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April 22, 2021                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Plans for state, federal voting redistricting discussed

           Members of the Plymouth City  ing set for June 8 in Novi will be  interests.
        Commission heard plans for the  the nearest to Plymouth although  Now, the new commission is           A planned public hearing set for June 8
        redrawing of national and state  the time and venue have not yet  composed of 13 randomly-selected
        voting districts recently.     been finalized.                Michigan registered voters: four   in Novi will be the nearest to Plymouth although the
           Sue Hammersmith, director of  Last September, state officials  who affiliate with the Democratic
        the Michigan Independent       authorized a group of randomly-  Party, four who affiliate with the   time and venue have not yet been finalized.
        Citizens Redistricting Commission  selected citizens to redraw U.S.  Republican Party, and five who do
        (MICRC), attended a recent meet-  Congressional and Michigan State  not affiliate with either major
        ing of the commissioners to update  House and Senate district lines.  political party.      cult with the census results being  The Michigan Independent
        them on the procedures. She    The lines are redrawn every 10   After the first round of public  delayed  until  Sept.  30,  Citizens Redistricting Commission
        noted that the group will begin  years following the U.S. Census to  hearings, the commission will hire  Hammersmith said, and the group  wants public input on this impor-
        scheduling public hearings in May  accurately reflect their popula-  experts to draw voting district  being mandated to have a 45-day  tant topic, she added, and suggest-
        throughout the state to inform resi-  tion. Prior to a vote that amended  maps, and then schedule hold  comment period prior to adoption.  ed  residents  visit
        dents and seek input from area cit-  the state constitution in the  eight more public hearings before  The commissioners are petition- or send them
        izens regarding the redistricting  November 2018 general election,  the redistricting is finalized.   ing the Michigan Supreme Court  an email at redistricting@michi-
        process.                       legislators gerrymandered the    The commission has a deadline  to extend the deadline, she or a letter to P.O. Box
           She said a planned public hear-  lines, sometimes to benefit special  of Nov. 1, which could prove diffi-  explained.   30318, Lansing, MI 48909.

        Help wanted                                                                     Recycle                             repurposing,” Flechter said.

                                                                                                                               The goal of the Feet on the Street
        Vaccination clinic volunteers needed                                            FROM PAGE 1                         project will be to reduce the percentage
                                                                                                                            of contamination and educate customers
                                                                                                                            on how to recycle correctly.
           Volunteers to help in the fight against  unteer can visit  encouraged to recycle paper and car-  Now, more than ever, Michigan resi-
        the pandemic are needed in Canton     and complete an application.              tons; cardboard; metal items such as  dents view recycling as an essential pub-
        Township.                                Processing of this application, which  cans; plastic bottles, jars and jugs; and  lic service. And during a time of social
           Canton has scheduled vaccination   includes a background check, may take     glass bottles and jars. Residents are also  distancing when the offices of many
        clinics each week through the end of  several days and does not guarantee       urged not to bag their recyclables and  nonessential employers are closed and
        June, and the effort is in  need of volun-  approval, officials said. Individuals  not to recycle such items as plastic bags  commercial recycling is near an all-time
        teer assistants.                                     should not sign up for     or plastic wrap; “tanglers” such as cords,  low, producers see residential recycling
           Currently, township            ”                  a volunteer shift if       hoses or chains; yard waste and food or  programs as a critical supplier of manu-
        officials are utilizing                              they do not have an        liquids.                            facturing materials.
        adult volunteers who        Upon signing up          approved application          The flier will direct Canton Township  “Canton Township is excited about
        have a current volun-                                on file.  These back-      recipients seeking more information to  this project and sees this as a great
        teer application on      for a volunteer shift(s),   ground checks help         visit or call (734) 397-  opportunity to help improve the recy-
        file with Canton         volunteers will receive     ensure the safety of       1011, ext. 0.                       cling resource stream through much-
        Leisure Services or                                  residents, officials         “The Feet on the Street program   needed public education on the benefits
        Canton CERT team           a confirmation and        added.                     works by giving residents instant feed-  of recycling correctly,” Graham-Hudak
        members. Anyone             then a reminder             Upon signing up for     back on what is and is not recyclable,”  said, noting the township provided a
        who is currently a vol-                              a volunteer shift(s),      said Jill Martin, director of community  $32,000 matching grant to support the
        unteer with Canton           two days prior          volunteers will receive    programs at The Recycling Partnership.   campaign.
