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Trustees reject township administrator's contract
Members of the Sumpter administrators. that McClary's salary require-
Township Board of Trustees Young said that McClary ” ment exceeded the published
unanimously rejected a pro- reviewed the contract and The motion for approval of the and budgeted amount agreed to
posed contract for recently responded with an amended by trustees. McClary's request for
selected township administrator agreement he wanted the board contract failed by a unanimous vote. some unexpected benefits; his
Darwin McClary. members to consider. Young said requests for amplified vacation
Township attorney Rob Young he had a phone conversation and holiday days and his amend-
explained to the board members with McClary and explained that ment to the daily work hours at
that he had followed their direc- some of the amendments he had ance pay from day one, with no contract presented to the board township hall were not consistent
tives and prepared an employ- requested were things the board minimum employment term. for their review was the final one with the job description antici-
ment contract for McClary con- members “had not done in the McClary said he was willing to under discussion and was pated by the board members.
sistent with the previous employ- past.” talk to Supervisor Tim Bowman assured by Rush that with one Oddy made the motion to con-
ment contracts for other depart- McClary, present at the April and Deputy Supervisor/Trustee change, clearly marked on the sider the contract noting that the
ment heads in the township 12 meeting, said that he felt the Tim Rush regarding the sever- documents, the board had the board members would be voting
including the police chief, fire changes to the contract were “not ance pay issue. He said the sever- final agreement as amended by “on what is before us.” The
chief and finance director. He substantive” and were “the ance provision was predicated McClary. motion for approval of the con-
said the contract he prepared norm” in other administrator on the base pay in the contract While no public discussion of tract failed by a unanimous vote.
and submitted to McClary for his contracts with villages and town- and did not include benefits. “I'm the changes McClary requested McClary wished the board
approval was also consistent with ships. Among the changes was willing to talk,” he said. took place at the meeting, a members well and thanked them
contracts for previous township his request for 6-months sever- Trustee Matt Oddy asked if the source close to the situation said for their consideration.
Miracle workers
Forgotten Harvest distribution
site provides hams for holiday
Area residents who arrived for the church distributed 450 certificates for
Forgotten Harvest food distribution in hams, this year clients received the actual
Inkster last Thursday received quite a ham, Simon said.
welcome holiday surprise. Simon, 55, said he is not an Inkster resi-
In addition to the usual distribution of dent although he is active with the church.
food staples at Womack Temple on Cherry He said in the current economy, many
Street, each client also received a people cannot afford food or gas for their
Dearborn Sausage Co. ham to help with cars and the Forgotten Harvest pantry is
their Easter celebration, along with bot- invaluable to those who are food insecure.
tled water from Absopure. He said the church is the “miracle on Womack Temple on Cherry Street in Inkster is the largest Forgotten Harvest pantry dis-
Hundreds of families visit the church Cherry Street” as it is the Forgotten tribution in the area. In addition to the regular distribution last week, clients received a
weekly for the largest Forgotten Harvest Harvest distribution site for several sur- Dearborn ham to help celebrate the Easter holiday explained temple Program Director
pantry distribution, explained Jai Simon, rounding communities. Jai Simon.
the program director at the temple. This “I enjoy helping make people's lives
was the second year the church was able better. That's what the church is supposed In addition to the groceries, several Shanelle and Grant Long, the Detroit
to provide hams, he said, and he is hoping to do ... nourish you emotionally and physi- local celebrities were scheduled to attend Pistons commentator, along with members
to do it again next year. While last year the cally,” Simon said. the event including comedian Simply of the Inkster Legends of Basketball.
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