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April 6 – 12, 2023                                      NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 14                                                                                    www

                                       Wayne lawsuit against ex-councilman continues

                                          Preliminary legal skirmish-                                                               During the hearing last
               Vol. 138, No. 14        es in the lawsuit filed against                          ”                                week, attorney Jim Rasor, who
            Members of the Sumpter     former councilman Anthony        There is no way to restrain my client from releasing     represents Miller, asked the
          Township Board of Trustees   Miller by the City of Wayne con-                                                          judge to revoke the temporary
          approved the 2023-2024       tinued last week before            material that was already in the public domain.        restraining order against
          budget with dissenting votes  Michigan Circuit Court Judge                                                             Miller which prevented him
          from Trustee Peggy Morgan    Sheila Ann Gibson.                                                                        from releasing confidential
          and Trustee Don LaPorte.        The city is suing Miller,  municipality. The documents   least two other ongoing law-  documents concerning the city,
                          See page 2.  charging him with violations of  Miller provided to state investi-  suits seeking monetary dam-  including the investigative
                                       his fiduciary responsibility  gators include both a 105-page  ages from the city. The inves-  reports. Rasor argued that both
                                       during his term as a council  and a supplemental 33-page    tigative reports, completed by  reports had already been
                                       member. The city claims Miller  report regarding employee   an outside legal firm, were crit-  released and were in the pub-
                                       provided confidential informa-  claims of a hostile working  ical of City Manager Lisa    lic domain before Miller pro-
                                       tion to Michigan State Police  environment in Wayne City    Nocerini and recommended      vided the information to the
                Vol. 76, No. 14        during an investigation which  Hall. Those documents subse-  her dismissal or discipline by
            The Village Arts Factory   caused financial damage to the  quently became evidence in at  members of the city council.        See Hearing, page 6
          in Canton Township is now
          welcoming visitors at every
          level of sensory response.      K-9 cutie
                          See page 4.
                                          New police pup

                                          helps officers

               Vol. 76, No. 14            relieve stress
             A Dearborn Heights
                                            A new recruit has officially
          woman is facing multiple        joined the City of Northville
          felony charges in connection    Police Department.
          to a road rage incident           The new officer will not
          which resulted in the shoot-    wear a uniform and is still “in
          ing of an Inkster woman's       training” according to Police
          car.                            Chief Al Maciag, and is not yet
                          See page 6.
                                          on active duty.
                                            Sulley, an English White
                                          Golden Retriever, will have a
                                          special job to do in the police
                                          department when his proba-
                                          tionary training is complete.
                Vol. 23, No. 14           Right now, while only five
            The Battle of the Books,      months old, he is already in  City of Northville Police Chief AL Maciag holds new recruit Sulley in his office. Photo by Liz Cezat
          an annual event at the          training to become a certified  ling or friend,” Maciag said.
          Northville library, saw an      therapy dog.                   “Law enforcement has
          increase in the number of         Maciag, who owns Sulley,  come a long way over the past
          participants along with the     said he places a high value on  30 years in how we take care of
          same intensity.                 the impact a dog can bring to  our officers' mental and physi-
                          See page 5.     the officers and the public in  cal well-being. Research has
                                          times of stress.            shown that the presence of a
                                            “Several years ago, I began  therapy dog can help a person
                                          bringing my black Labrador,  control anxiety, regulate emo-
                                          Oliver, to work with me when I  tional arousals and improve
                                          was the chief of police in  mood. What better way to help
                Vol. 23, No. 14           Wayne. He was never formally  our officers than to have a dog
            The plan for a new Salem      trained as a therapy dog, yet  available to be attentive to
          Township sewer plant at M-      he brought such joy and happi-  their needs and offer uncondi-
          14 and Napier Road stinks,      ness to the people that had  tional love when needed,”
          according to Plymouth           contact with him. I was able to  Maciag said.
          Township trustees.              also bring him to Northville   Maciag and his wife, June,
                          See page 3.     several times before he passed  picked Sulley up on Dec. 23 -
                                          away,” Maciag said.         just before Christmas. They
                                            Maciag and his team dis-  named him after the affable
                                          cussed the benefits of having a  Monster, Inc. character.
                                          department therapy dog, in  Golden Retrievers are known
                                          part to ease the demands of  to have great temperaments,  Sulley gets comfortable in the City of Northville Police
                                          the job. Several area police  Maciag explained, which
               Vol. 138, No. 14           departments,     including  makes them a popular choice  Department. Photos courtesy of the Northville Police Department.
            A Firefighter Apprecia-       Livonia, Northville Township  for therapy dogs. The Maciags  Center is currently providing  “I am hoping in the future
          tion ceremony is planned to     and Wayne, have therapy dog  have had three Labrador     Sulley's training.  Dogs cannot  that he will be able to come to
          recognize new additions to      programs.                   Retrievers during the past 20  be certified as therapy dogs  special events and be out in
          the fire department as well       “Officers experience some  years.                      until they reach at least one  the community for people to
          as the Firefighter of the Year  of the most stressful and trau-  Sulley has been at work  year of age, Maciag explained.  meet. He can also be available
          and the Paramedic of the        matic events over the course of  with Maciag several times dur-  Once his training is complete,  to help students or others who
          Year.                           their career. They then must  ing the past few weeks to accli-  Sulley will come to work with  are experiencing hardships to
                          See page 2.     be able turn off their emotions  mate him to the environment.  Maciag daily. He will be avail-  help brighten their day and
                                          so they can go home and be an  The Therapy Dog Program at  able for the officers and police  lend emotional support,”
                                          effective parent, spouse, sib-  Passion Fur Paws in Michigan  department employees.    Maciag said.

