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Canton Liberty Fest and other events canceled
Members of the Canton 22, 8:30-10:30 a.m. in the IKEA
Township administration have parking lot.
suspended community events • Senior Summit, scheduled
and festivals through June 30 in for May 13 has been postponed
response to the coronavirus until fall.
pandemic. • River Day, scheduled for
“Canton is committed to help- Saturday, May 16 has been can-
ing contain the spread of celed.
COVID-19,” a township • Canton Sport Center
spokesperson noted in a pre- leagues and programs, includ-
pared statement. One of the ing adult softball, have been
most significant and largest postponed until May 26.
events to succumb to the effects • Pheasant Run Golf Club
of the pandemic is the tradition- and Fellows Creek Golf Club
al Liberty Fest which was sched- opening dates will follow
uled from June 18-20. The event, Michigan Executive Orders.
which drew crowds from • Canton Farmers Market
throughout the area to the town- opening day, originally sched-
ship, has been canceled in an uled for Sunday, May 10, will be resume the week of July 6. tered fitness classes have been according to a statement from
effort to keep resident safe and postponed until further notice. • The B.L.O.C.K., as well as suspended through June 20. the township.
comply with the Stay Home Stay • The opening of the Canton affiliated programs and servic- • Canton Club 55+ classes, All township parks and trails
Safe executive order of the gov- Community Gardens has been es, are suspended through June events, and programs have been remain open although play-
ernor, which was extended last postponed until further notice. 30. suspended through June 30. grounds and park restrooms are
week. • Thursday Night LIVE! • Summit on the Park swim • All activities at the Village closed until further notice.
All special events in the town- Concert Series' first concert, lessons have been canceled Theater have been canceled Officials urged anyone using the
ship scheduled through June 30 scheduled for June 25, has been through June 14. until further notice. parks to follow proper CDC pro-
have been canceled, according postponed. • Summit on the Park mem- Those registered for a can- tocol and recommended social
to township officials, including: • Recreation-based classes berships, including Kids' Corner, celed or suspended class, pro- distancing guidelines.
• DDA Shred Event, sched- and the start of Canton Summer will be suspended until further gram, facility rental, or camp For more information, visit
uled for May 8 has been Camp programs have been post- notice. scheduled through July 3 will or www.can-
rescheduled for Saturday, Aug. poned and tentatively may • Summit on the Park regis- automatically be refunded,
Candidates file for August primary ballot in Plymouth
Don Howard Township Clerk Jerry Vorva, that the office had to expel Seven candidates have filed and Becky Krupa, all
Staff Writer however, who has also served one Plymouth Township from that nominating petitions for the five Republicans.
term, will be challenged by anoth- program due to the failure of both available trustee terms. Krupa was associated with the
Voters in Plymouth Township er Republican candidate, long- the clerk's and then-treasurer's Incumbents Gary Heitman and political action group “Say No to
will choose the names to appear time resident and former Deputy office to provide sufficient Jack Dempsey have opted not to PARC” and then “Say No To All
on the Nov. 3 ballot during the pri- Clerk Sandy Groth who abruptly records and financial documents. seek reelection. Taxes,” registered with the state
mary election set for Aug. 4 from a resigned her position last year. After her loss to Vorva in the Incumbents on the ballot will election commission as Defeat
field including only one Whichever of them is success- August 2016 primary election, be Chuck Curmi and Bob PARC Millage. The group was
Democrat. ful Aug. 4 will face Democrat Conzelman campaigned as a Doroshewitz, both long-time allegedly formed to block a town-
Popular incumbent Township Nancy Conzelman, who was write-in candidate in November members of the board. Also seek- ship public safety millage and
Supervisor Kurt Heise will serve defeated by Vorva in her cam- and was reported to have ing trustee posts are Audrey defeat the PARC ballot proposal.
another four-year term as he is paign for reelection as clerk in received only about 130 votes. Monaghan, and former state rep- The ballot proposal, defeated in
unopposed for the office on the 2016. Her tenure was filled with Conzelman's name will appear resentative and one-term town- November 2018, to fund the
primary ballot. controversy and after her exit an on the primary ballot as she is ship trustee John Stewart, who Plymouth Arts and Recreation
Also unopposed on the ballot is unusual number of records and unopposed as a Democrat. ran unsuccessfully as an inde- Complex, was one of the most
incumbent Treasurer Mark files were reported missing. Conzelman had also filed a peti- pendent for the 7th Senate contentious issues facing voters in
Clinton, who like Heise, has Officials from the federal Drug tion to seek a term as a trustee but District in 2010. both the city and township,
served in his respective office for Forfeiture Funding program at withdrew that petition by the fil- Others seeking trustee seats including accusations of vandal-
four years. the time informed the police chief ing deadline. are Don Schnettler, Dan Callahan ism by each side.