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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 9, 2020

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                       CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Man accused of assault on wife with electric saw

                                          A   46-year-old   Canton                               ”                                 ment.  The defendant fled the
                                       Township man is accused of              The defendant fled the scene on foot by             scene on foot by was apprehend-
                                       attacking his wife with a power                                                             ed almost immediately by Canton
                                       saw and dragging his 8-year-old          was apprehended almost immediately                 officers and arrested.
                                       daughter by the hair after slam-            by Canton officers and arrested.                  Tallent was arraigned on the
                                       ming her to the pavement.                                                                   multiple charges, which stem
                                          Oswald John Tallent is facing                                                            from assaults on two of his chil-
                                       multiple felony charges following  child abuse, 3rd degree, a 2-year  driveway of the residence with  dren along with the attack on  his
                                       his arrest and arraignment in  felony and as a habitual offender  what appeared to be serious lac-  wife, before Judge Ronald Lowe
                                       35th District Court last       third offense.                erations to her face and body,  at the 35th District Court in
                                       Wednesday, April 1. He is        Multiple neighbors in the 7300  apparently caused by a power  Plymouth. Lowe set Tallent's
                                       charged with assault with intent  block of Stonebrook Drive called  saw. Officers also discovered the  bond at $500,000, no 10 percent,
                                       to commit murder; a felony pun-  Canton police at about 1:14 p.m.  couple's 8-year-old daughter with  and if released from police cus-
                                       ishable by up to life imprison-  March 30 and reported a man  a bump on her head and scrapes  tody he must wear an electronic
                                       ment; torture; a felony punish-  assaulting his wife in the drive-  on her body. The couple has two  tether.
                                       able by life or any term of years;  way of their home.       other children, 6 and 4.         A probable cause conference
                                       assault with intent to do great  When officers arrived at the   Canton EMTs arrived at the  on the charges is set for April 13
                                       bodily harm less than murder or  residence, they discovered  location and transported the vic-  and a preliminary examination
                   Oswald John Tallent  by strangulation, a 10-year felony;  Tallent's 44-year-old wife in the  tims to a local hospital for treat-  is scheduled for April 17.
        Manufacturing facility to close, lay off 66 workers

           Sixty-six workers at a Canton Township manufacturer
        will not have jobs to return to when the coronavirus isola-
        tion restrictions are lifted.
           Worthington Specialty Processing, a steel fabrication
        plant at 5260 South Haggerty Road, will close both the
        195,000 square-foot processing center and the 250,000
        square-foot distribution facility at the end of May, accord-
        ing to a company notice sent to the Michigan Department
        of Labor and Economic Opportunity March 17.  The noti-
        fication is required by law when job losses are planned,
        according to provisions of the Worker Retraining and
        Adjustment Notification (WARN) Act.
           The WARN Act requires employers to provide notice
        to employees and local government at least 60 days in
        advance of business closings and mass layoffs.
           The company website included a notification of the
        closure noting that some operations would be moved to
        facilities in Taylor and Jackson. While the Canton facility
        currently employs 91 people, only 25 of those employees
        will be transferred to one of the two other Worthington
           “Closing the Canton facility and consolidating opera-
        tions is a move to bolster the ongoing competitiveness of                                                                        Photo: Google Maps © 2020 Google
        WSP,” according to the statement on the company website  apply for open positions at Worthington facilities in the  The 30-acres of property on Haggerty Road near Van
        attributed to Jeff Klingler, president of Worthington Steel  area. We will work with all employees to provide transi-  Born Road will also be for sale, according to the state
        Processing business. “Employees are encouraged to  tional services,” the statement concluded.          notification.
        Plymouth Library continues to offer multiple on-line programs

           The library doors might be    Those who live or work in the                                                             more than a century.  Booklist
        closed...but  City of Plymouth are eligible for           Library staff members are                    has just announced that access to
        is open.                       a library card. Go to plymouthli-                                                           the service is free, an opportuni-
           Following Gov. Gretchen and click on How Do I               monitoring email and phone                    ty for readers to read and search
        Whitmer's orders, the physical  Get a Library Card?  The library         messages and answering inquiries.                 from the vast Booklist database
        building of the Plymouth District  is processing card applications                                                         of reviews, interviews and read-
        Library is closed at this time.    every day and a staff member                                                            ing     lists.    Go      to
           That isn't stopping hundreds  usually responds with library  There are thousands of online  on some of the online products. for informa-
        of folks from coming to the    card and PIN number within 24  offerings available through the  During the closure, however,  tion.
        library every day for books,   hours, according to a prepared  library on Overdrive, Hoopla,  these limits have all been     Library staff members are
        movies, music and more all     statement from the library.    Kanopy and Flipster. Ebooks and  expanded.                   monitoring email and phone
        downloadable with a library      For any library users who had  audiobooks, magazines, movies,  For reliable book suggestions,  messages  and  answering
        card.  Library policies have been  their borrowing privileges sus-  television shows, graphic novels,  Booklist, the book review maga-  inquiries every morning, after-
        modified to make increased     pended - these suspensions have  music - all available for all age  zine of the American Library  noon and evening.  Direct
        online content available for card-  been lifted for the duration of the  groups.  Under normal circum-  Association has been helping  inquiries to: (734) 453-0750, ext
        holders.                       library closure.               stances, there are some limits set  librarians and library users for  200 or
        Plymouth man is named to                                                                     Advertisement for Park Facilities Roof Replacement Project
                                                                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE

        state health and safety board                                                 Sealed Bids will be received by the Clerks Department via postal delivery by USPS or electronically submitted to Katie Anderson

                                                                                      at by 2:00 P.M. Monday, May 5th, 2020.
           Governor Gretchen Whitmer named     business administration from Western   The Township hereby solicits bids from qualified contractors for the complete removal, disposal of, and replacement of multiple
                                                                                      shingle roofs located at Marv Gans Community Park, 15801 Beck Rd., Northville, MI 4816 and at Millennium Park located at
        several new members of the Michigan    Michigan University. Fischer was appoint-  45745 Six Mile Rd., Northville, MI 48168. Information on the project is available on the Northville  Township website at
        Board of Health and Safety Compliance  ed to represent a national health care sys- along with all bid documents and can also be obtained by contacting the Parks and Recreation
                                                                                      Department at 248-508-5314.
        and Appeals last week.                 tem whose work in the state focuses on
           Among the appointees to the board was  providing comprehensive behavioral  Additional information may be obtained from the Parks & Facilities Supervisor, Nathan Reilly at
                                                                                      Questions regarding the project shall be brought to the attention of the Nathan Reilly, Parks and Recreation Department via email
        Frank K. Fischer, of Plymouth, who cur-  health services to children, adolescents,  to  Questions will not be accepted after 3:30 P.M. Monday, April 27th, 2020.
        rently serves as the executive director of  and adults.                                                                            Marjorie Banner, Township Clerk
        the National Alliance of Mental Illness  His term began April 3 and will expire
        (NAMI). He holds a bachelor's degree in  April 2, 2024.                       Publish:  April 9, 2020                                       NT0063 - 040920  2.5 x 2.366


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