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April 30, 2020                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                 NORTHVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                 NORTHVILLE - ROMULUS

        Township will request millage on primary ballot

           Voters in Northville Township  age will result in no increase in                                                        ment.
        will be asked to approve a mill-  the amount taxpayers in the              Therefore, according to officials,                A Northville Township house
        age to fund police, EMS, fire,  township are assessed.                                                                     with a market value of $400,000
        parks, recreation, senior and    Members of the Northville             approval of the Aug. 4 millage will result          will see an increase of approxi-
        youth services on the Aug. 4 bal-  Board of Trustees approved the            in no increase in the amount                  mately $100 per year if the mill-
        lot.                           new millage at the April 16 regu-                                                           age is approved by voters, how-
           While the millage is an     lar meeting. The existing millage       taxpayers in the township are assessed.             ever that increase will be offset
        increase of .5 mill, that amount  to fund township operations will                                                         by a decrease of approximately
        will be offset by a decrease of  expire this year and trustees  decision was based on months of  currently being provided in the  the same amount in the separate
        approximately .5 mill in the mill-  agree to place the increase of .5  analysis and input from resi-  community.  To accomplish that  millage for the 2009 Seven Mile
        age used for the Seven Mile    mill on the ballot, effective for 6  dents. The findings indicated  retention of service levels, the .5  Road property purchase.  As a
        Road property purchase.        years, from 2021--2026.        that residents are in favor of  mill is necessary and 90 percent  result, the total millage paid by
           Therefore, according to offi-  According to a prepared state-  maintaining the current levels of  of that increase is needed to  property owners will not
        cials, approval of the Aug. 4 mill-  ment from the township, the  police, fire and EMS services  fund the public safety depart-  increase, officials said.
        Northville candidates submit petitions for August vote

                         Don Howard    mitment.                                                  ”                                 and Chris Roosen.
                          Staff Writer   “Everyone here is dedicated         Everyone here is dedicated and committed                The incumbents will be chal-
                                       and committed to serving the                                                                lenged by Cyndy Jankowski,
           In Northville Township, the  township and doing what's best            to serving the township and doing                Steve McCurik, Kevin Johnston
        slate of candidates seeking elec-  for our residents.” Nix said.            what's best for our residents.                 and Mohammad Aslam, the only
        tion Aug. 4 includes 12          Abbo announced his retire-                                                                Democrat on the ballot.
        Republicans and a lone         ment as township supervisor in                                                                The winners of the Aug. 4
        Democrat.                      2012. During his term, the state  Abbo was appointed fiscal direc-  Vying for the office of treasur-  election for trustee will deter-
           Filing for reelection to the  closed Northville Psychiatric  tor for the Wayne County    er in the township will be     mine which names appear on
        position of township supervisor  Hospital and the resulting pro-  Commission in 2016.       incumbent Fred Shakdo who      the Republican ticket Nov. 3 to
        were incumbent Supervisor      posed development at the site    Marjorie F.  Banner, the    will be opposed by Jason       challenge Aslam, the only
        Robert R. Nix, III and Mark J.  prompted a period of turmoil  incumbent township clerk is   Rhines.                        Democratic candidate.
        Abbo, who served as supervisor  and animus between the town-  seeking reelection to the full-  Candidates for the four terms  All terms of office in the town-
        from 2000 until 2012.          ship and the City of Livonia. The  time position and will be chal-  of office as members of the  ship are four years and the suc-
           Nix said he's looking forward  situation led to open arguments,  lenged by Roger Lundberg, a for-  Northville Township Board of  cessful candidates in November
        to another term and praised his  lawsuits and an effort at annexa-  mer engineering director at  Trustees will be incumbents  will serve from November of
        board members and their com-   tion of Northville by Livonia.  Fiat-Chrysler Corp.          Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann    2020 until November of 2024.
        Yard waste pick up resumes                                                     Sign of the times

