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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                              May 4, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        FIRST place

        Robotics team travels

        to Texas competition

           A group of students from    programmed. The Wayne
        John Glenn and Wayne           Westland team won the
        Memorial high schools in the   Michigan All-Star Rookie award,
        Wayne-Westland Community       following their initial foray into
        School District were recently  science, technology, engineering,
        selected to participate in one of  and math (STEM) projects via
        the most esteemed national     Deloitte's national Smart
        youth robotics competitions, the  Factory Believers program.
        2023     FIRST      Robotics     Not only did the students
        Championship. This year, the   place 65th out of the top 80
        competition took place in      teams in the world for their
        Houston, TX and was attended   innovative robotic invention, but
        by more than 35,000 students,  they also received an award for
        coaches, and supporters from 43  team diversity, a testament to the  Atlas team members from both John Glenn and Wayne Memorial high schools traveled to Texas to com-
        countries.                     importance of programs like    pete in the 2023 FIRST Robotics Championship.
           Atlas, the name of the Wayne  Deloitte's Smart Factory
        Westland district joint team con-  Believers program, which gives  The program, which started  served communities in the   national level at the FIRST
        sisting of 11 students, with addi-  students from diverse back-  as part of the philanthropy mis-  United States. Inspired by their  Championship. The district was
        tional staff members and coach-  grounds an important pathway  sion of Deloitte's Smart Factory  work with the Smart Rover,  one of the first to take part in the
        es, competed against 600 teams  to explore a career in STEM,  @ Wichita, provides new STEM  these students have taken their  program, and Deloitte helped
        in special playing fields using  explained a spokesman from   education kits called the Smart  STEM skills to the next level,  support the team travel to
        robots they designed, built, and  Deloitte.                   Rover to students in under-   enabling them to compete at the  Houston.
        Off-duty officer arrested                                                                      Farmers’ Market will open

                                                                                                         A new farmers' market is  Nankin Mills, 33175 Ann Arbor
           A 26-year veteran police offi-  according to the prepared  Both men were reportedly intox-  expected to open at the     Trail through Sept. 30. The offi-
        cer was arrested last week in  response.                      icated.                          Nankin Mills Interpretive   cial announcement of the new
        Wyandotte after he allegedly     According to police reports,   Wyandotte police would only    Center in Westland this month.  market claims shoppers will be
        threatened to shoot a man in the  the officer was with a friend at  confirm that there had been an  The new market, a coopera-  able to purchase fresh and
        face.                          the Dotte Pub on Oak Street in  altercation at the bar and that as  tive effort of the Wayne County  affordable locally produced
           The 52-year-old officer spent  Wyandotte last Saturday when  a result two men had been      Parks Department and the    foods. The Eastern Market
        20 years with the Detroit Police  an altercation of some type  arrested. No further information  Eastern Market Corporation, is  Corporation operates the
        Department before joining the  occurred. When told to leave or  was provided and both the men  expected to open from 9 a.m.  Detroit Farmers Market every
        Westland department six years  the police would be called, the  arrested have been released    until 1 p.m. Saturday, May 13  Saturday in downtown Detroit.
        ago. According to a statement  off-duty Westland officer      from jail.                       and operate on a bi-weekly    The new venture will not
        from the Westland department,  responded that he "was the       A spokesperson for the Wayne   basis, according to a prepared  conflict with the ongoing
        the officer has been off work for  police" witnesses claimed. He  County Prosecutor's Office said a  statement from the parks  Westland Farmers Market
        some time and his return was   threatened to shoot a man in the  warrant request in connection to  department.             which takes place from 3 until
        not anticipated. There will be an  face before his friend reportedly  an incident at a bar in    The market will continue  7 p.m. Thursdays at 1901
        internal police department     took his loaded gun which was  Wyandotte had been received      every other Saturday at     Carlson St. officials said.
        investigation of the incident,  secured on the small of his back.  and is under review.

        FROM PAGE 1

        regarding the situation, Jedrusik
        said he notified both the deputy
        mayor and city attorney in
        February when he became
        aware of the videos which he
        said were edited and released by
        his ex-wife. He said that  he and
        his former spouse are currently
        involved in ongoing civil litiga-
        tion and post-divorce matters. “I
        realize the motive was to embar-
        rass me,” he said.
           The videotapes appear to
        include encounters by uni-
        formed officers other than
        Jedrusik. In one instance an
        apparently intoxicated man is
        told to stand on his head or he is
        going to jail. The man replies
        that he has suffered a closed-
        head injury and is unable to
        comply. The officer then asks the
        man if he can spin on his head
        “like break dancing.” The man is
        eventually placed in a police
        vehicle when he cannot comply
        with the officer's request. While
        in the vehicle, the man is told to
        sing the officer a song or tell him
        a joke and he will be taken
           In another recorded incident,
        a man who appears to be intoxi-
        cated, is told he can go home
        after he moves a large boulder.
        Another taped segment shows an
        obviously intoxicated woman
        attempting to clean herself after
        she has lowered her pants to
        relieve herself.
           “I apologize to the citizens of
        Westland, the individuals on the
        videos and the department for
        my actions. However, due to the
        civil litigation, I am not able to
        comment further,” Jedrusik's
        prepared statement concluded.

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