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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 9, 2020

                Responder                   ical distance of 6 feet whenev-  Ott.                        Chief praises safety staff
                                                                         IN THE CITY OF ROMULUS
                                            er possible. Maciag said peo-
                                            ple who need to drop off gun  The Romulus Police
                FROM PAGE 1                 permits should do so by mail  Department has also made     Tom Tiderington, who   made full-staffing of our
                                            or use the drop box at the  some slight changes to protect  has served as Plymouth  police and fire departments
                fire departments have       lower level of the building.  officers and comply with the  Township police chief for 19  a top priority,” he said. “Our
                dropped in recent weeks due   To ensure safety among   governor's order.             years and as a law enforce-  first responders could not
                to the “stay home” order    the police force, officers take  “Please rest assured that  ment professional for more  be operating at this high
                (2020-21) issued by the gover-  their temperature before and  the  Romulus  Police   than 40 years, issued a state-  degree of professionalism
                nor, but both departments are  after their shift, wash their  Department will continue to  ment praising his staff.  without the township
                fully prepared for a spike in  hands frequently, and work in  be out protecting our neigh-  He said that he has  board's relentless efforts
                emergency runs and calls for  offices and cars that have  borhoods and businesses. We  “seen many challenges,  these past four years to
                assistance due to an anticipat-  been cleaned and disinfected  have made some slight  both man-made and natu-  rebuild and strengthen our
                ed rise in COVID-19 cases,  regularly. They have a good  changes to minimize potential  ral, that have made me a  police, fire and dispatch
                public safety officials said.  supply of personal protection  exposures to you and our offi-  better person and have  services.  Our leadership
                   “Things are changing     equipment (PPE) ready and  cers,” noted the police       shown me the true charac-  team of Supervisor (Kurt)
                daily,” said Police Chief Allan  available for use, Maciag said.  Facebook post.     ter and resolve of our police  Heise, Clerk (Jerry) Vorva
                Maciag.                       Of the on-call firefighters,  “You can now file police  officers, fire fighters and  and Treasurer (Mark)
                   Callers to 911 can expect to  95 percent are state licensed  reports on-line, through the  dispatch staff.    As we con-  Clinton respect our dedicat-
                be asked screening questions  as emergency medical     Police Public Safety link at  tinue to battle this invisible  ed and professional staff of
                for COVID-19, the disease   responders and follow the You can also  enemy, our Public Safety  first responders, and have
                caused by the novel coron-  same procedures as police  call (734) 941-8400 to file a  Officers continue to risk  been strong partners as we
                avirus. They are being asked  when reporting to the station  police report over the phone.  their lives each and every  work together through this
                about potential symptoms    for a call, said Fire Chief  As with any emergency; call  day to bravely serve our  crisis,” Tiderington said.
                and any exposure to people  Steve Ott. They work together  911 and we will respond as  community.  I am extremely  “Plymouth Township
                who have the infectious dis-  with  personnel   from   always.                       proud of all of them,” he  residents can rest assured
                ease that presents with a   Community EMS (CEMS) to       “Should you need anything  said.                    that our Police Officers,
                fever and respiratory prob-  stabilize and transport   from our Records Bureau;        Tiderington      also  Fire Fighters, Dispatchers
                lems such as shortness of   patients who need care, he  give us a call or email. Please  expressed his appreciation  and Civilian Support Staff
                breath and a cough, often   said.                      look out after each other,    for the support of the town-  are there for them every
                with aches and pains. For     Patients exhibiting  symp-  wave to us with all five fin-  ship board of trustees.  day, and that we have
                non-emergency       calls,  toms of COVID-19 will be   gers, maintain your social dis-  “We could not do our  excelled during this time of
                Dispatch (248-349-1234) will  assessed by first responders  tance and stay safe,” the post  jobs effectively without the  national crisis.
                take the person's name and  wearing personal protective  continued.                  strong support of our town-  “It is my honor and privi-
                phone number and have an    gear, such as mask, gowns and                            ship leaders.  I am thankful  lege to serve with them,” he
                officer call back. This is a new  face shields, which protects  IN SUMPTER TOWNSHIP  that the board of trustees  concluded.
                operating procedure that took  them while treating or trans-  Sumpter  Township,
                effect after the police depart-  porting the patient.   Director of Public Safety and  added.                  sis will we risk the safety of
                ment. office closed to the pub-  During runs, physical dis-  Police Chief Eric Luke said  “I want to remind every-  our community. We have not,
                lic as part of the governor's  tancing of 6 feet is now stan-  that emergency services will  one to dial 911 for emergen-  and will not reduce or elimi-
                order to stay at home.      dard operating procedure   respond as expected.        cies only. For all other police,  nate police officer patrols. If
                   Police continue to make  apart from hands-on patient   “Our   Public   Safety   fire or medical issues call our  anything, we will increase
                their rounds of city streets,  care or transport.      Department is prepared for  dispatch at (734) 461-6898,” he  police patrols if necessary,”
                neighborhoods and business-   “We're trying to limit the  emergency operations and  advised.                   Jedrusik said.
                es, Maciag said. Officers  are  number of first responders  has put procedures in place  “I know this trying time is  “The current strategy of
                still responding to the scene  who are exposed to COVID-  to help protect the health of  full of many stressors. I assure  the  Westland  Police
                of an accident or of a crime to  19, while still providing  our police officers, firefight-  you the response of Sumpter  Department is to reduce
                investigate and write reports,  prompt medical response to  ers, and community mem-  Township Public Safety when  direct police/citizen contacts.
                but now they maintain a phys-  anyone who needs it,” noted  bers,” Luke said at a recent  you need us should not be one  We are achieving this goal by
                                                                       meeting of the Sumpter      of them,” he concluded.     implementing an online
                                                                       Township Board of Trustees                              CLEMIS police reporting sys-
                                                                       meeting.                      IN THE CITY OF WAYNE      tem, by reducing face-to-face
                                                                          “This   means    we've     Police and emergency      police/citizen contacts and by
                                                                       tweaked our response to     services are operating as   temporarily suspending non-
                                                                       lower priority, non-emergency  usual, according to the police  essential services.
                                                                       calls for service, both police  Facebook page although    “The officers of the
                                                                       and fire/rescue, to minimize  some reports can now be filed  Westland Police Department
                                                                       person-to-person contact. We  online. Information is avail-  are also practicing social dis-
                                                                       will, without question,     able on the department      tancing amongst ourselves in
                                                                       respond in our usual manner  Facebook page.             order to reduce the risk of any
                                                                       to all emergency calls though.                          potential virus spread,” he
                                                                       Depending on the specific    IN THE CITY OF WESTLAND    said. “Be confident knowing
                                                                       importance, information from  Westland Police Chief Jeff  that the men and woman of
                                                                       the public safety department  Jedrusik also took to the  the  Westland     Police
                Local public safety departments received a large donation of  will be shared through the  department Facebook page to  Department have been, and
                disposable face shields from Ford Motor Co. recently which  police department's Nixle  assure residents of the contin-  will continue to work through
                were proudly made by members of United Auto Workers.   account in addition to the  uing police efforts in the com-  this crisis in order to ensure
                Ford workers celebrated the completion and shipping of 1  Facebook pages of the police  munity during the pandemic.  that our community is safe
                million masks last week, vital to the safety of health workers.   and fire departments,” he  “At no time during this cri-  and protected.”