           Residents in the City of Northville  cials said in a prepared statement.    Members of the Romulus Police Department
        could place yard waste at the curb for   To prevent residents from having to   sent a thank you to all the residents and
        pick-up beginning last week.           store bags of yard waste on their property,  businesses who have “fed us, prayed for us,
           Northville officials have come to an  Northville has installed a dumpster tem-  even thought about us during this thing.
        agreement with Waste Management, the   porarily at the Department of Public    Some of us like many of you have been for-
        city refuse contractor, to begin collecting  Works facility at 650 Doheny Dr. City of  ever changed by the coronavirus, but it has-
                                                                                       n't broken us. We are Romulus strong and
        the yard debris beginning last Monday.  Northville residents will be able to access  we'll all get through this together,” read the
           Those with yard waste can place it at  it daily but the dumpster is for yard waste  post on the police department Facebook
        the curb on the regularly scheduled trash  only.                               page prompted by this sign posted at the
        pick-up days, officials said.            “Please do not place trash in the dump-  back gate of police headquarters. Officers
           The yard waste collection may be    ster or leave debris in the drive,” officials  sent a special thank you to Brian and
        delayed beyond residents' regular service  said. “The city thanks you for your  Michelle. “It's the first thing our guys see as
        day, since Waste Management is working  patience and understanding during this  they are hitting the means more than
        with limited crews and is focused on deliv-  unprecedented crisis,” the statement con-  you'll ever know,” the officers posted.
        ering essential services, Northville offi-  cluded.

                                                                                       It's never been more important
                                                                                       for everyone living in Michigan

                                                                                       to be counted in the U.S. census.

                                                                                       The census impacts everyone from seniors to students, kids and
                                                                                       parents and our local businesses and neighborhoods. Participating
                                                                                       in the census is a civic duty as important as voting to our democra-

                                                                                       To help get the word out, the state of Michigan has launched the Be
                                                                                       Counted campaign to communicate the importance of completing
                                                                                       the census, dispel myths and help ensure every Michigander is
                                                                                       counted in the 2020 Census.

                                                                                       The census form is available in several different languages in addi-
                                                                                       tion to English, including Spanish. You are not required to be a citi-
                                                                                       zen in order to complete the 2020 Census, and there are no citizen-
                                                                                       ship questions on the census form.

                                                                                       The census takes place every 10 years with the goal of counting
                                                                                       everyone living in the United States. Invitations to complete the 2020
                                                                                       Census will begin arriving in mailboxes across Southeast Michigan
                                                                                       in March.

                                                                                       For the first time, the census can be filled out online, as well as by
                                                                                       phone or mail, making it more convenient than ever.

                                                                                       Also, your information is 100% confidential and by law cannot be
                                                                                       shared with anyone. Census data is only used to produce demo-
                                                                                       graphic statistics and will not be used in a way that will identify you
                                                                                       or your household.

                                                                                       Completing the 2020 Census is critical to the future of our state.
                                                                                       There is $3,000 in federal funding at stake for every person who
                                                                                       completes the census.

                                                                                       The 2020 Census will ask questions about the number of people liv-
                                                                                       ing in your household on April 1, 2020, and ask their names, ages,
                                                                                       genders, race, dates of birth, relationship status, phone numbers
                                                                                       and whether your home is owned or rented.

                                                                                       Participation in the census determines funding for local communities
                                                                                       and essential services, including public safety, schools, housing,
                                                                                       health care, and senior programs. Michigan receives nearly $30 bil-
                                                                                       lion per year in federal funding for these and many other critical pro-
                                                                                       grams. Census numbers also help determine how many congres-
                                                                                       sional seats Michigan will have.

                                                                                                    Be sure to fill out your census form
                                                                                                           and Be Counted in 2020.

                                                                                         To learn more, visit

                                                                                                    Kerry Ebersole Singh is Michigan's 2020 Census executive director.
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