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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                             April 21, 2022

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Coming soon

        Blues, Brews & BBQ returning in July

           Westland officials are already making  the blues with Big Smooth and The
        plans for one of the most anticipated and  Hellraisers, the Chris Canas Band and
        popular events in the community.       headliner, Queen of The Blues Thornetta
           Blues, Brews & Barbecue will return  Davis.
        Aug. 5 and Aug. 6, officials said, with live  Jointly hosted by The City of Westland,
        music, fireworks and the drone light show.  the Westland Downtown Development
        Top barbecue pitmasters have already   Authority and the Westland Chamber of
        signed on for the event, they said, and  Commerce, sponsorship packages for the
        there will be several craft brews available  event are now available starting from
        at the event.                          $250. To sponsor Blues, Brews &
           The event will take place at the    Barbecue, contact the Westland Chamber
        Thomas H. Brown Central City Park, and  at (734) 326-7222.
        will also feature Country Night on Friday  “Each year, Blues, Brews and
        with performances by Corey Dakota,     Barbeque gets better than the year before
        Whiskey Fixx, and Levi Bootcut and The  and this year will be no different. From  family, Blues, Brews and Barbecue is  All American City, but neighboring cities
        Straight Legs. Saturday night will feature  the music and food, to time spent with  always a major event for not only for the  as well,” said Mayor William R. Wild.
        Planning commissioners approve marijuana retail shop

           Members of the Westland Planning    building as allowed under current     that he was not in favor of the proposal as  sion.
        Commission approved the plans for a    Westland city ordinances.             the clients of his business were handi-  This is the second plan for a marijuana
        retail marijuana shop on Inkster Road    Attorney Noah Harfouch told the plan-  capped individuals. “I don't think it's a  business approved by the planning com-
        during their April 6 meeting.          ning commissioners that his clients hope  good mix,” he said.               mission. A site plan for a location on
           The proposed business will be located  “to be a benefit and asset to the communi-  His objections were countered by  Cherry Hill near Newburgh Road was
        at 8475 Inkster Road between Ann Arbor  ty” during his presentation of the site  Commissioner David Rappaport who  approved last month.
        Trail and Joy Road and would include a  plan.                                explained that the sale of marijuana is  The recommendation from the com-
        lot to the south of the address where a  Peter Simakas, the owner of a group  legal in Michigan and that any distur-  mission now goes to the members of the
        vacant building now sits. Plans for the  home along Inkster Road near the pro-  bances at the site would be a matter for  city council for consideration and a final
        retail facility include a 3,000 square foot  posed new retail shop told commissioners  the police and not the planning commis-  decision.
                                                                                                                                   Choir hits high note
                                                                                                     Checking in                      Members of the combined

                                                                                                     Earlier   this    month,      choirs of Wayne Memorial High
                                                                                                     Congresswoman Rashida         School recently attended
                                                                                                     Tlaib made a special presen-  Michigan School Vocal Music
                                                                                                     tation to City of Wayne offi-  Association Choral Festival for
                                                                                                     cials, bringing along a dis-  the first time in almost a decade.
                                                                                                     play check for the $550,000   At the choral festival, students
                                                                                                     in federal funding she helped  are scored by three judges using
                                                                                                     secure to be used for
                                                                                                     upgrades and improvements     a rubric that assesses tone quali-
                                                                                                     to   the   Goudy    Park      ty, pitch elements, rhythm ele-
                                                                                                     Amphitheater. The federal     ments, diction elements, inter-
                                                                                                     funds, added to state funds   pretation and presentation. A
                                                                                                     secured by State Sen. Dayna   fourth judge assesses the choir
                                                                                                     Polehanki and State Rep.      on the singers' ability to sight
                                                                                                     Kevin Coleman, brings the     read new musical examples. A
                                                                                                     project funding to a total of  combined score from all four
                                                                                                     $1,050,000 earmarked for      judges gave the Wayne Memorial
                                                                                                     work at the city facility.    High School Choir a First
                                                                                                                                   Division (I) Excellent Rating.
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