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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 28, 2022

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        Council considering new 8 mill property tax levy

           Wayne residents could see an  (MERS) sued the city for the                                                              outstanding MERS liability.
        extra $200 to $300 on their tax  arrearage in contributions. City                        ”                                   Officials attempted to per-
        bills next year if language for a  officials opted not to defend the         The 8 mills proposed for five                 suade voters to approve an Act
        new levy is authorized by mem-  MERS court action in what was                years would fund the police                   345 millage request in 2013 and
        bers of the city council and then  characterized by critics as a                                                           2015, but the proposal failed at
        approved by voters in November.  "friendly lawsuit" forcing the          and fire department retirement plans.             the ballot box. According to city
           The 8 mills proposed for five  financial liability onto taxpayers.                                                      officials, there is not sufficient
        years would fund the police and  Earlier this month, members                                                               tax revenue collected in the city
        fire department retirement     of the city council directed the  fire retirement plans.     imbalance.                     to fund the pension obligations. If
        plans. Wayne has been in a     city attorney to prepare language  According to officials, Wayne  Officials said that the pro-  approved by voters, the collected
        deficit position for contributions  for the November ballot request-  has 170 retirees collecting pen-  posed millage, if approved by vot-  8 mills would also improve the
        to the retirement plan for several  ing voters to approve up to 8  sion benefits with only 80  ers, would prevent another large  balance in the city general fund,
        years and was ordered by the   mills to fund the retirement obli-  employees contributing to the  tax levy by order of the court if  currently being used to pay the
        court to levy 13.13999 mills on the  gations. The millage would fall  fund. Several years ago, the city  MERS sues again. With voters  pension obligations.
        city winter tax collection. The  under provisions of state Act 345  offered early retirement to  approval of the new proposal,  Councilwoman Kelly Skiff cast
        court order came after the     which gives communities the    employees in an effort to cut  members of the council could  the only no vote April 6 for the
        Municipal         Employees    authority to create new tax levies  labor costs in the city which may  decide annually whether to levy  authorization of the ballot lan-
        Retirement System of Michigan  specifically to fund police and  have had an impact on the fund  the full 8 mills depending on the  guage.
                                                                                     Police seeking slaying suspect

                                                                                       Troopers with the Michigan State    female, who was discovered around 6:30
                                                                                     Police are currently investigating the  p.m. in a residence at Hamlin Place
                                                                                     homicide of a young woman after her   Estates off Hamlin Drive in Inkster on
                                                                                     body was found in an Inkster apartment  April 20.
                                                                                     with apparent gunshot wounds.            The name of the victim was not
                                                                                       State police authorities said detec-  released and police did not provide any
                                                                                     tives are piecing together what hap-  further information regarding the situa-
                                                                                     pened to the victim, a 23-year-old    tion.
                                                                                     Candidates for city council

                                                                                     seats file for 2-year terms

                                                                                       Wayne voters will be asked to choose   In Ward 4, Deborah Wass is unopposed
        STEP                                  independence, pride in their work, and  city council members from three wards in  for the council term; in Ward 5, Eric
                                                                                                                           Cleerman, a member of the Wayne
                                                                                     the city during the November election.
                                              fostering each person's own unique and
                                              individual style.                        Each of the terms is for two years end-  Commission on Aging, and Rabih
        FROM PAGE 1                              Studio assistants might help an artist  ing in 2024 when all seven city elected  Darwiche have filed nominating petitions
                                              find a book for reference, or offer words of  positions will be on the ballot. Voters  seeking the term. In Ward 6, Mathew
        ently; we're not shadowing them,”     encouragement, but artists are free to cre-  opted to terminate the current ward sys-  Mulholland and incumbent Philip Wagner
        Marcellini said.                      ate whatever they want.                tem during the last election, prompting  will be on the ballot.
           “They're making the decisions them-   The goal is that one day they can begin  the two-year ward terms on the ballot this  The Wayne City Council election is non-
        selves. Whatever they create is intentional.  to exhibit and sell their artworks, too.  year.                      partisan.
        I think this place will become part of the  “This concept has produced artists
        city's arts community - not just the disabili-  exhibited throughout the world,”
        ty community.”                        Marcellini said.                                            To subscribe to The Eagle
           The progressive art studio approach   STEP-affiliated thrift stores and dona-
        eschews a top-down model featuring a  tion centers in Dearborn Heights,                   visit
        teacher and a class. The open studio con-  Southgate, and Wayne help the organiza-
        cept allows for the artists to work on their  tion raise money and provide employment
        own projects as they see fit, promoting  to their clients at the same time.
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