        Township and would        to the specified time.     a confirmation and           “Through this personalized and real-  The Recycling Partnership has imple-
        like to help out at the                              then a reminder two        time feedback loop, we are going to help  mented the Feet on the Street program
        clinics, should  review                              days prior to the speci-   Canton Township capture more quality  in 70 communities across the country,
        the available time                                   fied time. Volunteers      recyclables that can then be transformed  resulting in average 27 percent increases
        slots and sign up at                                 are only required to       into new materials, creating and support-  in the overall capture of quality recy-
        https://www.signupge-                                volunteer one four-        ing jobs, a less wasteful planet and  clables.                                   hour shift, but multi-     stronger, healthier communities,” Martin  “We are looking forward to partner-
        EAFAC23A1FC1- vaccine.                ple dates are welcomed. Volunteers 16-17  added.                              ing with Michigan communities and The
           Volunteers are asked to work a four-  must be accompanied by their guardian    Matt Flechter, recycling market devel-  Recycling Partnership on this data-driv-
        hour shift and will have an opportunity  (who is also volunteering on the same  opment specialist with EGLE, said mate-  en approach,” said Elizabeth Browne,
        to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, if desired.  date), and volunteers will be given the  rials aren't truly recycled until they are  director of EGLE Materials Management
        For    more    information,   email   opportunity to receive a vaccine if       transformed into a new product for use.  Division. “It's more important than ever                desired, although the innoculation can-   Those uses, he said, save energy, reduce  to communicate with the public in order
           Those who are not registered as a vol-  not be gifted to another person.     water consumption, decrease green-  to improve the quality of materials being
                                                                                        house gases and conserve resources
                                                                                                                            recycled. We all have a role to play in
        Canton has summer job openings                                                  while creating jobs and growing the  helping businesses get materials to make
                                                                                                                            the essential products Michigan needs
           The Canton Leisure Services        with the public or assisting behind the      “Material should be clean and practi-  for our economic recovery from COVID-
        Department is currently seeking part-time  scenes in one of the many township facili-  cally free of any contaminants to be con-  19, such as toilet paper, food containers
        and seasonal employees to work this   ties, a spokesman said.                   sidered viable for an end market and  and shipping boxes.”
        spring and summer.                      Many of these jobs offer competitive
           Applications are currently being   wages, flexible work schedules, and in-
        accepted for:  Day Camp Counselor;    house training opportunities. To be con-  Synopsis of Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings
        Pheasant Run Golf Club Grill Cook and  sidered for any of these positions, submit  Members: Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, Clerk Michael Siegrist, Treasurer Dian Slavens
        Operator; Summit on the Park Member   an application for employment online at  Trustees: Kate Borninski, Sommer Foster, Tania Ganguly, Steven Sneideman
        Services Attendant, Facility Assistant, and  Regular (Study Session) Meeting 3/02/2021: Synopsis:  2022 Preliminary Budget Summary / Preliminary Budget Detail as post-
        Lifeguards; Teen Services staff;      Applicants are encouraged to apply early  ed in full on website.
        Therapeutic Recreation Program Leader;  to be considered for one of the immediate  Special Meeting 3/05/2021: Synopsis: Board of Trustees and Canton Leadership Team Strategic Visioning Discussion as posted
        Special Events Coordinator; Part-Time  openings. Contingent offers will be    in full on website.
        Custodial Maintenance Position; and Park  extended as qualified candidates are  Regular Meeting 3/09/2021: Synopsis: Held Public Hearing for the 2021 Sidewalk Repair Program. Approved consent and gen-
                                                                                      eral calendar as posted in full on website.
        Ranger.                               identified. Canton Township is an Equal  Regular (Study Session) Meeting 3/16/2021: Synopsis:  2021 Recommended Water & Sewer Rates as posted in full on website.
           Applicants will find an assortment of  Opportunity Employer.
        different work environments with Canton  Information on all Canton Township   Regular Meeting 3/23/2021: Synopsis: Approved consent and general calendar as posted in full on website.
        Leisure Services, a spokesman said,   positions and employment applications   Copies of the complete Board minutes can be found for free at Minutes can also be viewed or copied at 1150
                                                                                      S. Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI during normal business hours. Call 734-394-5120 for more information.