        FROM PAGE 1

        made by officials regarding the
        Canton Liberty Fest, set this
        year for June 18-20. Organizers
        said the issue is still under dis-
        cussion, but if the event takes
        place, it will most likely be a
        much smaller celebration than
        in the past, in light of the cur-
        rent health threat.
           In Plymouth, the Art In The
        Park event, set for July 10-12
        will take place as scheduled,
        according to reports.
           Wayne Downtown Days
        could also be canceled
        although there is no decision
        about the event usually set for
        early August, according to
        Wayne Main Street, the organiz-
        er of the event.
           In Westland, the All
        American Cruise, scheduled for
        June 20, has been canceled but
        could be rescheduled, accord-
        ing to organizer Don Nicholson.
        Cruisn' Hines, an event set for
        Aug. 23 will proceed as sched-
        uled, he added.
           Blues, Brews and BBQ in
        Westland, a city sponsored
        event set for Aug. 7-8, will go on
        as scheduled, according to
           The city will postpone the All
        American Craft Beer & Wine
        Festival set for May 30. No
        alternate date for that event has
        been chosen.
           Wayne County Mud Day
        organizers are unsure about the
        event set for July 7 at Nankin
        Mills in Westland. A final deci-
        sion about the event that
        attracts hundreds of youngsters
        from throughout the are has not
        been made, according to county
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