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April 28, 2022                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                     SUMPTER - ROMULUS
                                                     SUMPTER - ROMULUS

        City seeking commission, committee candidates

           Appointments and reappoint-  received calls from residents con-                                                         but it is on an as-needed basis.”
        ments to the Romulus Brownfield  cerned about the appointments of                        ”                                 She added that when she served
        Redevelopment      Authority   the same group of individuals to                                                            on the authority which “helps
        prompted a request for more pub-  various committees and commis-         We'd love to have more participation,             promote rebalance and greening”
        lic involvement during the April  sions in the city. She said it          especially from our new residents                in the community, the group met
        11 meeting of the city council  “seems the same individuals are                                                            only once in two years. “It is an
        members.                       being appointed” and asked why          and not use the same people all the time.           advisory board, not a commission
           Mayor Robert McCraight      other residents of the city who                                                             or a committee,” she said.
        announced his choices for      applied for various commissions                                                               “We need Brownfield in our
        appointments and re-appoint-   and boards “were not even con-                                                              city and I am satisfied with those
        ments to the authority which   sidered.”                      use the same people all the time.”   added that the announcements of  appointed by the mayor, they have
        meets on an as-needed basis and  McCraight responded that his   Councilwoman Kathy Abdo     upcoming vacancies on various  the necessary qualifications,”
        is advisory. He requested council  office considers every applicant  responded and said that she was  city boards could be posted on the  Webb added.
        members approve the appoint-   who volunteers to serve on a city  aware of McCraight's attempts to  city website and included in the  Williams responded that she
        ments of Michael Hoffman,      committee. He explained, too,  encourage residents to partici-  various social media announce-  had no problem with those indi-
        Emory Long and Yolana Brown    that in the case of the Brownfield  pate, but that often people were  ments of upcoming events in the  viduals the mayor had selected
        Ali to the volunteer group and re-  Authority, the appointments were  unaware that an opening was  city.                   for appointment. “It is not an
        appoint Dean Trudeau and       time sensitive as there was grant  available or a vacancy about to  McCraight said he was in favor  issue of committee or commis-
        Randy Moffet to the authority  money involved.                occur.                        of the suggestion and felt the  sion. It is to show that we give con-
        with all terms to expire July 13 of  “I've been encouraging resi-  “When we have an upcoming  added notifications might    cerns of residents to the mayor
        2025.                          dents to become involved,”     board opening, can we announce  increase participation.      and he will answer,” she said.
           Prior to a vote on the appoint-  McCraight said. “We'd love to have  it? That would show we are seri-  Councilwoman Eva Webb said  The appointments and re-
        ments, Councilwoman Virginia   more participation, especially  ous about getting people     that the Brownfield Development  appointments were approved by
        Williams said that she had     from our new residents and not  involved,” she suggested. Abdo  Authority is “very, very important,  unanimous vote.
        Library board OK’s language for millage vote Aug. 2

           Voters in the Belleville, Van  requested 0.6864 millage will                                                            value, usually assessed at half
        Buren and Sumpter communi-     replace the operating tax which                           ”                                 the market value of property.
        ties will be asked to replace an  expired last year, officials said.    The millage is for a period of 15 years,             According to the approved
        expired library operating mill-  Board members opted to place                   officials said and is the                  language, the library would col-
        age on the Aug. 2 primary bal-  the millage question on the pri-                                                           lect an estimated $1,189,187
        lot.                           mary ballot this year rather                same amount as the expired tax.                 from the .06864 tax the first
           Members of the library      than call for a special election                                                            year. If approved by voters, the
        board approved the language    when the levy expired during   15 years, officials said and is the  At the requested rate, taxpayers  millage would remain in effect
        for the ballot question during a  the pandemic.               same amount as the expired tax  would pay about 69 cents per  from 2022 until 2036 in the com-
        meeting earlier this month. The  The millage is for a period of  which funds library operations.  each $1,000 of taxable property  munities the library serves.

          New voter cards to be issued                                               Candidates file for House seat

             Sumpter Township Clerk Esther Hurst  Lodge-we'll be mailing voter ID cards to  Van Buren Township Trustee Reggie  Republican candidates on the primary
          will be mailing new voter identification  all voters during the next several weeks  Miller has announced her candidacy for  ballot will be Dale Biniecki of Monroe and
          cards to registered voters before the  advising them of new locations,” Hurst  the new 31st State House District covering  Holli Vallade of Milan
          upcoming Aug. 2 election.           said.                                  the communities of Van Buren Township,   In the 29th District, Alex Garza of
             Hurst explained to the board of     She noted that her office is looking for  Belleville, sections of Romulus, Sumpter  Taylor was the lone Democrat to file and
          trustees and audience members at the  election workers for the state primary  Township, Exeter Township, Raisinville  will not face a challenger in the primary.
          April 12 meeting that the new state redis-  election set for Aug. 2 and suggested any-  Township, Augusta Township, Dundee  Republicans James DeSana of Carleton,
          tricting map eliminated Precinct 2 in the  one interested in working at the election  Township, Milan, Macon Township, and  Sam Ditzhazy of Taylor, Jack Richert of
          township and that polling places for some  polls contact her office for more informa-  York Township.            Belleville and Brian Warzocha of New
          voters would change.                tion. The clerk's office can be reached by  She will face fellow Democrat Glenn R.  Boston will be on the Republican primary
             “With the loss of Precinct 2-the Moose  phone at (734) 461-6201.        Morrison, Jr., also of Van Buren Township,  ballot.
                                                                                     during the Aug. 2 primary election.      The General Election is Nov. 8.
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