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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 14, 2020

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                       CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Police discover weapons during traffic stop

           Michigan State Police report-  Post of the Michigan State Police                      ”                                 troopers at the scene and
        ed finding four handguns, ammu-  during the pandemic, police said.                                                         remained in police custody while
        nition and a suppressor during a  The Metro South Post is also                 We also know that when                      the office of the Wayne County
        traffic stop in Canton Township  addressing the issue in Wayne                                                             Prosecutor determined the
        earlier this month.            County where speeding motorists             we conduct traffic enforcement                  charges to be filed.
           Michigan State Troopers exe-  have also been a problem.                    we also stop other crimes.                      “We also know that when we
        cuted a traffic stop along south-  In this instance, the vehicle                                                           conduct traffic enforcement we
        bound Interstate-275 in Canton  also had a boat on a trailer in tow.                                                       also stop other crimes,” noted a
        Wednesday morning, May 6.      The driver and other passengers                                                             statement from the Michigan
           The stop was part of an     in the vehicle told troopers they  there was a handgun in the vehi-  subsequently searched the car  State Police.
        increased traffic patrol in the  were on their way to an area in  cle and admitted that he did not  and found four handguns, ammu-  The suspect's name was not
        area where excessive speed has  Monroe for a fishing outing. The  have a permit or concealed  nition and the suppressor.   released as no charges had been
        been seen in the Metro North   driver also told troopers than  license for the pistol. Troopers  The driver was arrested by the  filed at presstime.
        School superintendent reassures parents, students

           Superintendent of the       munication in a variety of for-  contacting your principals and  we do know is that these past  “We cannot wait for the day
        Plymouth Canton Community      mats, including these calls on  teachers with any questions, con-  weeks have highlighted our  when we can see our students
        Schools Monica Merritt recently  Friday evenings. With our    cerns, or support you might   poise, our resolve, and our abili-  again in person, and as a district
        addressed area families and staff  Continuity of Learning Plan now  need, and check the district web-  ty to handle the adversity of our  we will return better than ever
        members regarding the impact   being implemented, and with    site on a regular basis. It has  current times -- all while keeping  as we continue to lead students
        of the coronaviris pandemic on  our educators working hard    been a wonderful experience to  the needs of our students as our  to Learn, Prepare, and Thrive.
        the local schools.             every day to meet the needs of  provide these regular check-ins  number one priority. We cannot  No matter what comes our way,
           Merritt said, “This has been a  our students, you will continue to  with you, and we hope they have  thank our staff, families, and of  we will remain united as a
        difficult time for all of us.  receive your Sunday calls from  been helpful during a time full of  course our students enough for  school community to do every-
           “Since the beginning of this  your building principals, but we  challenge and uncertainty.   the way that you have continued  thing in our ability to ensure a
        unprecedented crisis, our goal  will relax the weekly robocalls  “While we are not entirely  to support P-CCS and navigate  sense of normalcy. Take care of
        has been to provide you with the  from me.                    sure what the future will bring  the many changes that have  yourselves, and take care of each
        most timely and important com-   “I encourage you to continue  us as a school community, what  occurred.                   other,” Merritt concluded.
        School district to refund fees for cancelled activities

           Families hoping to participate  tors have asked parents not to  field trips, community education  standing as we seek to accurately  using our internal methods.
        in several pay-to-play activities in  dispute charges for the fees that  classes, Kids Time and Club  and timely process each refund,”  Adding a disputed charge claim
        the        Plymouth-Canton     may have been paid by credit   Connection will all receive   the email stated.              to the refund process can create
        Community Schools district will  card, as this complicates the  refunds, according to an email  “We also ask during this time  an extra challenge with our
        receive refunds for the fees,  refund process.                from the district sent to parents.  that you do not dispute any of  online payment platform and
        according    to   a  district    Those who paid for extracur-   “Please be assured that the  these related charges on your  cause an unnecessary delay and
        spokesman.                     ricular activities and pay-to-play  process is ongoing and we appre-  credit card bill to allow us a  complexity within our records,”
           District finance administra-  athletics and clubs along with  ciate your patience and under-  chance to process the refund  the email continued.
        Music in the Air concerts are postponed in Plymouth

           The City of Plymouth        the  COVID-19 pandemic and     Labor Day weekend, the DDA    weather, COVID-19 and the      5,000 visitors to downtown
        Downtown       Development     the threat to the health and   has decided to extend the sea-  potential of early construction  Plymouth's Kellogg Park,” he
        Authority (DDA) has decided to  safety of the audience that usu-  son with concerts on Sept. 18  in Kellogg Park for the new  said, “and thousands more who
        postpone the first four Music in  ally attends the community  and Sept. 25,” said a news    fountain.”                     visit restaurants and retail
        the Air concerts scheduled for  events.                       release from DDA Director        He added that the biggest   establishments.”
        May 29, June 5, June 12 and      “While the 14 Friday night   Tony Bruscato.                obstacle will be the continua-   Bruscato added that the
        June 19.                       concert series was scheduled to  “Of course, it all depends on  tion of social distancing, “as the  DDA staff would re-evaluate
           The cancellations are due to  begin on May 29 and end on   the limitations presented by  popular concert series draws   the concert schedule in June.
        Gift                           there's not a lot of us that are  they're perfectly good parts, you  my outlook on my future. My  intermediary between donors,
                                                                      should donate them.”
                                       willing to donate - or even get
                                                                                                    quality of life has improved
                                                                                                                                   their families and hospital staff.
                                       tested, or even say 'if something  In that way, she said, everyone  tremendously, and I am so very  In collaboration with Eversight,
        FROM PAGE 1                    happens to me, I'd be willing to  can help others, the way her  grateful for her gift that offered  Gift of Life provides all services
                                       donate,'” she said. “I can imagine  niece did for her.       me this opportunity.”          necessary for organ, eye and tis-
        when he died when Pruitt was   that there are a lot of people that  “It was such a blessing for my  Gift of Life Michigan is a fed-  sue donation. For more informa-
        10.                            have heard things like that and  niece to step up to the plate and  erally designated organ procure-  tion, or to sign up on the Donor
           “There are so many (African  that's the way they feel. But  volunteer to be a donor for me,”  ment organization that serves  Registry, visit or
        Americans)that need organs, and  you're not going to use them. If  she said. “It changed my life and  the State of Michigan as the  call (866)500-5801.

