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Housing Commission awarded $227,860 federal grant
Inkster residents are about to dinator will provide case man- the U.S. Department of Housing
get some help from Washington, agement, assess residents' needs ” and Urban Development (HUD).
D.C. and work in partnership with We are excited to work with our local Initially, the IHRC was a munici-
The U. S. Department of local service providers to remove housing partners to help public housing pal department of the City of
Housing and Urban barriers so that residents can Inkster, but in 2004, IHRC
Development (HUD) has award- become self-sufficient. “Self-suffi- residents find jobs and opportunities became an independent, self-sus-
ed the Inkster Housing ciency” is defined as a house- that will propel them forward. taining, HUD-funded nonprofit
Commission $227,860 under the hold's ability to maintain finan- agency, following a change in
Resident Opportunity and Self- cial, housing and personal/family state law which made all housing
Sufficiency (ROSS) Grant pro- stability. authorities independent of
gram. Ross Grant funds will help “The Inkster Housing us to engage our residents and find jobs and opportunities that municipalities.
the agency hire a service coordi- Commission Board of Directors partners at a level that would will propel them forward,” said IHRC is governed by a five-
nator for a 3-year period who will and staff would like to thank the have been impossible without recently-appointed HUD member board of commissioners
assist public housing families HUD team for selecting and these funds,” said Cooper. We are Secretary Marcia L. Fudge in a appointed by the mayor to 5-year
with financial literacy, employ- awarding Inkster Housing excited to track and report the media release about the awards, staggered terms. The mission of
ment and job readiness, and Commission the ROSS Grant,” successes from the program to “We are excited to work with our the commissioners is to provide
post-secondary education oppor- said Inkster Executive Director demonstrate just how important local housing partners to help decent, safe, and affordable
tunities. Aaron Cooper. “This funding will this funding is to the commission public housing residents find housing for lower-income per-
The program is intended to allow Inkster Housing to further and more importantly to our resi- jobs and opportunities that will sons.
serve the entire 751 households its mission by aiding residents in dents.” propel them forward.” IHRC administers two HUD
within the Inkster Housing their financial, educational, and “We are excited to work with The Inkster Housing programs, Public Housing, and
Commission portfolio. employment goals,” he said. our local housing partners to Redevelopment Commission the Section 8 Housing Voucher
In addition, the service coor- “The ROSS Grant will allow help public housing residents (IHRC) was created in 1950 by Choice Program (HCVP).
Former teacher facing sex abuse charges
A former teacher at the school located in the 29850 block locations from 2007 through 2010. A probable cause conference
Thomas Gist Academy in Inkster of Rosewood in Inkster. The specific facts and evidence is set for April 27, and the prelim-
has been charged with the three- The victim is now an adult and in the case will be detailed in inary court examination on the
year-long sexual assault of a stu- her name and age are not being court at the preliminary exami- charges has been scheduled for
dent during his employment at released by authorities. nation, prosecutors said. May 4, in 36th District Court
the school. According to the office of the Anderson has been charged before Judge Roberta Archer.
Wayne County Prosecutor prosecutor, the sexual assaults with six counts of first degree “While it is very important to
Kym Worthy has charged Ted began in the fall of 2007. It is criminal sexual conduct. He was note that Mr. Anderson is pre-
Mark Anderson, 61, of Detroit, in alleged that the defendant would arraigned last week in 36th sumed innocent, our concern is
connection with the sexual pick up the victim at a bus stop in District Court and given a that there may be other victims,”
assault of a minor. It is alleged the Inkster and drive her to his home $250,000 bond. He was placed on said Worthy. “Please contact Cpl.
sexual assaults began in the fall in the 1970 block of Chene Street a GPS tether and must have no Blake Easton of the Detroit
of 2007 when Anderson was the in Detroit and sexually assault unsupervised contact with Police Sex Crimes Unit at (313)
middle school science teacher of her. It is further alleged that he minors and no contact with the 596- 2214 if you are a sexual
the sixth-grade student at the sexually assaulted her in other victim. assault victim of the defendant.” Ted Mark Anderson
Inkster man accused of shooting Wayne resident in knee
A verbal argument last week connection with the non-fatal regarding life insurance. Parker, wounding him in his intent to murder; one count of
led to the arrest of an Inkster shooting of Elisha Parker, 27, of Prosecutors allege that the left knee. The victim drove him- assault with intent to do great
man who now faces multiple Wayne. defendant became verbally self away from the scene and bodily harm; one count of felo-
felony charges in the wounding According to police reports, aggressive with the victim and flagged down Inkster police nious assault and three counts
of a man from Wayne. Parker went to Moore's home in that an argument ensued. officers who escorted him to a of felony firearm violations.
Wayne County Prosecutor the 1620 block of Helen Street Police reports indicate that the local hospital for treatment. Moore was arraigned in
Kym Worthy has charged James at about 2:21 p.m. April 13 in an argument between the two men Moore has been charged 22nd District Court on the
Lauther Moore, 76, of Inkster, in attempt to secure information escalated and that Moore shot with one count of assault with charges.