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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 22, 2021


        Northville schools will continue current learning plan

           Northville Public Schools will  ic, we have carefully considered                                                        tive COVID test result, she said.
        continue in-session classes at  the recommendations of our pub-                          ”                                   Contact tracing, and quaran-
        Northville High School as sched-  lic health officials, including the    This is not a decision we take lightly.           tine protocols are followed dis-
        uled, despite a recommendation  CDC and MDHHS, in implement-   Throughout the pandemic, we have carefully considered       trict-wide, and implemented
        from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sug-  ing safety protocols, mitigation                                                          swiftly, Gallagher assured par-
        gesting schools utilize virtual  measures, and learning plan      the recommendations of our public health officials.      ents and the district has submit-
        instruction for a two-week period  options,” she explained.                                                                ted a request to schedule addi-
        as COVID cases continue to       She said the current in-person                                                            tional drive-through COVID-19
        spike.                         scenarios across Northville    allows students to be at maxi-  declined last week , and the num-  testing events at Northville High
           In a communication to par-  Public Schools maximize the    mum distance to help reduce the  ber of close contacts/quarantines  School.
        ents, Superintendent of Schools  high priority school mitigation  spread of COVID-19, and limits  from exposure at school has  “Keeping our students in
        Mary Kay Gallagher explained   measures that the CDC has iden-  the number of close contacts and  been very small.         school, while continuing to safe-
        that the district would “continue  tified as necessary during high  quarantines when there is a posi-  She said while there were 28  guard the health and safety of
        to carefully monitor COVID-19  transmission, including universal  tive case of COVID-19.    cases on April 5, by Friday, April  students, staff, and families
        cases and follow safety proto-  and correct use of masks and dis-  Gallagher said the district had  9, that had been reduced to only  across our community is a collec-
        cols.”                         tancing. The hybrid schedule,  a significant increase in COVID-  three. Of 216 students in the ath-  tive effort.  Thank you for every-
           “This is not a decision we take  with access to learning labs, in  19 cases following spring break,  letic program, at Northville High  thing you continue to do to sup-
        lightly.  Throughout the pandem-  place at Northville High School  however, the number of cases has  School, there was only one posi-  port this effort,” Gallagher said
        Police autism program adopted statewide

           A program created by        attention of the Michigan State  Department offers services to  available at the police depart-
        Northville         Township    Police and they have recreated  autistic families continuously  ment for Northville Township
        Community Service Ofc.         these bags to put in patrol vehi-  throughout the year includ-  residents.  In addition to the
        Andrew Domzalski to help       cles across the state. This extra  ing:”Approach with Care,  other items, the bags contain
        emergency personnel respond    touch shows the dedication of  Occupant with Autism on       resource information to make
        more effectively with those with  the  Northville    Police   Board” stickers for residents’  police/citizen interaction more
        autism has been adopted across  Department to provide ongoing  vehicles and Autistic Child  comfortable.
        the state.                     support for every member of the  Lives Here stickers for residen-  Officers of the Northville
           Each emergency vehicle in   community, officials said.     tial doors. The department also  Township Police Department
        Northville Township carries the  The Northville Township      completes, upon request,      receive autism training through
        innovative “calming bags” that  community has embraced this   Autism/Vulnerable Adult pro-  the Autism Alliance of
        contain earmuffs, sunglasses   initiative and many residents  files which are stored on file  Michigan.  This ensures officers
        and sensory toys to make police  have stepped forward wanting  when completed and then avail-  understand the needs of the
        and citizen interactions more  to donate the items that are put  able to officers in their patrol  community members and how
        comfortable for those with     into the bags.                 vehicles to safely locate a lost  to safely interact with a child or
        autism.                          In addition to the calming   individual.                   adult with autism, a spokesman  Northville Township Community
           Domzalski's idea caught the  bags,  Northville    Police     The calming bags are also   noted.                         Service Ofc. Andrew Domzalski

        Spring cleaning should include expired, unused medications

           The Northville Township     the Drug Enforcement Agency    and urged residents to bring  accepted, only pills or patches.   Department at (248) 349-9400
        Police Department has a tip for  for National Prescription Drug  expired, unused prescription  The service is free and partic-  with questions.
        spring cleaning: Do not forget  Take Back Day from 10 a.m. until  pills - safely and anonymously -  ipants should remove all person-  Unwanted prescription drugs
        the medicine cabinet.          2 p.m. this Saturday, April 24.    for disposal to Public Safety  al information, including labels,  are also accepted in the main
           Police recommend disposal of  Too often unwanted prescrip-  Headquarters, 41600 Six Mile  from drug containers.         lobby of the township police
        all expired or unused medica-  tion drugs are misused in the  Road.  Liquids, needles or       For more information, contact  department 24 hours each day,
        tions and have partnered with  wrong hands, officials advised  sharps, however, cannot be   the Northville Township Police  seven days a week

