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April 22, 2021                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                      ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Firefighter terminated for taking double pay

           Following lengthy and heated  Luke detailed his findings                                                                the entire board to view the
        discussion, members of the     from each week and found that         Luke said the result was an 18-foot long table        videotaped interview of Armatis
        Sumpter Township Board of      Armatis had incorrectly calculat-                                                           with Luke, claiming “there is
        Trustees last week terminated  ed the amounts 58 times in 74                     in his office covered                     more to the story.”
        firefighter Colleen Armatis in  payrolls he reviewed from                  with records and documentation.                   Luke asked if she was imply-
        connection with payroll irregu-  January of 2020 until February of                                                         ing that he had not accurately
        larities.                      2021. Armatis was paid $1,482                                                               and completely reported the con-
           Armatis, through her repre-  extra, $1,104 for double runs and  fighter, not only herself, proving,  his instructions to her about the  tent and result of that interview
        sentative Jim Steffes of the   another $380 while studying for  she claimed, that it was an error.  overlaps or double payments.  to the board members to which
        Michigan    Association    of  her firefighter one rating. Luke  “If she did it for one, she did it  Conflicting accounts of the time  Morgan replied that she felt he
        Firefighters, waived her right to a  said he met with Fire Chief Joe  for everyone,” Steffes said in  of Januszyk's instructions and  had. She persisted, however, to
        closed session and employee con-  Januszyk regarding the matter  Armatis' defense.          training were also discussed.  insist that viewing the video
        fidentiality during a hearing on  and explained that an audit of all  Luke said he did go back and  Steffes reminded the board  interview was crucial for the
        the matter which was part of the  payroll and call records was nec-  review the payroll for every fire-  members that Armatis turned the  board members and that the
        board Zoom meeting March 13.   essary in light of the complaint.  fighter during the same period  payroll information over to the  board members should each
           Armatis, who has been with  Luke said the result was an 18-  but could not base anything on  chief every month and no one  have copies of the 18-feet of docu-
        the department about 5 years, is  foot long table in his office cov-  the small number of other  ever checked or questioned it. He  mentation he had reviewed in
        accused of taking double pay-  ered with records and documen-  instances which occurred. With  said the union believed the inves-  the investigation. She said she
        ments from the fire department  tation.                       three other employee records  tigation is incomplete and that  and Treasurer James Clark had
        for fire runs and while complet-  During a subsequent inter-  reviewed, he said, the double  even the small sample of employ-  seen the tape at Luke's office and
        ing her firefighter one video  view with Armatis, Luke said, she  payment occurred only four  ee records demonstrates that  continued to argue that she and
        training which occurred while  acknowledged the double-pay-   times.                        “she did it wrong for others.”  the board members needed all
        she was also being paid for    ments but said that it was an    “I cannot say this works for   “Was she an asset to the    the documentation and records
        hourly work. According to the  error and that Januszyk had not  her (Armatis) in her defense or  department?” he asked. “I'm  Luke had prepared.
        union contract which became    instructed her to change the pro-  against her,” he said. “There sim-  befuddled. The union contract  “We have all the information
        effective in January 2020, fire-  cedure until August. Armatis said  ply was not a large enough sam-  requires progressive discipline  and a recommendation from the
        fighters are paid a base fee per  the double-payments were an  ple to work with.”           for all but the most serious   director of public safety,”
        run or response to a fire alert  error and that she forgot to   “In my opinion, this is always  errors.” He added that the  responded Trustee Tim Rush
        tone and then hourly.  If the indi-  implement the new procedure.  wrong. The fire chief went to  responsibility for the double pay-  who then made a motion to vote
        vidual is already being paid by  She suggested that the error had  Armatis and told her several  ments was with Januszyk, as the  on Armatis' termination.
