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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 28, 2022

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                       CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Familiar names to appear on August primary ballot

           Voters in Canton Township,  Detroit.                                                                                      Plymouth       Republican
        Plymouth and Northville will     Leonard C. Scott of Canton                              ”                                 Richard Sharland and Ann
        find some familiar names on the  Township, Emily Bauman of          In the 22nd District State Representative area,        Arbor Democrat Jason Morgan
        Aug. 2 primary ballot which will  Westland and Jody M. Rich-                                                               are the only candidates who
        reduce the number of candi-    White filed paperwork to          incumbent Matt Koleszar, a Democrat from Plymouth,        filed to become the State
        dates in the November election.  appear on the Republican pri-              was the only candidate to file.                Representative from the 23rd
           In the 6th District which   mary ballot hoping to become                                                                District which includes the west-
        includes Plymouth Township,    the state senator from the 5th                                                              ern parts of Northville and
        the City of Plymouth, Canton   State District. Democratic hope-                                                            Plymouth townships and
        Township and areas south and   fuls are Velma Jean Overman of                                                              stretches southwest into Ann
        west including all of Washtenaw  Inkster and Dayna Polehanki of  and Brian Williams of Northville  date to file. Republicans hoping  Arbor.
        County, Republicans Whittney   Livonia.                       along with Kint Kesto of      to challenge Koleszar include    There will be no primary for
        Williams of Canton and Hima      Hoping to become the State   Bloomfield. Rosemary Bayer, a  Rob Donovic of Livonia and    the   24th   District  State
        Kolanagireddy of Northville will  Senator from the 13th District  Democrat from Keego Harbor,  Cathryn Neracher of Northville.  Representative as only  incum-
        be hoping to win voters' favor.  with includes Northville,    will not face a primary chal-  The district includes the City of  bent Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat
        Democrats on the primary ballot  Northville Township, Plymouth  lenger.                     Plymouth, western Livonia, east-  from Canton, and  John Anthony,
        for the congressional term in  Township, the City of Plymouth,  In the 22nd District State  ern Plymouth Township, north-  a Republican from Canton, filed
        Washington D.C. will be incum-  Novi and northern Farmington  Representative area, incumbent  ern and eastern Northville   nominating petitions. The dis-
        bent Debbie Dingell of Ann     Hills are Republicans Jason    Matt Koleszar, a Democrat from  Township and the Wayne County  trict includes nearly all of
        Arbor and Shanelle Jackson of  Rhines of Northville Township  Plymouth, was the only candi-  portion of the City of Northville.  Canton Township.
        School district negotiates technology building purchase

           A $2 to $3 million savings has  ings, school officials said.                          ”                                 the building.
        prompted members of the          Original plans were to con-                                                                 The proposed purchase could
        Plymouth Canton Community      struct a two-story building on                 Funding for the purchase,                    save the district an estimated $2
        Schools Board of Education to  land at the Plymouth Canton                if approved by the board members,                to $3 million, noted board
        re-consider budgeted construc-  Educational Park, near the high                                                            Treasurer Patrick Kehoe, and
        tion of a technology building.  schools. The building under con-        would be from the district general fund.           would allow the district to use
           The construction of a $6.9 mil-  sideration for purchase is locat-                                                      the funding for other projects.
        lion building to house the infor-  ed in an industrial park east of                                                          District officials have agreed
        mation technology and mainte-  Beck Road on Pilot Drive.                                                                   to a non-binding letter of intent
        nance departments was one of     District Chief Finance and                                                                with the seller of the building
        the projects included in the 2020  Operations Officer Deborah J.  (square foot) cost of building,”  including the furnishings and  which is covered by attorney-
        bond plan. The current economy  Piesz explained the plan to   she said.                     fixtures in the price.         client privilege, Piesz said. She
        and construction supply chain  members of the school board at a  She added that the expense of  Funding for the purchase, if  said the building, constructed in
        issues have prompted the board  meeting earlier this month.   building far exceeds current  approved by the board members,  2002,  will require about $180,000
        members to consider the pur-     “Due in part to supply chain  prices for existing structures  would be from the district gener-  in maintenance. She added that
        chase of a 37,000-square-foot  issues, our current bond projects  although the market on real  al fund as there is no provision  the building “overall” has been
        building in Plymouth Township  are facing up to 20 percent cost  estate remains “tight”. She said  in the bond allowing for a pur-  well maintained.
        at a price of $3.6 million to house  overages. Purchasing this build-  the price for the building under  chase of this type.   If approved, the district could
        the two departments. The pur-  ing would cost $96 per square  consideration is reasonable,     Piesz said the general fund  take possession of the Pilot Drive
        chase could generate hefty sav-  foot compared to the $250    especially since the seller is  has adequate funding to pay for  building by July 1.
        Canton man is convicted in brutal saw assault on wife, daughter

