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April 21, 2022                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Final indoor Farmers Market set for Sunday

           The Canton Farmers Market   ing chocolates and baked                                  ”                                 face masks will be highly rec-
        will host the final Off-Season  treats; Kapnick Orchards, fea-                                                             ommended.
        Market at the Summit on the    turing cold storage produce                                                                   The new season of the out-
        Park community recreation      and baked goods; Kapolnek                     Now more than ever we are                     door Canton Farmers Market
        center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Farms, featuring a variety of                  glad that we're able to help                 will re-open from 9 a.m. until 1
        this Sunday, April 24.         meat; One Tough Cookie, fea-                                                                p.m. Sunday, May 8, and will
           A variety of local food grow-  turing decorated sugar cookies;      support these local farmers and crafters .          continue every Sunday through
        ers and producers have signed  Pick Michigan featuring green-                                                              Oct. 16 in Preservation Park,
        on to participate in the Off-  house     produce;      Sign                                                                located at 500 N. Ridge Road,
        Season Farmers Market,         Woodworks, featuring home                                                                   Canton, MI, 48187.
        including: Baubles by Barb,    and festive holiday signs and  season markets at the Summit  unique items.” Bridge Card and   For additional Canton
        featuring handmade jewelry;    decorations; Spice Grrrl, fea-  on the Park to provide conven-  Double Up Food Bucks transac-  Farmers Market information,
        Bittersweet Garden & Bakery,   turing organic spices, teas and  ient access to our vendors,”  tions will also be accepted.    visit,
        featuring a variety of baked   salts; STEAP, featuring loose  said Canton Health and           Tokens may be purchased at  contact the Farmers Market
        goods; Blue Lilac Skincare, fea-  leaf teas; The Cheese People of  Wellness Specialist Jennifer  the Canton Leisure Services  Coordinator at cantonfarmers-
        turing skincare items; Boblin  Grand Rapids, featuring a vari-  Franz. “Now more than ever we  table. Market-goers are encour- or call
        Honey - featuring honey;       ety of cheeses; and The Rustic  are glad that we're able to help  aged to enter through the ban-  (734) 394-5375. The Summit on
        Deliteacious, featuring loose  Red Head, featuring candles.   support these local farmers and  quet doors. Social distancing  the Park is located at 46000
        leaf teas and tea gift sets;     “Every winter we look for-   crafters who provide access to  will be required when shop-  Summit Parkway in Canton, MI,
        Jessica's Confectionery, featur-  ward to hosting our monthly off-  healthy food sources and  ping in the market area and  48188.
        Road Rally will benefit community foundation

           Who knows what partici-     benefit the Canton Cares Fund,   “We're hoping individuals      The cost to participate is $40  (special needs), youth and sen-
        pants may be asked to find or  organizers said.               will grab their family, friends,  per car, and registration is cur-  ior programs, employee recog-
        where they will have to go dur-  Area residents are encour-   and neighbors and load up their  rently  under   way     at  nition, and scholarships.
        ing the special Road Rally     aged to assemble a team and    cars to make a team for this fun  The Canton Cares Fund, part
        Scavenger Hunt set for this    join the fun from 4:30-7:30 p.m.  special event,” said Laura  ents.                         of the Canton Community
        Saturday, April 23, in Canton  for a special afternoon of solv-  Mortier, recreation supervisor.  All proceeds from the event  Foundation since 2018, has dis-
        Township.                      ing puzzles and navigating     “During this event teams will  will benefit the Canton Cares  tributed more than $30,000 to
           The event is being hosted by  throughout the local area which  solve puzzles, riddles, and clues  Fund, which supports the  those in need.
        the    Canton    Community     will start and end at the Summit  in an effort to earn the most  Canton community by providing  For additional information,
        Foundation of the Local        on the Park, located at 46000  points, all for a good cause to  financial assistance to disaster  visit or
        Community Alliance and will    Summit Parkway in Canton.      benefit the Canton Cares Fund.”   relief, therapeutic recreation  call (734) 394-5360.
          Police body cameras OK’d                                                   Composting service under way

             The Plymouth Police Department   Among the several benefits and officer-   Compost/yard waste collection began   To ensure pickup, residents should
          will soon outfit all officers with body-  safety features were unlimited cloud  Monday, April 4 in the City of Plymouth.  place compost bags and/or cans designat-
          worn cameras, according to a state-  storage, automatic camera activation,    Officials reminded residents that all  ed for compost as close to the curb or
          ment from city officials.           officer down detection alerts, GPS     compost must be placed in a brown Kraft  roadside as possible, officials cautioned.
             While the police department has  tracking and real-time video sharing.   lawn refuse bag or a can marked for com-  The bags should be placed with 3-feet of
          had in-car video/audio systems for     “Transparency with the public and   post.  Compost can may be marked with  clearance from parked cars, mailboxes,
          nearly 19 years, the new Bodyworn by  protection for the officers will be great-  an “X” or identified with a “compost”  other carts, and other street hazards or
          Utility platform will link both the in-car  ly enhanced as the department transi-  sticker available at the Plymouth  amenities. Ensure the lid can close -
          and body camera video and audio, offi-  tions to this platform,” said Director of  Municipal Services office, located at  overfilled carts may be too heavy or may
          cials said. The department reviewed  Public Safety Al Cox late last month.  1231 Goldsmith. Compost includes grass  lose contents when serviced, city officials
          equipment from many manufacturers   “We are excited about the new system   clippings, leaves, branches, and yard  reminded residents.
          before choosing Bodyworn by Utility  and expect to deploy it within the next  debris.  Compost does not include sod,  Complete information about the city
          based on several factors, the said.  60 days.”                             dirt, rocks, dog excrement, or potted  solid waste service is available at
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