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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 30, 2020

                              BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER - VAN BUREN
                              BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER - VAN BUREN

        Sumpter police awards go digital during pandemic

           Sumpter Township Director of  his significant contribution to the                                                       Records Management System
        Public Safety/Police Chief Eric  mission of the Sumpter                These officers deserve to be recognized             (RMS) and Computer-Aided
        Luke has found a means of hon-  Township Police Department,                                                                Dispatch (CAD) in late 2019, mov-
        oring the officers of his depart-  Luke noted.                            for their outstanding work, though.              ing to the CLEMIS system oper-
        ment while adhering to the  Stay  “Officer Devos exemplifies       I ask that we all take a moment to acknowledge          ated by Oakland County.
        Home Stay Safe executive order  duty, honor, and integrity. His                                                              “A switch like this is a consid-
        of the governor. That safety meas-  dedication and work ethic is top-  and congratulate the award winners for 2019.        erable undertaking for any
        ure has curtailed official meet-  notch, and he demonstrates the                                                           department but was completed
        ings of the Sumpter Township   highest standard of character                                                               in a relatively short period and
        Board of Trustees and has      and professional conduct,” Luke  a residence on Texas Street for  through the quality of work per-  with very few hurdles due to
        delayed an important presenta-  explained. “His care for the com-  an Opioid overdose victim not  formed.  This year, the award was  their extraordinary work ethic,
        tion to officers of the department.   munity is evident at all times and  breathing. They provided life-  posthumously presented to  dedication, knowledge, and pro-
           Traditionally, the exemplary  his contributions are essential to  saving measures in the form of  Det./Corp. John Ashby. The  fessionalism,” Luke said.
        work of township police officers  the success of the department.”  Narcan, saving the 28-year-old  award honored his 20th anniver-  Toth, Egerer, Schrecengost
        is recognized during an official                              man's life.                   sary with the department in 2019.   and Dzagulones were chosen for
        meeting of the board of trustees  LIFE-SAVING AWARD             Egerer was awarded for her     “Sadly, Det./Cpl. Ashby lost his  the honor as a result of an Oct. 2,
        attended by the public, friends  The Life Saving Award is pre-  response on Nov. 10, 2019, to a  battle with cancer and passed on  2019 joint investigation between
        and family members. With the   sented each year to an officer or  residence on Rustic Lane North  Feb. 28, 2020,” Luke noted.  the Sumpter Police Department
        delay of those meetings due to  officers who are credited with  for an Opioid overdose victim not                          and the Belleville Police
        the COVID-19 pandemic, those   actively saving a human life.  breathing. She provided life-sav-  PATROL PRODUCTIVITY       Department after threats were
        meetings have been delayed for  Chosen for the award this year  ing measures in the form of    Honored as the most produc-  made against both departments
        the month of April, when the   were Sgt. Beth Egerer, Sgt.    Narcan, saving the 32-year-old  tive road patrol members during  in addition to the Van Buren
        awards would usually be pre-   Joseph Balowski, Ofc. Colleen  man's life.                   2019 were Sgt. Beth Egerer on  Public Schools. These threats
        sented.                        Gottschalk, Ofc. Chris Herrick,                              the day shift, Ofc. Bart Devos on  were sent from bogus Facebook
           To compensate for that lack of  Ofc. Bart Devos, Ofc. Ken Toney,  ACADEMIC               the night shift and Ofc. Sean  and email accounts.
        public recognition, Luke recently  and Ofc. Jesiah Rodriguez  ACHIEVEMENT AWARD             Hudson on the float shift.       “Due to the excellent police
        had the names of the honored     Gottschalk and Toney were      This award is presented to a                               work of these officers, the investi-
        officers listed on the police  selected for the award based on  department member who       CHIEF'S RECOGNITION            gation quickly identified the 22-
        department Facebook page.      their response Feb. 26, 2019 to a  advances their educational level  The chief of police may pres-  year-old Belleville resident
           “Unfortunately, due to COVID-  residence on Sumpter Road   while continually working for the  ent this award to a member of  behind the fake accounts/
        19, we're not sure when this type  where they discovered an unre-  department. This year, Sgt. Beth  the police department for any  threats, and he was subsequently
        of gathering will be able to occur  sponsive overdose victim. The  Egerer and Sgt. Brian Stffani  reason deemed worthy of recog-  arrested and charged with two
        again safely,” the chief comment-  officers administered Narcan,  were honored for their respec-  nition. Selected for the honor this  felony counts; false report or
        ed on the entry. “These officers  saving the 27-year-old man's life.   tive graduations from the  year were: Lt. Patrick Gannon;  threat of terrorism and using a
        deserve to be recognized for     Gottschalk and Devos were    Eastern Michigan University   Operations Coordinator Malissa  computer to commit a crime,”
        their outstanding work, though. I  selected for their response  June  School of Police Staff and  Paquette; Det./Sgt. John Toth;  Luke said. The suspect has since
        ask that we all take a moment to  5, 2019, to a residence on Nevada  Command in October, 2019.   Sgt. Beth Egerer; Corp. Todd  entered a guilty plea to the
        acknowledge and congratulate   Street for an Opioid overdose vic-                           Schrecengost of the Belleville  charges.
        the award winners for 2019,”   tim not breathing. They provided  VALUED SERVICE             Police Department and Ofc.       “I want to thank the award
        Luke posted.                   life-saving measures in the form  Members qualifying for this  Sarah Dzagulones, also of the  recipients along with all other
                                       of Narcan, saving the 31-year-old  award have accrued a minimum  Belleville Police Department.  members of the department for a
        OFFICER OF THE YEAR            woman's life.                  of 20 years of continued service  Gannon and Paquette were   job well done in 2019. Thank you
           Chosen as 2019 Officer of the  Balowski, Herrick and       in the department. The officer  selected as a result of their work  for your continued dedication
        Year was Ofc. Bart Devos.      Rodriguez were honored for     must demonstrate a consistent  when the police department    and service to the community,”
           His selection was based on  their response on Oct. 21, 2019, to  commitment to the department  undertook a switch of the  Luke concluded.
        Candidates file nominating petitions for Aug. 4 township vote

