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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                              May 4, 2023

                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER
                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER

        New fire station study is OK’d by trustees

           Members of the Plymouth     tance of a new fire station at a                                                            Conely.
        Township Board of Trustees     three.                                                    ”                                   Conely is also strongly in favor
        approved a feasibility study last  Heise said the current fire sta-                Our ladder truck                        of a new station nothing the cur-
        month regarding the replace-   tion on Wilcox Road should be                                                               rent facility is outdated and
        ment of Fire Station No. 2 in the  razed and a new station built at                  won't even fit                        beyond rehabilitation. He said
        community.                     the existing site during discus-                     in this station.                       the department makes the cur-
           While Supervisor Kurt Heise,  sion of the issue during a recent                                                         rent building work but that “it
        Trustee John Stewart and Clerk  meeting. The building will soon                                                            could definitely be better.”  He
        Jerry Vorva consider the con-  be 50 years old, he reminded the                                                            explained that the station is
        struction a top priority, Trustees  board members.            trustees that they had recently  standards for service of firefight-  cramped and out of space and is
        Jen Buckley, Chuck Curmi and     “The decision to build a fire  approved the construction of  ers included.                not energy efficient. The station,
        Audrey Monaghan do not place   station is a huge decision and it's  new apartments in the area and  Board members agreed unan-  Conely said, lacks space for safe-
        the same level of importance on  going to be one of the biggest  that several local businesses rely  imously to the study to be com-  ty turnout gear and has small liv-
        the fire station, rating it as a five  decisions we would make in this  on Station 2 for emergency serv-  pleted by Dec. 1, with Monaghan  ing quarters, only a single rest-
        on a scale of one to five during a  decade,” Heise said.      ices. During discussion of the fea-  absent from the meeting. The  room and no workout space for
        goal setting session earlier this  Stewart also expressed his  sibility study, Stewart said he  study will be performed by  firefighters.
        year.       Treasurer    Bob   conviction that a new station was  wanted a report “from A to Z”  Heise, the township engineer  “Our ladder truck won't even
        Doroshewitz rated the impor-   necessary, reminding the       and that he wanted the state  and planner and Fire Chief Pat  fit in this station,” Conely said.
        2 men facing murder

        trial in woman’s death

           Shane Lamar Evans, 34, of Sumpter   marijuana seller. The two defendants
        Township will be sentenced May 4 for   allegedly entered the wrong side of the
        his part in the death of Elizabeth (Egypt)  duplex and shot and killed Covington.
        Covington in 2017.                     Evans has testified that he identified the
           Evans entered a guilty plea to charges  residence but left the area before the
        of second-degree murder as part of a   shooting.
        plea deal with prosecutors. He had origi-  Moore, who is accused of the shoot-
        nally been charged with homicide-felony  ing, and Groom have remained in the
        murder and home invasion-first degree.   Wayne County Jail since their arrest in  Moving along
           Evans offered testimony against     2020.  Each face charges of first-degree
        Timothy Eugene Moore, 37, of Toledo    premeditated murder, felony murder,      In the two months since the devastating fire at Karl's Cabin in Plymouth, crews
        and Shandon R. Groom, 30, also of      home invasion first degree and weapons   have been working on the demolition phase of restoring the 76-year-old building.
        Toledo. During proceedings at the 34th  felony firearm violations. Wayne County  The banquet room, service hallways and upstairs offices are torn down to studs
        District Court, Evans testified he direct-  Circuit Court Judge Wanda Evans ruled  and are being prepped for the construction portion of the renovation. The historic
        ed Moore and Groom to a duplex on      last week that she would allow the jury  log cabin side remains intact and is being prepared for cleaning and staining due
                                                                                        to the heavy smoke damage. During a staff meeting at the historic eatery recently,
        Hull Road in Van Buren Township        trials for the two defendants to be joined.  employees were invited to sign the studs and interior walls so their memories
        which he believed was the home of a      That trial is set to begin July 24.    would remain in the walls. Owners said updates would continue during the
        Cyber                                  tics and capabilities change so rapidly.