                                                                                                                                                      CN2217 - 042221  2.5 x 2.055
        include working outdoors, interacting  are available at
                                                                                                             CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                                 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA
                                5 YEAR CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND                                                          May 13, 2021
                                  2021 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN
                           ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING                    Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals THURSDAY, May 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
                                  PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD                               To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Canton
                                                                                      Township residents; the Canton Township Zoning Board of Appeals will conduct its meeting by video teleconference in accor-
         Canton Township announces the public comment period for the PY 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan, Analysis of Impediments to  dance with Michigan law.  Individuals may join the video teleconference by going to:
         Fair Housing and the PY 2021 Annual Action Plan. The above named documents for the Canton Community Development Block
         Grant Program (CDBG) are available for inspection on the Canton Township website at or you may
         contact Mike Sheppard at 734-394-5225 or .  Comments on the CONSOLIDATED PLAN, A.I.
         and the ANNUALACTION PLAN will be accepted for 30 days, beginning April 22, 2021.  Comments received during the pub-  Or iPhone one-tap:  1-646-558-8656 (81121611592#) or 1-301-715-8592 (81121611592#)
         lic comment period will be forwarded to the Department of HUD and will become an addendum to the reports.
                                                                                                            Or Telephone:  1-301-715-8592 or 1-646-558-8656
         Publish:  April 22, 2021                                             Michael Siegrist, Clerk  CN2215 - 042221  2.5 x 1.775
                                                                                                                  Webinar ID: 811 2161 1592
                                                                                                     International numbers available:
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                 ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS                            7:00 P.M.
         The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at  Call to Order
         the meeting/hearing upon notice to the Charter Township of Canton.
                                                                                      Pledge of Allegiance
         In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Charter Township
         of Canton will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs,  Roll Call: Jim Cisek, Vicki Welty, Craig Engel, Greg Greco, John Badeen.
         or activities.                                                               Alternate: Gregory Demopoulos
         Employment: The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment prac-  Approval of Minutes:
         tices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title II of  April 8, 2021 Meeting Minutes
         the ADA.
                                                                                      Approval of Agenda
         Effective Communication: The Charter Township of Canton will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services
         leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Charter Township  General Calendar:
         of Canton's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other
         ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.  1. Applicant, Scott Griffin, representative of Griffin Properties, for property located at 45490 Michigan Avenue, located on
                                                                                           the north side of Michigan Avenue between Old Canton Center Road and Canton Center Road, Zoning C-3.  Variance
         Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The Charter Township of Canton will make all reasonable modifications to policies  request from Article 2, Section 2.14 (A)(1) (Dumpster located in front yard) and Section 4.02(B)(1) - (Loading space
         and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activi-  located in front yard) of the Zoning Ordinance.   Parcel ID 129-99-0002-710 (Planning).
         ties. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in the Charter Township of Canton's offices, even where pets
         are generally prohibited.                                                       2. Applicant, Ian Lee, for property located at 50201 Cherry Hill Road, located on the south side of Cherry Hill Road
                                                                                           between Ridge Road and Denton Road, Zoning Cherry Hill Village Overlay District with an underlying RA zoning.
         Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to par-  Variance request from Article 6, Section 6.09.C.1 (lot area) of the Zoning Ordinance. Parcel ID 073-99-0005-001
         ticipate in a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton should contact the office of Barb Brouillette, Human  (Planning)
         Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260 as soon
         as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.              3. Applicants Sam Hamade and Amir Berry, representatives of H2Glow Carwash, vacant property located on the west side
                                                                                           of N. Canton Center between Cherry Hill Rd. and Baywood Rd., Zoning C-2 (front) and R-3 (rear). Appealing Article
         The ADA does not require the Charter Township of Canton to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its  6, Section 6.02(D)(5) (bay doors facing onto adjacent thoroughfare) of the Zoning Ordinance.
         programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
                                                                                      Written comments need to be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on the date of the hearing.  All written comments must be sent to the
         Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton is not accessible to persons with disabilities  Charter Township of Canton. Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI  48188, Phone 734-394-5120.
         should be directed to Barb Brouillette, Human Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
         Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260.                                                                   CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                               ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
         The Charter Township of Canton will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individu-  In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who require special
         als with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retriev-  accommodations, auxiliary aids or services to attend participate at the meeting/hearing should contact
         ing items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.  Kerreen Conley, Human Resources Manager, at 734-394-5260.
                                                                                                        Reasonable accommodations can be made with advance notice.
         Publish: 04/22/21                                             CN2214 - 042221  2.5 x 4.72  A complete copy of the Access to Public Meetings Policy is available at  CN2216 - 042221  2.5 x 6.739
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