           Candidates for office in    John W. Morgan who will be     LaPorte, Don Swinson and Tim
        Sumpter Township had until 4   challenged by Nelson Po;       Rush. On Monday, additional                     The election will be on
        p.m. last Tuesday to file nomi-  Antoine Jordan; Tim Bowman   petitions had been filed for
        nating petitions for office.   and Denise Komora.             trustee seats by Sheena Barnes,               Tuesday, Aug. 4 during the
           While The Eagle was able to   Incumbent Township Clerk     Ken Myers, Peggy Morgan and             presidential primary election in the state.
        print names of most candidates  Esther Hurst will seek reelec-  Eric Partridge.
        last week, due to an early press  tion and will be opposed by can-  Filing nominating petitions
        time, the names of all the candi-  didate Sherry Olds.        for the office of treasurer were  office of the township clerk.  tion date.
        dates on the Aug. 4 ballot were  Four incumbent trustees also  James Clark and Vincent         Terms for all offices in the  The election will be on
        not included.                  filed affidavits declaring their  Warren. Incumbent Treasurer  township are four years. The  Tuesday, Aug. 4 during the presi-
           Seeking the office of supervi-  candidacy for re-election,  Kenneth Bednark did not file a  story last week also inadvertent-  dential primary election in the
        sor is incumbent Supervisor    including Matt Oddy, Don       re-election petition with the  ly contained an erroneous elec-  state.

        Van Buren Township Fire Chief returns from leave

           Fire Chief Amy Brow                                                                         “She empowers her staff to
        received a warm welcome when              She empowers her staff to do better,              do better, always act with safety
        she returned to work last                                                                   in mind, and remain physically
        Monday following a leave of                  always act with safety in mind,                and mentally fit,” said McInally.
        absence.                                 and remain physically and mentally fit.               Brow helped expand the fire
           Director of Public Safety Greg                                                           department to six full-time fire-
        Laurain said was pleased to see                                                             fighters, led the purchasing of
        Brow return to her position.     McInally has served as inter-  prouder to go back to work  new and improved equipment
           “I'm pleased to announce that  im fire chief since January. He  alongside them again. Thank  for the department, and is
        Amy Brow will be returning     will return to his position of fire  you to Chief Brow, Director  responsible for several other
        back to work as Van Buren      marshal in the township.       Laurain, and the Township     improvements, officials said.
        Township Fire Chief and would    “It was a pleasure filling in  Board for giving me the opportu-  “Without Amy Brow's leader-
        like to thank Interim Chief    for Chief Brow while she was on  nity,” said McInally.       ship, our fire department would
        (David) McInally for his leader-  leave. We have a very profes-  Brow has been employed     not be what it is today. We're
        ship during Chief Brow's leave.  sional department that works  with Van Buren Township since  thankful for Interim Chief
        McInally has performed an      hard for each other and their  April 2017 and has implemented  McInally's hard work during her
        exemplary job these past several  community. I am honored to  many new changes under her    leave and excited to welcome
        months, especially during the  have led such an awesome       leadership, McInally comment-  back Fire Chief Brow,” said
        COVID-19 crisis,” Laurain said.   group of people, and even   ed.                           Supervisor Kevin McNamara.                Fire Chief Amy Brow


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