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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 21, 2022


        Northville Township to lower water service costs

           After holding water and     ties are increasing raising water  the Northville Chamber of  ago, assumptions had to be made  full rate study later this year to
        sewer rates steady for five con-  and sewer rates.            Commerce at Schoolcraft       about future wholesale water   see what other efficiencies the
        secutive years, Northville       “Northville Township is in an  College VisTaTech Center.   costs,” said Director of Public  community should adopt, Belair
        Township will cut water and    excellent position right now, so  During his speech, he also  Services Bob Belair. “Over the  said.
        sewer rates by 3 percent this  we did the exact opposite for our  discussed the installation of a  past couple years, wholesale  During the State of the
        summer.                        residents and will drop the    second water tower for the town-  water costs were not as much as  Community address, Abbo also
           The decrease comes at a time  rates,” said Northville Township  ship which should be opera-  anticipated, and this lower cost  discussed the potential for a new
        when other communities are     Supervisor Mark J. Abbo “We    tional in late 2023 at Legacy  resulted in our ability to lower  Public Safety and Public
        raising rates, officials said.  The  are able to offer this savings  Park. A second tower helps keep  costs to our customers.”  Services Headquarters at
        Great Lakes Water Authority    because of our fiscally prudent  the water rates low because the  System efficiencies, including  Legacy Park to help first respon-
        (GLWA) recently approved a 3.7  planning and a series of steps we  water is filled during non-peak  underground irrigation systems  ders reach areas in the northeast
        percent wholesale water rate   took recently to contain our costs  hours, when water is at the low-  running only in the midnight-6  section of the township faster.
        increase and a 2.4 percent sewer  for the long term.”         est rate. The water tower then  a.m. time period and watering  “We are so proud of what
        rate increase. That move was, in  Abbo shared the news with   discharges the water to cus-  on odd or even days only       we're doing here in Northville
        part, to pay for the debt from  residents, business owners and  tomers during peak demand   depending on house number,     Township,” Abbo said. “We are
        Highland Park, which owes $55  community leaders at the State  periods.                     also helped with demands and   providing best-in-class services
        million to GLWA. To fund it,   of the Community Luncheon        “When water and sewer rates  rates.                        without raising taxes and that's
        many other affected municipali-  Wednesday, April 13, hosted by  were calculated several years  Northville Township will do a  exciting for our residents.”
        Leaders say ‘State of Northville’ community is bright

           Three local leaders provided  board of education, and all who
        an upbeat community update     worked with her and her team
        during the State of the        during her tenure.
        Community      meeting     at    Northville Mayor Brian
        Schoolcraft College VisTaTech  Turnbull thanked members of
        Center April 13. Doug Wallace,  the city council and members of
        the new executive director of the  the various boards, commissions
        Northville    Chamber      of  and volunteer task forces in the
        Commerce, served as master of  city for all the work done to help
        ceremonies during the event.   move the city forward on many
           Northville School District  fronts.
        Superintendent Mary Kay          He spoke of the new construc-
        Gallagher began the meeting by  tion coming to town at the
        featuring the top 10 highlights of  Foundry Flask site, North Center
        the school district. Among those  and Dunlap and at the Downs,
        she mentioned were: being      where the preliminary site plan
        ranked as one of the best school  for commercial and residential is
        districts in the state; participa-  being reviewed by members of
        tion in college-equivalent course-  the planning commission.
        work that can earn high school  Turnbull said much work has
        students college course credit;  been done and will continue to  Northville Superintendent of Schools Mary Kay Gallagher, Mayor Brian Turnbull and Township Supervisor
        integrated social, emotional,  be done to reconstruct and     Mark Abbo speak to the crowd during the State of the Community event. leaders.
        health and well-being programs  repair the roads, and the water  Planned Unit Development   by the city bicentennial in 2027.  station will be built in the coming
        for students; having one of the  and sewer system throughout the  (PUD). As part of the river  Northville      Township    years, funded by a bond rather
        largest vocal and instrumental  city.                         restoration process, he said he  Supervisor Mark Abbo said the  than taxes. He reported that the
        music programs in the state and  The mayor extolled the bene-  foresees the creation of a river-  township is closer to transform-  water and sewer rates will
        the “top-notch athletic program.”   fits of the waterways that flow  walk that will run alongside city  ing the former Northville  decline by 3 percent, while other
           As a 38-year veteran of the  through the city - from Johnson  waterways and serve as the last  Psychiatric Hospital site into a  communities are increasing
        Northville Public Schools      Creek at Fish Hatchery Park,   connector to the statewide bike  “beautiful Legacy Park.” He said  rates. He also announced the
        District, Gallagher welcomed her  where brown trout are plentiful  path system. He said the city is  the township plans to finish the  construction of second water
        successor, RJ Webber, who will  in the cold water, to the section of  staying on the curve of environ-  demolition of buildings at the site  tower in the township and
        start July 1 pending final contract  the Middle Rouge River that is  mental, social and economic  this summer and create new  thanked all involved with the
        negotiations. The retiring super-  slated to be daylighted as a com-  issues. Many of the planned proj-  pathways throughout the park for  township for being part of the
        intendent  thanked her staff, the  munity benefit of the Downs  ects, he said, should come to light  all to enjoy. A new township fire  journey.
        Northville Public Schools district names new superintendent

           Members of the Northville   interviewed for the position.  and Associates, provided us with a  Bachelor of Arts degree in history  support him for the best interests
        Board of Education have selected  “This board has taken seriously  very strong pool and we identified  and English with a secondary  of all. While we are sad to see Mary
        Dr. R.J. (Ronald) Webber as the  an intense amount of feedback  the top-flight leaders through an  teacher certification from Alma  Kay Gallagher leave us this sum-
        new district superintendent of  from students, families, instruc-  incredible investment of volunteer  College, a master's degree in public  mer, we are ecstatic to welcome Dr.
        schools.                       tional and non-instructional staff,  board time,” said board of educa-  administration from University of  Webber to our district,” Prescott
           Board members voted unani-  building leaders, and central  tion President Sarah Prescott.  Michigan, and an educational doc-  said.
        mously to offer an employment  office. We are grateful for the many  Webber is currently the assis-  torate degree from Michigan State  Contract negotiations are cur-
        contract to Webber following final  forms of feedback offered, often  tant superintendent of academics  University.        rently under way and a tentative
        candidate interviews April 12.  with very detailed and heartfelt  for Novi Community School    “We believe in Dr. Webber and  start date for Webber is July 1, dis-
        Four candidates were initially  messaging.  Our search firm, Ray  District in Novi. He holds a  know our entire community will  trict officials confirmed.
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