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Workers protest at Romulus Amazon facility
About 20 workers at the worker had tested positive for utive order of Gov. Gretchen could be accomplished if Amazon those deemed non-essential.
Amazon facility in Romulus COVID 19. Since that first case, Whitmer. The employees demon- would restrict sales to only essen- Romulus Amazon management
demonstrated in front of the facili- employees claim, three more peo- strating claimed that there is no tial items such as foodstuffs, disin- issued a prepared statement
ty April 1 holding signs protesting ple at the order-fulfillment center way, under current working condi- fectants, medical staples and regarding the protest which
the prioritizing of profit over their have tested positive for the coron- tions, to prevent the spread of the hygiene products. claimed “fewer than 15 people
health and stating they were avirus. virus and that they, and others, are Amazon had pledged last participated” in the demonstra-
afraid to go to work at the facility. The Romulus warehouse in jeopardy of becoming infected. month to hire an additional tion and said that Amazon
The demonstration was employs 4,000 workers in the facil- The workers were demanding a 100,000 workers nationally at an employees are “heroes fighting for
prompted, the protesters said, by ity and workers claim it is impos- two-week shutdown of the ware- increased pay rate and to priori- their communities and helping
the failure of Romulus Amazon sible to practice the social distanc- house, in compliance with the gov- tize the shipment of essential people get critical items they need
management to warn them that a ing and Stay Home Stay Safe exec- ernor's order, which they claim items and limit the shipment of in a crisis.”
Special delivery
During March, Romulus Community Schools hosted the Book Mobile for the second time, visiting students around Romulus and Inkster. The Book Mobile and a team of
reading specialists delivered more than 200 books to students and adults to promote reading at home. The books were for readers of all ages, including adults. “Our staff
got a huge, positive response about the delivery of books and snacks. Reading is a fundamental part of learning; the more they read, the better learner they will become,”
said Karensa Smith, who has served as district director of grants and curriculum for more than four years. “We wanted to encourage students to always have a physical
book in their hands. The teamwork in our school district made this voyage of the Book Mobile possible,” she added. Those who may have missed the Book Mobile, can
catch it again on July 23. By Roderick Peterson Jr.
City officials suspend all home water service shut-offs
Inkster officials have sus- “remains committed to main- Water fees can be paid drop box is located at the right process will continue during
pended all water shut-offs in taining our vital water and online at the city website, side of the front doors at city the current crisis, officials
the city during the continuing sewer infrastructure.” There hall. No cash will be accepted noted.
COVID-19 pandemic. In addi- Inkster City Hall has been will be a 3-percent credit card in the drop box, officials In addition, compost pick up
tion, late fees for charges that and is scheduled to remain processing fee will be charged warned. began in the city this week.
were due by the end of March closed as directed by Gov. for online payments. Payments can also be made Compost collection will contin-
have been waived in recogni- Gretchen Whitmer, Customers Residents can also pay by by mail addressed to City of ue every week on the same day
tion of the interruption of hours can continue to pay water bills check or money order at the Inkster Treasurer's Office, 26215 as scheduled trash pick-up.
at Inkster City Hall. in a timely manner utilizing one drop box located at Inkster City Trowbridge, Inkster, MI 48141 Compost pick up will continue
Officials said that the city of several methods available. Hall, 26215 Trowbridge. The The regular water billing through Dec. 18.