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April 30, 2020                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland mayor submits balanced budget to council

           Westland Mayor William R.   include an overall taxable value                                                            next 16 years, according to city
        Wild presented a $72 million bal-  increase of 4.18 percent and a                        ”                                 calculations.
        anced budget to members of the  provision for the city match for 13            The city's Finance Team                       A virtual budget study session
        city council last week.        federally funded SAFER Grant                     has worked very hard                       is planned for 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
           The budget, for fiscal year  firefighters, a plan to offer retire-                                                      Saturday, May 2. Times are sub-
        2020-2021, includes funding for  ment-eligible Police Chief Jeff           on this year's budget proposal.                 ject to deviation. Information on
        planned infrastructure projects  Jedrusik a 5-year contract to con-                                                        how the public can attend these
        and planned water and sewer    tinue his employment, and funds  approximately $3.6 million to  with a third-party, independent  virtual meetings along with the
        capital projects along with the  to restart the Curbside Recycling  fund planned water and sewer  report commissioned by the city  2020-2021 budget proposal are
        purchase of a new fire rescue  Program.                       capital projects. Provisions were  in 2019.                  available on www.cityofwest-
        vehicle. The budget also includes  The budget also includes an  also included for an additional $1  The city is also proposing to
        funding for the retiree health-  additional payment of $500,000  million in capital improvements,  issue bonds, in accordance with  “The city's Finance Team has
        care liability and funding for  above costs, to lower the unfund-  including a new fire rescue vehi-  Public Act 575 of 2018, to fully  worked very hard on this year's
        curbside recycling, approved by  ed retiree healthcare (OPEB) lia-  cle, roof repairs at the  fund the MERS Pension Plan.  budget proposal,” commented
        voters in August. The budget   bility. An additional $150,000 has  Department of Public Service  Taking advantage of historically  Wild. “This proposed conserva-
        adds approximately $60,000 to  also been allocated to offer cash  building, and parking lot  low interest rates, the proposed  tive budget allows for continued
        the General Fund unassigned    incentives to retirees to discon-  improvements at the 18th  bond sale would effectively fund  improvements to the city's infra-
        balance, preserving a “rainy day”  tinue city healthcare coverage.   District Court.        and close the city pension plan  structure, increases public safety
        fund balance at approximately    The budget allocates planned   In addition, the proposed   for general employees and lower  and makes significant progress
        $5.7 million, according to city offi-  infrastructure expenditures of  budget includes several structur-  current expenditures by an esti-  towards lowering unfunded pen-
        cials. .                       $5.3 million for the major and  al changes for central service  mated $1.1 million in the current  sion and retiree healthcare obli-
           Highlights of proposed budget  local roads and also includes  department allocations to align  year and $68 million over the  gation.”

                                          On the job

                                          Zeke, the therapy dog who joined the
                                          Wayne Police Department last December,
                                          has been an invaluable aid to officers during
                                          the recent pandemic, according to the offi-
                                          cial department Facebook page. Zeke's
                                          main role is to provide comfort and stress
                                          relief to officers at the police station. "It is
                                          important to remember that law enforcement
                                          is an extremely stressful job. Officers
                                          encounter nearly constant trauma through-
                                          out their careers - people dying before their
                                          time, people at their worst, horrific car crash-
                                          es, etc. Having Zeke around is a great way
                                          to give officers a bit of stress relief. Zeke is
                                          always in a good mood, and he is always
                                          ready for petting and ear scratching," the
                                          Facebook post notes. Zeke is a 4-year-old
                                          Golden Retriever and is certified through the
                                          Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD). The dog
                                          has undergone 24 weeks of obedience train-
                                          ing, testing, and observation in various set-
                                          tings in order to receive that certification.
                                          When not "on duty," Zeke lives with Police
                                          Chief Ryan Strong. Zeke has even been
                                          known to Facetime with officer's young chil-
                                          dren as he offers a friendly, furry face and a
                                          respite from the extremely stressful condi-
                                          tions the pandemic has imposed throughout
                                          the area.

         If you experience an overflow or backup of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a writ-
         ten claim with the Plymouth Charter Township Department of Public Works within 45 days after the overflow or
         backup was discovered.  Notice should be mailed to Plymouth Charter Township, Department of Public Works,
         9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan 48170.  Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery
         of damages. Contact the Department of Public Works, 734-354-3270, Extension 3, for assistance immediately
         upon discovery of an overflow or backup. Thank You
                                                    JERRY VORVA, Clerk,
                                                    Charter Township of Plymouth
         Publish April 30 & May 7, 2020                             PT0294 - 043020  2.5 x 2.074

                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                          ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - PUBLIC HEARING
                                 TO BE HELD ELECTRONICALLY
                                     May 20, 2020 - 7:00 PM
         The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) has scheduled a public hearing for Wednesday, May 20, 2020 to be held by electronic
         remote access.  For information on how to view and participate in the meeting, please visit the township's website at  The ZBA will consider the following variance requests to Chapter 170, Zoning Ordinance:
             •  50595 Six Mile Rd. - 170-18.2.S, Article 18 Schedule of Regulations (setback to residential), to allow an expansion of
              a nonconforming building setback from residential property.
             •  15500 Portis Rd. - Article 34 Land Division, Combination or Reconfiguration, to allow a land division where the result-
              ing lots will have a depth to width ratio that exceeds 3:1.
             •  16220 Old Bedford Rd. - Article 22 Nonconforming Uses, Building & Structures, to expand a nonconforming setback.
             •  900 Spring Dr. - Article 18 Schedule of Regulations, to allow reduced front and side yard setbacks.
         Written comments regarding these requests will be received by the ZBA at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168. The
         meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M.
         Paul Slatin, Chair
         Zoning Board of Appeals
         Publish:  April 30, 2020                                       NT0066 - 043020  2.5 x 2.75
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