        the township for other work, the  not only occurred in her pay but  times to make sure this was being  head of the department.  Following more discussion
        run fee is to be deducted from  in others in the department. She  done correctly,” Luke said.  “This was never done with   including insistence by Morgan
        the hourly rate they are already  told Luke during the interview,  “I don't feel I have any other  malice, it was an honest mis-  and Steffes that the board mem-
        being paid.                    he said, that it was a mistake and  choice as director of public safety  take,” he said.    bers examine Januzyk's pay
           Public Safety Director Eric  that she simply forgot the new  but to bring to the board this ter-  Trustee Matt Oddy repeatedly  records looking for the same
        Luke told the board members    procedure. She also claimed that  mination request,” Luke said.  asked Januzyk for a definite  errors in recordkeeping, Oddy
        that he had received a complaint  being paid double for firefighter  “The responsibility is hers. I don't  answer regarding the amount  again asked Januzyk if he felt he
        March 10 that there were irregu-  training was standard policy.   believe you ever get paid double  and time of training and if the  had trained Armatis. Young
        larities in the fire department  The deductions for runs and  for the same job,” he added,  fire chief felt he properly trained  repeated Oddy's question to
        payroll preparation, which was  study were properly made in   “especially when the person   Armatis. “Well, I thought I did,  Januzyk  who  reluctantly
        part of Armatis' duties. In    August, Luke said, when        making the huge mistakes is also  but evidently, I didn't,” Januszyk  responded, “I would say yes.”  He
        response to the allegation, Luke  Januszyk told Armatis to be care-  the one who benefits.”  responded at one point. During  said he told Armatis three times
        said he began an investigation of  ful to implement the new proce-  Members of the board and  the discussion, he confirmed he  that “we gotta watch the double-
        the fire department payroll    dure. In following months, how-  township attorney Rob Young dis-  had shown Armatis how to  taps” referring to the double pay-
        records dating back to January of  ever, Luke said, the double pay  cussed the matter at great length,  deduct the runs from the hourly  ments.
        2020. The complaint, he told the  continued at an erratic rate, pri-  questioning Januszyk about the  pay three times. Steffes denied  Morgan and Clark cast the
        board, was that Armatis was    marily benefitting Armatis.    training he provided to Armatis,  that claim on her behalf and said  lone dissenting votes and Armatis
        being paid for fire runs and study  Armatis' claim was that she  which Steffes claimed was inade-  she had not been trained.   immediate termination was
        time while also being paid hourly.   made the mistake for every fire-  quate and the specific dates of  Trustee Peggy Morgan wanted  approved by a 5-2 vote.
        City infrastructure construction continues in Romulus

           Romulus Mayor Leroy Burcroff has a  Barth is being resurfaced following the  tion, something he has persistently insist-  ed a $400,000 non-vehicle pathway grant
        very nice problem.                     installation of a new water main as the  ed needed attention. Van Buren     to construct a sidewalk from the I-275 bike
           Burcroff recently asked residents to  current water pipes is deficient with fire  Township is also a paratner in the recon-  path to the downtown area. Construction
        “pardon the dust” in the city as various  flows for nearby residents and schools. If  struction which is designed to make the  has started and is estimated to finish this
        community infrastructure projects contin-  any lead metal water service lines are  area safer by turning the boulevard inter-  fall, Burcroff added.
        ue construction.                       encountered during the project, they will  section into a necked-down intersection  “We are hard at work making improve-
           Burcroff said than many of the projects  be removed in their entirety, Burcroff  with a traffic light.          ments throughout the City of Romulus. We
        are in response to requests or concerns  said.                                 The Great Lakes Water Authority is in  ask that you please excuse our dust as we
        expressed by residents and that the city  Throughout the city, the sanitary sew-  the  final stages of making connections  work to make the City of Romulus an even
        had responded.                         ers are under rehabilitation, Burcroff  and installing appurtenances along the  better place to live, work and play through
           Currently under construction, he said  said, being conducted by Granite Liner  newly installed water main . The roadway  these projects.
        is the new Ozga Sanitary Sewer. a  new  Construction. This project spans across  from Wick, Cogswell and Tyler roads will  “If you have any questions or concerns,
        sewer line from The Progressive Hall to  the entire city and will include the clean-  be paved in fall 2021, Burcroff said.  please call (734) 942-7579,” Burcroff added
        St. Aloysius Church to service the resi-  ing of the sewer lines and rehabilitation  The City of Romulus has been award-  in a social media post.
        dents along the West side of Ozga who  of the sewers in specific districts in the
        have failing sewers.                   city.
           Also causing some construction dust is  Wayne County has partnered with the                     CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
        the current work on the reconstruction  city, Burcroff said, to finally reconstruct         Advertisement for Millennium Park Dugout Replacement Project
        and water main project on Barth Road.  the Hannan and Northline Road intersec-  Sealed Bids will be received by the Clerks Department, Second Floor, Northville Township Hall, on or before 10:00 A.M. Friday,
                                                                                      May 7, 2021.
                                                                                      The Township hereby solicits bids to remove four (4) existing chain-link dugouts, provide and install four (4) fixed metal roof
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                          dugouts on two (2) ballfields at Millennium Park, 45745 Six Mile Rd., Northville, MI 48168. Information on the project is avail-
                                                                                      able on the Northville Township website at along with all bid documents, and can also be
                       Advertisement for Community Park Dugout Replacement Project    obtained from the Clerks Department, Monday through Friday from 8am-4:30pm at Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile
                                                                                      Road, Northville, Michigan.