                                  Classified                                 It's never been more important
                      TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              2007 DODGE            2002 CHRYSLER            for everyone living in Michigan
                              1B3HB48B47D591156     2C4GP54L82R516269
                              2003 CHEVROLET        1995 FORD
                              1G1ND52J03M730574     1FTEX15N1SKB03401        to be counted in the U.S. census.
          Sumpter Township is   2004 CHRYSLER       2005 JEEP
           currently accepting   2C3HD46RX4H673405  1J4GL48K15W557999
         applications for Building  2004 PONTIAC    2006 KIA                 The census impacts everyone from seniors to students, kids and parents and our
           Department Clerk.    2G2WS522741235655   KNDMB233966053900        local businesses and neighborhoods. Participating in the census is a civic duty as
                              2009 DODGE            2007 FORD                important as voting to our democracy.
        The Building Department  2D8HN44E89R563240  3FAHP07Z37R226732
        Clerk is responsible for all  2012 FORD     2000 JEEP
        functions of the Building  1FAHP2EW6CG109247  1J4FF48S9YL210137      To help get the word out, the state of Michigan has launched the Be Counted cam-
        Department.  This is a full  2007 FORD      2001 FORD                paign to communicate the importance of completing the census, dispel myths and
        time union (AFSCME) posi-  1FAHP25147G151331  2FMZA51441BB75978
        tion.  Excellent wage and  2016 CHEVROLET   2006 HYUNDAI             help ensure every Michigander is counted in the 2020 Census.
        benefits.  Must have excel-  1G1ZJ5SU1GF329999  KM8SC13D86U040893
        lent communication skills  1998 HONDA       2010 CHEVROLET           The census form is available in several different languages in addition to English,
        and detail oriented.  JH2PC2136WM500960     3GNBABDB9AS620621
                              2002 TOYOTA           2013 CHRYSLER            including Spanish. You are not required to be a citizen in order to complete the 2020
         Please submit application,  4T1BE30K92U626103  1C3CCBBB4DN684806    Census, and there are no citizenship questions on the census form.
         resume and cover letter to  2012 FORD      2006 FORD
           Michelle Bellingham,  1FAHP3F29CL404870  3FAFP08176R244651
            Human Resource    2007 CHEVROLET        2011 MAZDA               The census takes place every 10 years with the goal of counting everyone living in
              Coordinator,    2G1WT58K079171778     1YVHZ8BH0B5M24269        the United States. Invitations to complete the 2020 Census will begin arriving in mail-
         MichelleBellingham@sum  2008 CHEVROLET     2007 VOLVO               boxes across Southeast Michigan in March. no later than  1GNDV33138D188114  YV4SZ592871274659
          4:00 PM on Wednesday  1996 CHEVROLET      2003 HONDA
             May 27, 2020.    1GCCS19X1T8208570     5FNRL18503B019092        For the first time, the census can be filled out online, as well as by phone or mail,
           Application and job  2015 DODGE          1997 DODGE               making it more convenient than ever.
           description available   3C4PDCBGXFT754923  3B7HF13Z1VG762144
             on our website   2006 CHEVROLET
      3GCEC14XX6G186550                              Also, your information is 100% confidential and by law cannot be shared with anyone.
                              2007 MERCURY                                   Census data is only used to produce demographic statistics and will not be used in a
                              1999 FORD                                      way that will identify you or your household.
             Public Auction   1FAFP53SXXG227073      FISH FOR STOCKING:
            Martin's Towing   2011 BUICK               MOST VARIETIES        Completing the 2020 Census is critical to the future of our state. There is $3,000 in
            17180 Dix Toledo   W04GR5EC3B1071771         POND LAKES
          Brownstown MI 48193  2006 VOLVO                                    federal funding at stake for every person who completes the census.
             May 19, 2020     YV4SZ592X61232816       LAGGIS' FISH FARM
               10:00 am       2013 FORD               (269) 628-2056 DAYS    The 2020 Census will ask questions about the number of people living in your house-
                              1FAHP2F87DG233142     (269) 624-6215 EVENINGS
        2008 GMC              2010 FORD                                      hold on April 1, 2020, and ask their names, ages, genders, race, dates of birth, rela-
        1GKFK135X8R242310     1FMCU0DG0AKA08691                              tionship status, phone numbers and whether your home is owned or rented.
        2010 CHRYSLER         1999 LEXUS
        1C3CC5FBXAN211693     JT6HF10U3X0077067           Need a job?
        2003 SATURN           2010 FORD                                      Participation in the census determines funding for local communities and essential
        5GZCZ63B23S862369     1FAHP3FN6AW247689           Find it fast in    services, including public safety, schools, housing, health care, and senior programs.
                                                                             Michigan receives nearly $30 billion per year in federal funding for these and many
                                                          The Eagle’s        other critical programs. Census numbers also help determine how many congres-
                                                                             sional seats Michigan will have.
                                                                               Be sure to fill out your census form and Be Counted in 2020.
                                                        Call 734-467-1900
                                                                               To learn more, visit
                                                          to place your
                                                                                                    Kerry Ebersole Singh is Michigan's 2020 Census executive director.
                                                       classified ad or email
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