                                       Romulus business renovation results in felony charges

                Vol. 76, No. 14
            The armed man shot by a       Renovations at a Romulus                              ”                                Road and falsified their respec-
          Wayne police officer last    business have resulted in felony           Prosecutors allege the men also                tive time cards. Prosecutors
          Saturday near an entrance to  charges against three Wayne              used county materials and county                allege the men also used county
          the Ford Stamping Plant in   County employees.                                                                         materials and county equip-
          Wayne has died.                 Romulus Nutrition on                   equipment  during the renovation.               ment during the renovation.
                                       Ecorse Road was the site of the                                                           Officials said the investigation
                                       renovations during which,                                                                 into the matter is ongoing.
                         See page  5.
                                       according to Wayne County     ter alleging illegal activities  Corruption Task Force conduct-  The three, VanPeeren,
                                       Prosecutor Kym Worthy's office,  involving three employees of  ed the investigation, according  Everhart and Whorton were
                                       the three men used Wayne      the Wayne County Bridge       to a statement from Worthy's  charged with criminal offenses
                                       County equipment and materi-  Department. When the letter   office.                       by prosecutors on March 28.
                                       als. Prosecutors allege the three  was received in her office in  The investigators concluded  Each faces one count of larceny
                Vol. 76, No. 14        men also falsified time sheets  April 2022, Worthy requested an  that on Dec. 5, 2021, Scott  - $1,000 or more but less than
            Team members from John     and were paid by the county for  investigation. Chief Brian White  VanPeeren, 54 of Wyandotte,  $20,000, and one count of con-
          Glenn High School took the   time spent working on the pri-  and Lt. Donald Farris of the  John  Everhart,   50,   of  spiracy to commit larceny -
          Westland Police players to   vate business.                Wayne County Prosecutor's     Farmington Hills and Justin   $1,000 or more but less than
          school during a recent chari-   An investigation into the  Office Criminal Investigation  Whorton, 40, of Detroit did work  $20,000. Both counts are
          ty basketball game.          three county workers was      Division, with assistance from  on the private business located
                          See page 6.  prompted by an anonymous let-  the  FBI-Detroit    Public   on the 31250 block of Ecorse          See Charges, page 2

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