van                                                            gratitude to the staff at Regency
           He     graduated     from   Buren in 1997.                 in the building department. He  visor but also on the DDA when it  at Canton, St. Joseph Mercy Ann
        Mandeville High School in 1961   In addition to his stellar   helped enhance and expand     was first established. He brought  Arbor, and U-of-M Hospital Ann
        and went on to attend Alma     career in the public sector, he  township hall during his career.  a lot of innovative ideas to the  Arbor for the exceptional care
        College. He lived in Rankin from  taught firefighting and fire pre-  As fire chief, he was a great  community and it was easy to see  they provided during Mr.
        his birth until the age of 45.  vention classes throughout his  leader and man. It's been exciting  he really cared about Van  McInally's final days.
        During that time he worked in  life.                          to watch his son also become a  Buren,” said DDA Executive     A private funeral for his
        the family business (McInally's  In 2014, Mr. McInally suffered  Van Buren fireman and now Fire  Director Susan Ireland.   immediate family members was
        Hardware and Gift Shop), at    a debilitating stroke and resided  Marshall at the township. David  Mr. McInally is survived by his  planned at Sharp Funeral
        MetLife, and for Mundy         in a nursing facility until his  McInally II has followed in his  five children, Ann Marie  Homes in Linden. A gathering
        Township as a building inspector.   death.                    father's footsteps with great lead-  Schwieman, JD (nee McInally) of  will take place at a later date in
           Mr. McInally was a volunteer  “We've lost one of our public  ership and professionalism,”  Grand Blanc, Linda Simons (nee  Belleville so that all Mr.
        firefighter on the Mundy       safety family members, please  said Township Treasurer Sharry  McInally) of Grand Blanc, David  McInally's friends and family can
        Township Fire Department for   keep him and his family in your  Budd.                       Cameron McInally II of Van     meet to remember him and cele-
        more than 25 years, serving as  thoughts and prayers,” said Van  “Cameron was a hard worker  Buren Township, Heather       brate his life. In lieu of flowers,
        the fire chief for a majority of  Buren Township Director of  and was happiest when he had a  McInally also of Van Buren   donations to Feed the Frontlines
        those years. In 1988, he relocated  Public Safety Gregory M.  lot going on. I had the pleasure of  Township, (“the favorite”), and  Detroit would be appreciated
        with his family to Van Buren   Laurain.                       working with Cameron not only  Rebecca D'Estes of Lo de      (
        Township, when he accepted a      “McInally was instrumental  representing the township super-  Marcos, Mexico; a son-in-law,  m).
        Northville council considers programs to help businesses

           During a recent virtual meet-  reduced fees for restaurant/café                                                         with the allotted physical dis-
        ing of the Northville City     outdoor dining by 50 percent.                             ”                                 tancing, they told council mem-
        Council, officials took action on  The fee reduction is effective      DDA Director Lori Ward also suggested               bers.
        several issues.                for both the application and                                                                  DDA Director Lori Ward,
           The council members         square footage fees. The reduc-          that retailers be able to have sidewalk            who met previously virtually
        approved a contract for $193,171  tion was an effort to assist busi-  displays of merchandise when they reopen.            with other area DDA directors,
        with Ram Construction of       nesses that suspended indoor                                                                also suggested that retailers be
        Livonia for improvements on    dining operations due to the                                                                able to have sidewalk displays
        the parking deck at MainCentre.  governor's Stay Home Stay Safe                                                            of merchandise when they
        The contract includes a 10-per-  order in response to the COVID-  Michigan MiDeal public bidding  miles, according to a city  reopen. Theresa Schierloh,
        cent contingency budget of     10 pandemic. The city will issue  program.                   spokesman.                     owner of Dancing Eye Gallery,
        $19,317 for a not-to-exceed proj-  refunds to restaurant/cafe own-  The equipment will be fund-  During the public comment  said she supports expanded out-
        ect total of $212,488. This is the  ers who have already paid in  ed with $146,278 from commit-  portion of the agenda Brian  door retail sales and merchan-
        second deck to undergo major   full for 2020, officials said.   ted racetrack breakage revenue  Scherle and Paul Gabriel, co-  dising, and suggested adding
        work in the last year, officials  The purchase of a new street  in the general fund and $69,650  owners of Brown Dog Parlor,  more dedicated locations for
        noted. In fall 2019, Ram       sweeper was approved at a      through    the   Downtown     suggested allowing restaurants  curbside pick-up.
        repaired and renovated the     price of $215,928, which       Development Authority, payable  to expand  outdoor seating on  Council members discussed
        parking deck at the northeast  includes a $9,000 trade in credit.  over 15 years, officials said.   weekends to sidewalks, curb-  these suggestions and others in
        corner of Cady and Center, com-  The new machine is a new 2020  Street sweeping is performed  side parking spaces and poten-  preparation for implementing
        ing in under budget and finish-  Elgin Pelican Sweeper pur-   throughout        downtown    tially on the street. The streets  new policies for reopening
        ing sooner than planned, offi-  chased from Bell Equipment    Northville regularly and twice  could be closed to accommodate  restaurant/retail business oper-
        cials said.                    Company. The price was negoti-  yearly in residential areas. A  the effort to make the downtown  ations, although no action was
           The council members also    ated through the State of      full sweep of the city includes 25  area a fun, safe environment  taken.
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