         Sealed Bids will be received by the Clerks Department, Second Floor, Northville Township Hall, on or before 10:00 A.M. Friday,
         May 7, 2021.                                                                 Additional information may be obtained from the Parks & Facilities Supervisor, Nathan Reilly at
                                                                                      Questions regarding the project shall be brought to the attention of the Nathan Reilly, Parks and Recreation Department via email
         The Township hereby solicits bids to remove four (4) existing chain-link dugouts, provide and install four (4) T-cantilever shade  to  Questions will not be accepted after 3:30 P.M. Wednesday, May 5, 2021.
         system dugouts and concrete pads for each dugout on two (2) ballfields at Community Park, 15801 Beck Rd., Northville, MI
         48167. Information on the project is available on the Northville Township website at along      Roger Lundberg, Township Clerk
         with all bid documents, and can also be obtained from the Clerks Department, Monday through Friday from 8am-4:30pm at
         Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan.         Publish:  April 22, 2021                                  NT0127 - 042221  2.5 x 2.376
         Additional information may be obtained from the Parks & Facilities Supervisor, Nathan Reilly at
         Questions regarding the project shall be brought to the attention of the Nathan Reilly, Parks and Recreation Department via email
         to  Questions will not be accepted after 3:30 P.M. Wednesday, May 5, 2021.   NOTICE OF ELECTION
                                                                                                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN
                                                              Roger Lundberg, Township Clerk                          MAY 4, 2021
         Publish:  April 22, 2021                                  NT0128 - 042221  2.5 x 2.376  TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP:
                                                                                      Notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held in Northville Township on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. The polls will be
                                         SYNOPSIS                                     open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                                 VIRTUAL REGULAR MEETING
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                          At the following locations:
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES
         DATE:  Thursday, April 15, 2021                                              Precinct 1 & 2  Moraine Elementary  46811 Eight Mile Road
         TIME:  7:00 p.m.                                                             Precinct 3 & 4  Northville High School  45700 Six Mile Road
         CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.     Precinct 5    Township Hall         44405 Six Mile Road
         PRESENT:       Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee                   Precinct 6    Winchester Elementary  16141 Winchester
                       Roger Lundberg, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee                 Precinct 8 & 9  Silver Springs Elementary  19801 Silver Springs Drive
                       Jason Rhines, Treasurer  Cynthia Jankowski, Trustee            Precinct 10 &11  Ridge Wood Elementary  49775 Six Mile Road
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee              Precinct 12   Meads Mill Middle School  16700 Franklin
         1. Agendas:                                                                  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Northville Township residents in Precinct 1-6 & 8-12 will be voting on the following:
                A.     Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved
         2. Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                                              Northville Public Schools
            A.  Northville Youth Network - Appoint Sherrie Winfield - Approved
            B.   Beautification Commission - Reappoint Lora Cash - Approved                                     Operating Millage Renewal Proposal
            C.  Historic District Commission - Reappoint Shana Maitland - Approved                               Exempting Principal Residence
            D.  Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented                                                  And Other Property Exempted By Law
         3. Public Hearing: None                                                                                   19.2383 Mills For 5 Years
         4. Brief Public Comments: One resident had a question or comment for the Board.
         5. New Business:                                                                     Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Northville Public
            A.  Declaration of a Local State of Emergency - Approved                             Schools, 405 West Main Street, Northville, Michigan 48167, telephone: (248) 344-3500.
            B.  IGA for Wayne County Park Millage Projects - Approved
            C.  Marv Gans Comm. Park Electrical System Repair - Approved              PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Northville Township residents in Precinct 7 will NOT be voting in this election because they
            D.  Fire HQ In-Floor Exhaust Removal - Approved                           are part of the Plymouth-Canton Community School District.
            E.  Fire Station AHU Replacement (B.A. FY20) - Approved
            F.  Web Design Technology - Approved                                      A sample of each ballot is available at the Northville Township's Clerk's Department located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville
         6. Unfinished Business: None                                                 MI 48168. Sample ballots can also be found at the township's website:
         7. Ordinances:
            A.  Adoption - §28-10 - Stopping, Standing, Parking Ordinance - Approved  Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to obtain an application for an absent
         8. Check Registry:                                                           voter ballot.
            A.  In the amount of $2,767,981.39 for the period of March 6, 2021 to April 2, 2021. - Approved
         9. Board Communication & Reports:                                            To comply with the Help America  Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille.
                A.     Mark  Abbo, Roger Lundberg, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Cynthia Jankowski,  Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance
            Christopher Roosen and Todd Mutchler                                      of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
         10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
         11. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.                                  Roger Lundberg
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available on April 23, 2021.          Northville Township Clerk
         Respectfully submitted:                                                      (248) 348-5825
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor
         Roger Lundberg, Clerk                                     NT0130 - 042221  2.5 x 4.861  Publish: April 22, 2021                        NT0129 - 042221  2.5 x 5.702
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