                                               “Everyone in the organization should take
                                               it so they can see what an efficient email                             SYNOPSIS
                                                                                                                  REGULAR MEETING
        FROM PAGE 1                            really is,” he said, “and be able to identify               CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                               those which contain harmful codes which                            BOARD OF TRUSTEES
        stituents and residents, I'll be pleased,” he  can overtake a system.”        DATE:  Thursday, April 20, 2023
        said.                                    He also told the board members that  TIME:  7:00 p.m.
           Currently, he said, cyber attacks are  the township should have an incident  PLACE: 44405 Six Mile Road
                                                                                      CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
        coming from China, Russia, Iran and    response plan in place in the event of a  PRESENT:   Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee
        North Korea and are under way 24-7, in an  cyberattack. “The majority of organiza-          Cynthia Jankowski, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                                                                                                    Jason Rhines, Treasurer
                                                                                                                          Roger Lundberg, Trustee
        effort to disrupt the quality of life in this  tions are going to get hit. The day you get                        Christopher Roosen, Trustee
        country, Behen said. Another motive for  hit is going to be a really bad day. Someone  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
                                                                                      1. Agendas:
        hacking is money, he said, as cybercrime  should be able to say, 'Follow the response  A.  Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved
        can be lucrative.                      plan' and remediate the situation quickly.”  2. Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:
                                                                                             Resolution - Jake Moody - Approved & Presented
           In addition to the political and profit  Behen also warned the trustees about  B.  Essential Services Complex Presentation - Approved
        motives, there are also the thrill seekers  the most common error computer users  C.  Reappointment - HDC - Fred Shadko - Approved
                                                                                             Reappointment - Bldg Dept Board of Appeals - Ronald Fry - Approved
        attempting to break into computer net-  tend to commit, which is the failure to  E.  Landfill Working Committee Report - No Report
        works and systems, he said.  “And what we  change passwords regularly and use  3. Public Hearing: None
                                                                                      4. Brief Public Comments: Two members of the audience had questions or comments for the Board of Trustees.
        call the Hacktavists who attack organiza-  strong, multi-character passwords.  5. New Business:
        tions to embarrass them for some wrong   “Make sure passwords are complex and    A.  Fire - Meadowbrook Country Club Firework Permit - Approved
                                                                                             Water Tower Logo - Legacy Park - Approved
        they feel has been committed.”         long, nine to 14 characters,” he advised.  C.  GLWA Reimbursement Agreement - Approved
           Behen colorfully detailed the exact pro-  “That change is critical every 90 days.  D.  Essential Services Complex Design Services - Approved
                                                                                             Cunningham-Limp Contract Amendment - Approved
        cedures and tactics cyber criminals of all  These bad guys are doing recon on you,  F.  Caterpillar 289D3 Compact Truck Loader Purchase - Approved
        types use to gain access to systems, includ-  they can find your passwords,” he said. He  G.  Swap Loader Dump Truck Purchase - Approved
                                                                                             Five Mile/ Ridge Road Water Main Project Contract - Approved
        ing those who seek to ransom a computer  stressed that users should never reuse a  I.  Facility Encroachment Agreement w/ CSX Railway - Approved
        system they have attacked. Denial of serv-  previous password. “If a bad guy gets your  J.  Quail Ridge Paving SAD Consulting Contract - Approved
                                                                                             Legacy Park Master Plan Update Contract - Approved
        ice attacks are also becoming common-  password and then gets into you're your   L.  Unity Skatepark Design Approval - Approved
        place, he said when a hacker creates a bot  email account with your user name, he's in  M.  Wayne County Park Millage Funds IGA - Approved
                                                                                             Grant Policy - Approved
        and brings down a system. These people,  your bank accounts, shopping accounts,  O.  Amended Real Estate Agreement - Approved
        too, will ransom systems back to the vic-  retirement accounts, and everything else  6. Unfinished Business: None
                                                                                      7. Ordinances: None
        tims, he said.                         on your computer.”                     8. Check Registry:
           He offered insightful and detailed    He said everyone should have a pass-  A. In the amount of $ 5,475,538.52 for the period of March 4, 2023 to April 7, 2023. - Approved
                                                                                      9. Board Communication & Reports:
        examples of the different types of cyber  word manager application and the pro-  A. Mark Abbo, Cynthia Jankowski, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Roger Lundberg, Christopher Roosen, Todd
        crime and told the board members the   grams are inexpensive and easy to use.  10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
        best possible defense is information and  “We are trying to demystify cyber secu-  11. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 9:08 p.m.
        education. He suggested the township   rity,” he said. “A lot of people don't under-  A draft of the meeting minutes will be available May 2, 2023.
                                                                                      Respectfully submitted:
        schedule education awareness programs  stand, but I guarantee you, cybercrime is  Mark Abbo, Supervisor
        for employees every 6 months as the tac-  happening in your community.”       Cynthia Jankowski, Clerk                                       NT0216 - 050423  2.5 x 6.078
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