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Non-verbal communication
boards now installed in parks
Canton Township recently installed zation, these communication stations were
innovative nonverbal communication created to assist individuals with complex
boards in two popular parks - Heritage communications needs, such as individu-
and Independence parks. als with diagnoses such as autism, demen-
The boards are designed to enable non- tia, intellectual disabilities, hearing loss,
verbal individuals to easily communicate and more, Mortier added.
through the use of the augmentative and Installed low to the ground for ease of
alternative communication (AAC) board use by children, these 3-feet by 4-feet pan-
that will help individuals express them- els enable individuals to point to pic-
selves while encouraging inclusivity and tures/words on the display to express their
conversation on the playground, thoughts and feelings. The posted instruc-
explained Recreation Supervisor Laura tions are simple: To use the board: point to
Mortier. the symbols while you talk; allow response
“Canton Township continually works time and have fun, she explained. Augmentative and Communication boards are now available in both Heritage and
towards increasing the more inclusive The board features several symbols Independence parks in Canton Township. Photo courtesy of Canton Township.
amenities to our parks,” Mortier said. that users can simply point out in order to
“These additions will go a long way to express what they are trying to say. These along with the basics “Yes,” “No,” “What?” Independence Park, an 80-acre park locat-
enable more park visitors of all abilities to squares include illustrations and words “Where?” “All Done,” and others. ed on the southwest corner of Denton and
have a positive experience at our play- for pronouns: I, you; with other boxes indi- The newly installed communication Proctor roads.
ground, all while creating a more equi- cating actions, such as: climb, swing, slide, boards can be found in Heritage Park, For more information about the instal-
table play environment for all.” run and more. Additional boxes can be which is a 106-acre park located behind lation of these non-verbal communication
Developed by Communication is Key, used to indicate the visitor needs a bath- the Canton Administration Building at panels or any Canton Park, visit www.can-
AAC, a Michigan-based nonprofit organi- room break or use of a drinking fountain, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, and at or call (734) 394-5460.
Federal agents charge Canton man with child sex abuse
A Canton Township man is facing mul- criminal complaint. Records from
tiple federal criminal charges of sexually ” Western Union demonstrate the wire pay-
exploiting children, child pornography Lowe's Canton home was searched ments to an address in the Philippines
and producing sexually explicit material sent from an email address associated
of minors for import into the United April 20 and agents seized with Lowe's Skype account.
States. multiple electronic devices. Lowe's Canton home was searched
In a federal criminal complaint filed April 20 and agents seized multiple elec-
last week, Charles Calahan Lowe, 49, is tronic devices. Agents discovered a sexu-
charged with exchanging1,600 messages ally abusive video of a 12-14-year-old girl
and joining 177 Skype calls with a child request specific sexually abusive acts to court filings, on suspicion of producing on his phone, according to the complaint.
sex trafficker in the Philippines who sells involving children during private web- and distributing sexually abusive materi- Lowe is charged with sexual exploitation
sexually abusive webcam sessions involv- cam exchanges. The seller in the investi- al involving children. of a child; sexual exploitation of a child
ing children. According to the indictment, gation of Lowe's involvement was a From April 28, 2018 until Dec. 21, 2019, outside the United States; attempt and
Lowe paid for the child pornography with woman based in the Philippines, accord- Lowe and the trafficker also exchanged conspiracy to sexually exploit a child;
wire transfers he obtained at Rite Aid in ing to the court documents. She was sell- 177 Skype calls. Federal prosecutors receiving/distributing/possessing child
an effort to hide his actions from his wife. ing sexually abusive videos using Skype. allege that during the same period, the pornography; online enticement of a
The charges result from an investiga- Federal agents executed a search war- trafficker sent 29 sexually explicit videos child to engage in sexual activity; produc-
tion by Department of Homeland rant for the Skype account the trafficker and photos to Lowe. According to the tion of sexually explicit depictions of a
Security agents of webcam exchanges was using and determined that one user indictment, Lowe told the trafficker he minor for importation to the United
between sellers of video material featur- of the site was an account linked to Lowe. wanted to see her 3-year-old daughter in States and attempt and conspiracy to pro-
ing the sexual abuse and exploitation of Agents discovered 1,608 messages the webcam calls and sent several sexual- duce sexually explicit depictions of a
children to paying customers. Authorities exchanged between the trafficker and ly explicit and graphic messages about minor for importation to the United
said purchasers of the videos could then Lowe. She has been arrested, according the child which are now evidence in the States.
