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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 6, 2023

                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Vehicle shooting result

        of road rage incident

           A 34-year-old Dearborn Heights     Fire Department.
        woman is facing multiple felony charges  The victim was not injured in the
        in connection to a road rage confronta-  shooting, officials said.
        tion which resulted in the shooting of a  Prosecutors also allege that Hamilton
        58-year-old Inkster woman's car.      followed the victim eastbound on Aubrey
           According to charges filed by Wayne  Street and exited her vehicle to confront
        County Prosecutor Kym Worthy's office,  her. The defendant then returned to her
        the incident occurred at approximately  vehicle and fled the scene, according to
        7:47 a.m. March 17. Both the victim and  court documents. The victim reported the
        the defendant were driving northbound  incident to the Redford Township Police.
        on Beech Daly near Davison Avenue in     Hamilton has been charged with one
        Redford, according to officials. When the  count of assault with intent to murder,
        victim did not allow the defendant,   one count of assault with intent to do   Lesson plan
        Keshia Hamilton, to pass her and drive  great bodily harm, one count of discharge  Team members from John Glenn High School took the Westland Police players
        ahead of her vehicle, Hamilton allegedly  of a firearm from a motor vehicle, one  to school during a recent charity basketball game. The police team, aka the Non-
        began shouting at the victim. It is alleged  count of felonious assault, four counts of  Dunkin Donuts, were holding their own during the first half and then the school
        that Hamilton then produced and fired a  felony firearm, one count of fourth-  players demonstrated their ‘rocket’ speed and won by a comfortable margin.
        handgun at the victim's vehicle.      degree child abuse, and one count of     Proceeds from the game will be used to fund scholarships for John Glenn stu-
           According to police reports,       commission of a felony with a motor vehi-  dents through the Westland Police Community Partnership. Coach/Ofc. Margie
        Hamilton's daughter was in her vehicle at  cle.                                Kelly and Ofc. Ryan Damico organized the game. The event included a 50-50
        the time of the shooting. She was off duty  Hamilton was arraigned on March 29  drawing and a crowd interactive three-point contest to win a prize basket includ-
        at the time of the incident, police said,  in 17th District Court and given a $50,000  ing gift cards from 2Booli 2Go Westland and Buffalo Wild Wings Westland.
        but works as an EMT with the Detroit  cash/surety bond.

           Hearing                       mer Councilman Ryan Gabriel  public domain,” Rasor told the  both reports. “Everything we  after serving for six years. She
                                                                                                                                 added that should Miller
                                         to undergo formal depositions
                                                                      judge, citing a video tape of a
                                                                                                    got, you will get. You paid for it,
                                         regarding the release of the  city council meeting of Sept. 4,  you'll get it,” the former mayor  release any other confidential
           FROM PAGE 1                   reports to the public.       2018 when the members of the  stated emphatically. On the  information in his possession
                                           Rasor argued that both     council voted to publish both  tape, one council member    he would be cited for con-
           state police investigators. He  reports were already available  reports on the city website,  explicitly asks that the motion,  tempt of court, but that she
           suggested a restraining order  to the public as exhibits in an  thereby waiving privacy privi-  approved with one no vote,  couldn't restrain him from
           against releasing documents   ongoing federal lawsuit seek-  lege. Ruark claimed the city  include both the initial and  releasing information already
           already a matter of public    ing damages from the city and  only waived privilege on the  subsequent reports.        in the public domain.
           record was without basis or   that the inclusion of the    initial report and that Miller  “The city of Wayne is         The judge approved Ruark's
           merit.                        reports had been approved by  gave state investigators the 33-  extremely litigious,” Rasor  request to compel both Gabriel
             Scott Ruark, representing   the federal judge in that case,  page subsequent report which  told the judge. “This case was-  and Rowe, also represented by
           the city of Wayne, disputed   making them a matter of pub-  he argued remained privi-    n't filed until June 17 of 2019  Rasor, to submit to ZOOM dep-
           that argument and claimed the  lic record. In addition, he told  leged, a claim Rasor disputed.   and never had merit and the  ositions within 28 days.
           city had revoked privilege on  the judge, the entire matter   Rasor played a 5-minute    city knew it.”                  Gibson repeatedly remind-
           only the 105-page report and  was outside the statute of limi-  videotape of the meeting dur-  After extensive arguments  ed both attorneys who contin-
           not the 33-page supplemental  tations as the city did not file  ing which Rowe clearly states  and discussion, the judge  ued to refer to other aspects
           report. Ruark also requested  the suit until 2022.         that “everything we received”  agreed there was no merit in  and evidence in the case, “We
           an order from the judge to      “There is no way to restrain  would be made public in    continuing the restraining   will get to that during trial. I
           compel both former Wayne      my client from releasing mate-  response to a question from an  order against Miller who left  can only rule on what is before
           Mayor Susan Rowe and for-     rial that was already in the  audience member regarding    the council in June of 2021  me now.”

                   Ryan Edward Smith
        2 injured

        in crash

           A Detroit man is facing sever-
        al criminal charges following a
        non-fatal car crash that injured a
        pregnant 27-year-old Inkster
        woman and a 25-year-old
        Highland Park man.
           According to prosecutors,
        Ryan Edward Smith, 34, was
        stopped by Westland police offi-
        cers at about 9:30 p.m. March 25
        in the area of Inkster Road and
        Warren Road. When the officers
        left the patrol car to approach
        Smith's vehicle, it is alleged by
        prosecutors that he fled from the
        scene at a high rate of speed
        southbound on Inkster Road.
        During his high-speed flight
        from officers, Smith  allegedly
        disregarded a traffic light and
        traveled through the intersection
        of Road and Inkster roads where
        he crashed into the victims' vehi-
        cle, injuring them both.
           All three were transported by
        EMTs to a local hospital for
        treatment of their injuries,
        according to police.
           Smith has been charged with
        one count of second-degree flee-
        ing;  one count of third-degree
        fleeing; one count of driving
        while license suspended,
        revoked, or denied causing seri-
        ous injury; one count of reckless
        driving causing serious impair-
        ment of a bodily function and
        one count of moving violation
        causing serious impairment of a
        bodily function.
           The defendant was arraigned
        in 18th District Court and given a
        $750,000 cash/surety bond. If
        released, he will be required to
        wear a GPS tether.
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