           The Canton Township man accused of  on a domestic abuse report and arrested  Tallent's wife, 44, had threatened to  Tallent is scheduled to be sentenced at
        attacking his wife with a large circular saw  Tallent at the scene.          divorce the contractor and self-employed  the end of this month on the charges of
        and harming his young daughter has been  Prior to issuing his verdict, Cusick  mason the day of the incident, during  assault with intent to murder, torture,
        found guilty of assault with intent to mur-  reviewed mental health reports and  which Tallent also injured his daughter as  third-degree child abuse and assault with
        der, torture and child abuse charges.  claims that Tallent said he “heard voices,  she attempted to flee from him. The judge  intent to do great bodily harm. He could
           Third Circuit Court Judge Paul Cusick  saw spaceships and the illuminati” follow-  said the evidence indicated that Tallent  spend the rest of his life in prison if the
        ruled against Oswald Tallent, 48, during a  ing the attack submitted by Tallent's attor-  was angry rather than mentally incapaci-  maximum sentence is imposed, according
        bench trial last week, finding him guilty of  ney Brent Jaffe. The judge remained  tated.                          to court documents.
        the charges. Defense attorneys claimed  unconvinced beyond a reasonable doubt
        that Tallent was legally insane at the time  that Tallent was mentally ill and did not
        of the March 30, 2021 attack in the drive-  understand his actions were wrong during
        way of the Canton family home.         the commission of the crimes.
           Canton police were called to the home  Court testimony included claims that

                       CITY OF ROMULUS
                       PLANNING COMMISSION
                       NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING
                       May 16, 2022

         Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
         May 16, 2022 for the purpose of considering the following:
         1.   PDA-2020-001; Fairways at Gateway Planned Development Area (PDA) Amendment, to
              modify the type of residential structures allowed in The Fairways at Gateway Sub No. 3, Lots
              220, 221 and 222 (Parcels No. 80-009-001-0220-000, 80-009-001-0221-000, & 80-009-001-
              0222-000); and Parcel No. 80-009-99-0001-707
              -  Subdivision No. 3 (Lots 220, 221, and 222) was approved with 56, 4-plex units in 14
                 buildings; 53 attached units in 13 buildings of varying sizes is proposed.
              -  Phases No. 5 and No. 6 were approved with 102 duplex units; 91 detached single-family
                 residential units are proposed.
         2.   SLU-2022-001; SoZo Granny's Day Care, requesting special land use approval to allow a
              12-child group day care home located at 38102 Walnut (Parcel No. 80-117-03-0258-000).
         The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
         Romulus MI  48174-1485.  A copy of the proposed requests are available in the Planning Department
         during regular business hours - Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Questions may be
         addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Department of Public Services, 12600  Wayne Road,
         Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or at 734-955-4530.

         Written comments may be submitted and should be addressed to the Planning Department, 12600
         Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485 or

         Publish: April 28, 2022                                   RM0653 - 042822  2.5 x 4.233


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             MAY 04, 2022     2008 CHEVROLET        01 CHEV  TAHOE C150
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   1   2   3   4   5   6