Shooting suspect faces To subscribe to The Eagle visit
Following searches in Canton April 3, 2023
Township, Taylor, Dearborn Heights and Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
Detroit, the man suspected in the April 16 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem John Barden.
shooting at Sherwood Mobile Home Park
has been arrested and arraigned on multi- Pledge of Allegiance
ple felony charges. Roll Call
Tywone Sweden, 31, has been charged Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb, Virginia
with 14 felonies, including assault with Williams
Absent / Excused:
intent to murder, felonious possession of a Administrative Officials in Attendance:
weapon and assault with a dangerous Robert McCraight, Mayor
weapon in connection to the shooting. Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
Stacy Paige, Treasurer
Prosecutors allege Sweden shot a 38-year- Administrative Staff in Attendance:
old man, wounding him in the leg and D'Sjonaun Hockenhull - Deputy Clerk; Stephen Hitchcock - City Attorney; Julie Wojtylko - Chief of Staff; Kathy
abdomen during the incident at the Hood - Assistant DPW Director
1. Agenda
mobile home park located on Old A. Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Eva Webb, to accept the Agenda as presented.
Michigan Avenue. Motion Carried Unanimously
Police discovered the victim at the 2. Minutes
scene and applied life-saving measures. Tywone Sweden A. Res. #23-091 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the Minutes
from the Regular Meeting held on Monday, March 27, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. Motion Carried
He was then transported to a nearby hos- Unanimously
There was no special meeting(s) held on Monday, March 27, 2023.
pital by emergency services for treatment received a $750,000 bond at his court 3. Petitioner - None
of his wounds. His condition was arraignment last week. His next court 4. Chairperson’s Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
unknown at press time. appearance is scheduled for tomorrow at A. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley, to accept the Chairperson's Report.
Sweden was arrested April 19 and the 35th District Court. Motion Carried Unanimously.
5. Mayor’s Report – Robert A. McCraight, Mayor
A. Res. #23-092 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the
Administration to re-appoint Carole Bales with a term to expire on June 24, 2029, and appoint
CITY OF ROMULUS Adewunmi Gbogboade with a term to expire December 31, 2028 to the Officer Compensation
ORDINANCE NO. 2023-004 Commission. Motion Carried Unanimously
B. Res. #23-093 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo, to concur with the administration
an award Bid ITB 22/23-19 to the lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder, DJ's Landscape
AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 36, ARTICLE VII, SECTION 36-353, Management (a local vendor) for a three year period ending December 31, 2025, for the mowing and
OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY, DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS, OF THE CITY OF trimming of the Romulus Memorial and the maintenance of the weeds and grass in the alley located
ROMULUS CODE OF ORDINANCES behind the downtown businesses for the City of Romulus, City Clerk, and DPW. Motion Carried
Section 1. Chapter 36, Article VII Section 36-353 Offenses Against Public Safety, Discharge of C. Res. #23-094 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth, to concur with the
Firearms is hereby amended to read as follows: Administration and award ITB 22/23-17 to the most responsible and responsible bidder, Winter
Sec. 36-353. Discharge of Firearms Equipment Company, for the purchase of underbody scraper blades for the City of Romulus DPW at
ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus this 24th the prices reflected in the company's bid. Motion Carried Unanimously
day of April 2023. D. Res. #23-095 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Virginia Williams, to concur with the
Administration and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into the two-year fixed price contract for
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City Council tree cutting and stump removal with the two most responsive and responsible bidders, PPM Tree
of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the Romulus City Hall Council Service and Arbor Care, LLC, and Urban Tree Trimming Services on an as-needed basis at the
Chambers on the 24th day of April, 2023. pricing reflected in each of the company's bids. Motion Carried Unanimously
I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a newspaper of 6. Clerk’s Report – Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 4th day of May, 2023. A. Res. #23-096 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the Second Reading
and Final Adoption of Budget Amendment 22/23-14 in the amount of $12,990.00 to use fund
balance to replace the Federal Weather Station (Tornado Siren) equipment that is failing due to
outdated equipment. Motion Carried Unanimously
7. Treasurer’s Report – Stacy Paige, Treasurer
ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC, 8. Public Comment
Romulus City Clerk A resident addressed the City Council to solicit volunteers for the Meals on Wheels program.
9. Unfinished Business
11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI. 11. Communication - See Clerk’s Office for a complete copy of the Minutes
Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a petition 12. Adjournment
may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect. Said peti- Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m.
tion shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent (6%) of Motion Carried Unanimously
the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the City was I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
elected. Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and the Council copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on April 3, 2023.
shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
Introduced: 04-10-2023
Adopted: 04-24-2023 Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
Published Effective: 05-04-2023 City of Romulus, Michigan
RM0736 - 042023 2.5 x 4.937 RM0735 - 042023 2.5 x 9.263