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April 9, 2020                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                 NORTHVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  NORTHVILLE - SUMPTER

        Sumpter trustees reject re-assessment proposal

           Property owners in Sumpter  board meeting Feb. 25,                                    ”                                 purchased.
        Township will not see a reassess-  Supervisor John Morgan said       We could look at this as spending $114,000              “Who knows what is out there
        ment of values this year follow-  that he felt the proposal and the                                                        we are not capturing,” she said.
        ing a decision of the members of  reassessment made “good                 of taxpayers’ money to make sure                 “We need to move into the 21st
        the board of trustees Feb. 25.  sense” as there had been so               the taxpayers will be paying more.               century.”
           Members of the board opted  many changes in property since                                                                Trustee Tim Rush questioned
        not to approve the proposal of  it had been reassessed.                                                                    the ability of WCA to even begin
        WCA, a professional assessment   “If we don't do this, I feel we  ers will be paying more,” he  without a mechanism in place to  such a reassessment program in
        company, to revalue property on  are being negligent,” he said.   said.                     ensure that the assessments    light of the current coronaviris
        the township tax rolls, some-    Trustee Don LaPorte was not    He also suggested that the  were maintained and updated.   situation.
        thing that has not been done for  in favor of the contract and sug-  township would not see enough  Clerk Esther Hurst said that  “Weren't they supposed to
        about 30 years. WCA had pro-   gested that assessments should  in increased tax revenue to justi-  in her time in the township she  start in April or May,” he asked.
        posed a $114,520 contract to per-  be performed by Wayne County  fy the $114,000 expense.   did not recall such a reassess-  Morgan and Hurst were the
        form the reassessment of resi-  as the township only sees a small  “Would we see enough com-  ment of property and that while  only two members of the board
        dential property during a four to  part of the revenue generated  ing back to cover $114,000?” he  the township had purchased  in favor of the expenditure and
        five year period.              from property taxes.           asked.                        software to maintain property  the proposal to approve the con-
           During discussion of the pro-  “We could look at this as     Trustee Matt Oddy that the  assessment records, she did not  tract was defeated by a lack of
        posal at a study session immedi-  spending $114,000 of taxpayers’  township could be back in the  recall any updating of the data  support for a second on the
        ately preceding the regular    money to make sure the taxpay-  same position in a few years  after the software program was  motion to approve.
        Northville schools prepare to offer off-site learning

           Northville Public Schools  offi-  announce April 13. District offi-                                                     instruction plan is expected to be
        cials have been working on a plan  cials said they are taking into     Currently, all Northville school buildings          sent to parents tomorrow, April
        to shift from the current Home  account the stakeholder feedback                                                           10.
        Learning Support framework to a  received during the past few              remain closed to the community.                   Technology devices are avail-
        Distance Learning Instruction  weeks, and the input of the                                                                 able for students who do not have
        model in response to Gov.      instructional staff.           grade students who are on track  suspended.                  access and need to borrow this
        Gretchen Whitmer's order to      Currently, all Northville school  for promotion will be promoted.  School employees within the  technology from the district.
        close schools for the remainder of  buildings remain closed to the  Students will not be academically  K-12 programs and services for  Complete the Technology Device
        the school year.               community, staff and students  penalized due to the conse-   which school districts receive  Checkout Form on the district
           Members of the district board  with the exception of essential  quences of the coronavirus pan-  state aid will continue to be paid.  website to request use of a
        of education voted unanimously  staff members performing opera-  demic, district officials said.  Staff members should work  device.  The district technology
        in favor of the new distance   tional tasks.  High school seniors  State mandated student test-  remotely where possible and  department will follow up via
        learning for students, according  who were on track to graduate  ing including the M-STEP and  food distribution services will  email to schedule a pick up time
        to a prepared announcement.    prior to school closures will grad-  PSAT are temporarily suspended  continue to be provided for stu-  and location, when it is available.
           Officials said that district edu-  uate, those not on track will have  for the 2019-2020 school year. The  dents.       Please see the district website for
        cators are in the process of devel-  remedial learning opportunities  “Read by 3rd Grade” require-  A more detailed statement  more information along with
        oping a plan which they hope to  and kindergarten through 11th  ment has also been temporarily  regarding the distance learning  options for free internet access.
        Northville Township extends water bill payment dates

           While Northville Township   sewer bill on or around today,   Banner said there are pay-  made online by following         Payments can be made with a
        Hall is closed to the public and  April 9. Due to the COVID-19 pan-  ment options available to resi-  credit card or by electronic bank
        employees are working remotely  demic and Gov. Gretchen       dents while officers remain   ment/OnlinePaymentSearch?Pay   transfer from your bank account.
        during the COVID-19 crisis, offi-  Whitmer's "Stay Home, Stay Safe"  closed. Payments can be mailed  mentApplicationType=10&uid=  Convenience fees apply, Banner
        cials have approved an extension  executive order, Northville  Northville Township Water, P.O.  292.                       cautioned.
        for payment of April water and  Township is extending the due  Box 674268 Detroit, Mi 48267-4268  The best search option is by  She said more information is
        sewer bills.                   date for the April bills from    Payments mailed to this     address, Banner said.  Enter only  available at  communityrela-
           Northville Township water   Monday, May 4 to Friday, June 5,  address are processed by   the house address number and if res-
        and sewer customers should     according to Marjorie Banner,  Comerica Bank on the day      then select the entire address  idents have trouble paying the
        receive their next water and   township clerk in Northville.  received. Payments can also be  from the search results.     bill online.
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