                                       Classified                                                              NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS

                                                                                                                       OF THE
                           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                              1B4GP45342B562895     2006 HARLEY
                              2002 FORD             1HD1HCZ486K802666                                          ADOPTED AMENDMENT TO
          DEARBORN HEIGHTS    1FAFP55U02A156640     2009 HONDA                                                     ORDINANCE §28-10
         POLICE DEPARTMENT    2007 FORD             5FNYF48549B052139
         25637 MICHIGAN AVE.   3FAHP08107R121655    2008 HONDA                        PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Charter Township of Northville Board of Trustees approved the adoption of the amendment
                                                                                      to Ordinance §28-10 at a Regular Meeting on Thursday, april 15, 2021, at 7:00 P.M. at the Northville Township Hall located at
           DEARBORN HGTS.,    2006 FORD             2HGFA16868H311516                 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168.
              MI. 48125       1FMYU93136KD18574
                              1999 FORD                                               The amendment states:
           VEHICLES LISTED    1FTZX1728XNA78958
          BELOW HAVE BEEN     2002 FORD                                               §28-10 - Stopping, Standing or Parking
         DEEMED ABANDONED     3FAFP11332R176876
         AND WILL BE SOLD AT  2002 HONDA                                                 (a) Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or
          PUBLIC AUCTION ON   2HKRL18642H507440                                            traffic control device, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle:
                                                                                             1. In a manner which affects or tends to affect the free flow of traffic.
          4/30/2021 @ 1:00 PM  2009 HYUNDAI                                                  2. That a violation of this subsection, §28-10(a)(1) shall be a Municipal Civil Infraction punishable by a fine of
             LOCATED AT;      5NPET46C19H558316                                                 up to $200.00 plus court costs with the 35th District Court having jurisdiction rather than the Parking
                              2000 GMC              Miscellaneous                               Violations Bureau.
          27218 CURRIER ST.,  1GKDT13W7Y2160234
           DEARBORN HGTS.,    2000 LINCOLN          DENTAL INSURANCE from             The introduction of the amendment was approved at the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting held on March 18, 2021.
              MI. 48125       5LMEU27A5YLJ22070     Physicians     Mutual
                              2005 MAZDA            Insurance   Company.              A copy of the full Ordinance and amendment can be viewed during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Office of
        2010 BUICK            JM1BK12F451232483     Coverage for 350 plus pro- To receive The Eagle in your inbox, email with the subject “subscribe”.  the Township Clerk, Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168 or on the township's website:
        1G4GC5EG8AF232803     2002 MERCURY          cedures. Real dental insur-
        2004 BUICK            1MEFM55S22G633078     ance - NOT just a discount        I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the Charter Township of Northville Board of
        3G5DA03E14S596957     2008 MERCURY          plan. Do not wait! Call now!      Trustees at a Regular Meeting held at Township Hall on the 15th day of April, 2021.
        2003 BUICK            2MEFM74VX8X663018     Get your FREE Dental
        3G5DB03E33S515100     2018 NISSAN           Information Kit with all the      Roger Lundberg
        2007 CHEVROLET        3N1AB7AP8JY324830     details!  1-855-524-0779          Clerk
        1GNDT13S472297470     1994 OLDSMOBILE
        2007 CHEVROLET        1G3AG55M6R6432224     press #6258                       Introduced: 03-18-2021
                                                                                      Second Reading: 04-15-2021
        2G1WT58KX79289398     2004 PONTIAC                                            Publish: 04-22-2021
        2007 CHEVROLET        2G2WS522641101655                                       Effective: 04-22-2021
        1GNDT13SX72143443     2000 TOYOTA           Help Wanted - Truck Driver
        2008 CHEVROLET        1NXBR12E3YZ302850                                       Publish April 22, 2021                                     NT0131 - 042221  2.5 x 4.698
        2G1WT55K089113529     2001 TOYOTA           CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
        2000 CHEVROLET        4T1BG22K91U784005     3  MONTHS   MINIMUM
        2G1WX12K6Y9176961     2014 DODGE            EXPERIENCE,   EXCEL-
        2003 CHRYSLER         2C3CDYAGXEH24745      LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN                              To subscribe to The Eagle
        1C4GJ25B63B221726     2005 CHEVROLET        ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-
        2001 DODGE            1G1ZT64835F268667     CATED ROUTES ROMEO                         
        2B5WB35YX1K543367     2007 FORD             AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
        2002 DODGE            1FAHP24197G150340     CALL KIRT 586-752-4529
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