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April 28, 2022                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Residents urged to complete road closure survey

           The City of Northville and  resulted in a greater surface area                                                          cials explained.
        members of the Downtown        for social distancing and down-                           ”                                   The current street closures
        Development Authority (DDA)    town restaurants and retailers                 The current street closures                  are scheduled to end Nov. 1.
        are requesting public opinion on  were permitted to expand their             are scheduled to end Nov. 1.                  After nearly two years of experi-
        whether to reopen two down-    outdoor dining and retail pres-                                                             ence with the street closures, city
        town streets - block-long sections  ence to help maintain sales dur-                                                       and DDA officials are reaching
        of Main and North Center - to  ing a difficult time. The street                                                            out to the downtown community
        vehicular traffic. The two streets  closures were well received by  The street closures were  November 2022 to evaluate how  and all city residents for input on
        have been closed from North    most business owners, customers  extended in September 2020  well the outdoor dining and    how these downtown streets
        Center to Hutton and from Main  and residents, DDA officials said.   until March of 2021. Outdoor  retail structures drew customers  should function in the future.
        to Dunlap, respectively, since   Northville was one of the first  structures and heaters were  throughout the year, especially  To share ideas or opinions
        June 2020.                     cities in the state to close streets  added to provide warmth when  during the cold months when  about the street closures, visit the
           Initially, the streets were  to traffic due to COVID-19 and  the Department of Health and  indoor dining returned to full  Northville city website to com-
        closed due to on-and-off pandem-  also was one of the first to estab-  Human Services closed indoor  capacity. The structures and out-  plete the survey. For more infor-
        ic restrictions that limited the  lish a social district. The social  dining in December 2020 due to a  door seating areas weren't as  mation, questions or comments,
        number of people allowed inside  district will continue regardless  spike in COVID-19 cases.   widely used this past winter as  contact  Lori  Ward  at
        businesses - both retailers and  of whether the streets remain  In March 2021, the road clo-  they were in winter 2020 since or
        restaurants. The closed streets  closed or reopen, they added.   sures were extended until  indoor dining had reopened, offi-  (248) 349-0345.
        ‘Gala’ event to help fund New Hope Center for Grief

           The Angels of Hope Charity  bringing hope, healing, and new  event will be Kurt David and the  tremendous increase in need, a  Tickets are available at
        Gala benefiting New Hope       beginnings to children, families,  evening will include dinner, beer  spokesperson said. Whether the
        Center for Grief Support is    and adults impacted by the death  and wine, a silent auction, cork  grief is an effect of the lingering  angelsofhopegala or by phone at
        planned for 6 p.m. May 20, at St.  of a loved one. All New Hope  pull, cake raffle, and dancing  global pandemic, extended isola-  (248) 348-0115 for further infor-
        Mary's Cultural Center, 18100  programming and support        with the live band Dr. Pocket.  tion that brought forth unre-  mation. Ticket sales will end May
        Merriman Road in Livonia.      groups are free of charge and    New Hope has served thou-   solved grief, or the horrific losses  11. Event sponsors, participants
           The event is an effort to gener-  open to all grievers. New Hope is  sands of grievers during the past  due to or during COVID, New  to join in the festivities, and
        ate funding for New Hope and   a 501 (c3) nonprofit organization.  22 years. During these uncertain  Hope is a resource providing  items to include in the auction
        continue to serve the mission of  Master of Ceremonies for the  times, services are seeing a  free compassionate care.     are also being sought.
        Philharmonic Youth Orchestra to present Spring Concert

           Nearly 100 musicians from the       Grimani (arranged by Nan Washburn).
        Michigan Philharmonic Youth Orchestra    Among the music performed by the
        (MPYO) will take to the stage on Tuesday,  Sinfonia will be Mozart “Divertimento in
        May 3 at the Wilcox Theater at the     D Major. K. 136 Allegro” by Mozart,
        Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex   “Libertango,” by Astor Piazzola (arranged
        (PARC).                                by James Kazik), “Molly on the Shore,” by
           The annual MPYO Spring Concert will  Percy Aldridge Grainger (arranged by
        begin at 7 p.m. and feature five youth  Sandra Dackow,” and “I Want to Hold
        ensembles: Strings, made up of elemen-  Your Hand” by the Beatles (in a side-by-
        tary school string players; Sinfonia, a  side with the Youth Symphony)
        middle school strings group; Flute Choir;  The Youth Symphony, made up mostly
        Wind Ensemble and the Youth            of high school musicians, will perform
        Symphony, a full orchestra of mainly high  “Iphigenia in Aulis” arranged by Merle J.
        school musicians.                      Isaac, Dvorak “Symphony No 8
           Led by Hector Qyteti since 2017, and  Movement 4” by Dvorak (arranged by
        supported by Dennis Carter conducting  Nan Washburn and “I Want to Hold Your
        flutes and winds, the MPYO provides a  Hand (with Sinfonia)
        musical experience for young musicians   Among the songs being performed by
        throughout Southeast Michigan. The full  the Flute Choir will be “Global Village
        program for students ages 8-18 includes  Samba,” by           Anthony G. Holland,
        two string ensembles, a flute choir, a wind  “Londonderry Air,” by Altrisches Lied
        ensemble and a full youth symphony.    (arranged by H. Kamioka), and “Maple
        Students in this program meet weekly to  Leaf Rag,” by Scott Joplin  (arranged by
        rehearse and give three concert perform-  Sondra K. Tucker).
        ances as well as a summer pops event.    Tickets for the youth performance are
           Among the pieces the String Ensemble  $15 for adults and $5 for students. All
        will perform include “Purcelliana      Philharmonic concerts are subject to
        Overture”     by   Henry    Purcell,   time and date changes as well as health
        “Appalachian Hymn” by Soon Hee         restrictions already in place at the ven-
        Newbold, “A La Media Noche” Puerto     ues listed.
        Rican Carol,” arranged by Bob Lipton     PARC is located at 650 Church St. in
        and “Sinfonia Pallade e Marte” by Maria  downtown Plymouth.

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