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May 4, 2023                                                    ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        City council approves

        Yerkes Street repairs

           Members of the Northville City      the 6-percent increase from the 2022 con-
        Council approved Director of Public    tract is due to a rise in the cost of materi-
        Works Director Mike Domine's request   als, labor, and benefits in the proposal.
        for repairs to Yerkes Street in the city.  Engineering consultants from OHM
           The repaving will be completed by   are reviewing the remaining 2023 con-
        Nagle Paving and the water main in the  struction projects and said the unit prices
        street will be replaced, a project that is  provided and total cost proposed are con-
        shovel-ready, Domine explained. While  sistent with recent bidding seen through-
        the cost of the work was estimated at  out the region. Nagle Paving has an exten-
        $833,943, council members approved  a 15  sive background in construction projects
        percent contingency for a total of     throughout metro Detroit, specifically in
        $959,035.                              Northville, officials said, including the
           Nagle, the low bidder in the DPW 2022  completion of several projects, including
        bid for the Local Road and Water Main  the 2022 local street and water main
        Replacement program, explained that    replacement program.

        Joint fire contract renewed                                                    Skate park plan is ok’d

           The cities of Northville and Plymouth  provide input into departmental opera-
        will continue to share fire safety services.  tions. Northville City Fire Department  Members of the Northville Township Board of Trustees have approved the design
                                                                                       for Unity Park, a skateboard facility to be located in Millennium Park. Funding for
           The Northville City Fire Department  hires and manages a staff of up to 60 part-  the $600,000 park was provided by private donations along with $150,000 from
        will renew a 12-year interlocal agreement  time, paid-on-call firefighters who are  Northville Township and an allocation the township receives as part of the Wayne
        with the city of Plymouth that shares fire  assigned to one of the two cities as their  County Parks millage. California-based Spohn Ranch developed the plans for the
        and emergency services, following      primary station.                        project. The park initiative was launched following the hit-and-run death of
        approval of the Northville City Council  In addition to firefighting, they provide  Northville Township resident and skateboarder Dominic Duhn in 2020. Organizers
        members.                               basic life support services. Each city  said a groundbreaking at the new park will be scheduled in the near future. Board
           Northville Fire Chief Matt Samhat   maintains their respective fire stations  members requested a few changes to the proposed design including a different
        leads the effort, while the Northville  and engines while two separate dispatch  entryway and gathering space in the planned 11,000 square foot facility.
        Plymouth Fire Advisory Board members   centers field calls for service.
        Friends of the Rouge volunteers to work in Inkster area

           Opportunities for volunteers  egories/4-act-trees/.                                                                       The group of volunteers is
        to join the effort to maintain and  Friends of the Rouge is a non-                       ”                                 also   planning    to  work
        plant trees and protect the    profit 501(c)(3) organization                      The next volunteer                       Wednesday, Thursday and
        Lower Rouge River floodplain   founded in 1986 to raise aware-           work project is set for this Saturday..           Friday at the same times in the
        have been scheduled all summer  ness about the need to clean up                                                            same area.
        in the Inkster area, a spokesman  the Rouge River in southeast                                                               They will also work from 9
        from the group explained.      Michigan. The mission of the                                                                a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday,
           Upcoming events designed to  group is the restoration, protec-  The next volunteer work proj-  Inkster area. Tree planting in the  May 20.
        help preserve the local ecosys-  tion and enhancement of the  ect is set for 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.  same area is scheduled again  The volunteer efforts will con-
        tem are listed and registration to  Rouge River watershed through  this Saturday, May 6. Volunteers  from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. next  tinue the same weekdays
        volunteer are listed at:       stewardship, education, and col-  will be planting trees along the  Wednesday, May 10; Thursday,  through Saturday, June 3., offi-  laboration.              Lower Rouge River in the      May 11 and Friday, May 12.     cials said.

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