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April 6, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                     NORTHVILLE - WAYNE
                                                      NORTHVILLE - WAYNE


        Team takes title

        in battle of books

           They take no prisoners in the ongoing
        battle at the Northville Public Library.
           The Battle of the Books, an annual
        event at the library, saw an increase in the
        total number of students and teams partic-
        ipating but with the same intensity as past
        years, noted Librarian Katie Rothley.
        Unsurprisingly, she said, the competition
        was "exciting, loud, fast, and full of puns"
        as Northville District Library Teen
        Librarian Natalie Molnar once again led
        the event as master of ceremonies.
           "Battle was a blast! It was great to see
        numbers up from the last two years, and
        we're all excited to  see it only get better  The winning team of the Northville Public Library Battle of the Books 2023, the Bibliophiles.  Photo by Tony Lowe
        and better in years to come," she said.   8 at Northville High School. While 22  said. Teams typically comprise at least two  gize for the event by reading all seven
           Tweens and teens from Northville were  teams competed, first place went to The  members and up to a maximum of six  books which were provided by the library.
        busy from December 2022 to earlier this  Bibliophiles; second place honors went to  members. An adult is required to act as  For more information, isit : northvilleli-
        month, reading seven books specially   The Librarians and the Lucky Librarians  the contact between the team and librari- or telephone the library at (248)
        selected by librarians. This task prepared  team was in third place.         ans for the duration of the event. Student  349-3020. To learn more about the Friends
        them to answer a variety of trivia-style  The library has been hosting Battle of  teams compete against each other to  of the Northville District Library, become
        questions regarding the characters, loca-  the Books for almost two decades. The  determine who knows the most when it  a member, or about donating to the
        tions, stories, and themes in the books  event is a "fun and competitive challenge  comes to the selection of seven books that  Library,  please  visit:
        with correct answers earning points for  incentivizing reading for Northville stu-  vary each year. Team members then deter- or email::
        the teams. The big event took place March  dents in 6th through 8th grades," Rothley  mine how they want to prepare and strate-
                                                                                     Gunman killed by police

                                                                                        An armed man shot by a Wayne police  local hospital by City of Wayne fire rescue
                                                                                     officer on the Ford Wayne Stamping Plant  services. He has been identified as
                                                                                     property last Saturday night has died,  Zachary Scott Polk, 53, formerly of
                                                                                     according to a police report.         Michigan but residing in Ohio. Police
                                                                                        Six officers from the Wayne Police  reported Polk’s death in a statement
                                                                                     Department responded to a 7 p.m. 911 call  issued Monday.
                                                                                     April 1 reporting a man outside the Van  Polk was not authorized to be on Ford
                                                                                     Born Road employee entrance to the    Motor Co. property, according to the
           March on                                                                  plant. Officers located the man and   report.  A preliminary investigation indi-
           The Wayne Memorial High School Band will perform the National Anthem at   ordered him to show his hands. In     cates that Polk was suffering a mental
           Comerica Park next week just before the Tigers take on the San Francisco  response, according to the report, the  health emergency, police said.
           Giants.Tickets for the Friday, April 14 game are now available at a discounted  man brandished a handgun. The man  According to the press release, officers
           rate and a portion of the cost of each ticket will be donated to the high school  pointed the weapon at the officers despite  from the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office
           band program. The performance is scheduled to between 6 and 6:30 p.m.,    their continued verbal orders to drop the  were also on the scene. The incident is
           organizers said. The band will be under the direction of David Mety and tickets  gun, the report stated. One officer fired  under investigation by Michigan State
           can be purchased at  his weapon one time, striking the man  Police which is protocol for any police
                                                                                     who was immediately transported to a  officer involved shooting..

                                                                                                                 CITY OF ROMULUS
                       To subscribe to The Eagle visit                                                        ORDINANCE NO. 2023-003
                                               AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 26, ARTICLE I, SECTION 26-3, PERMANENT

                                                                                      STRUCTURE AND MOBILE FOOD SERVICE, OF THE CITY OF ROMULUS CODE OF
                                                                                      THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:
             MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING                         Section 1. Chapter 26 Article I Section 26-3 Permanent Structure and Mobile Food Service is
                                      February 13, 2023                               hereby amended to read as follows:
            Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174          Sec. 26-3. Permanent structure and mobile food service
                                                                                      ADOPTED, APPROVED, AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Romulus this 27th day
         The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.   of March 2023.
         Pledge of Allegiance                                                                I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City
         Roll Call                                                                    Council of the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the Romulus City Hall Council
              Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe,  Tina  Talley,  William  Wadsworth,  Virginia  Chambers on the 27th day of March, 2023.
              Williams                                                                       I further certify that the foregoing was published in the Associated Newspapers, a news-
              Absent / Excused: Eva Webb                                              paper of general circulation in the City of Romulus, on the 6th day of April, 2023.
              Administrative Officials in Attendance:
              Robert McCraight, Mayor
              Stacy Paige, Treasurer
              Administrative Staff in Attendance:
              D'Sjonaun Hockenhull, Deputy Clerk; Julie Wojtylko, Chief of Staff; Stephen Hitchcock, City Attorney;                 ELLEN L. CRAIG-BRAGG, CMC,
              Carol Maise, City Planner; Kathy Hood, Assistant DPW Director                                                                     Romulus City Clerk

         1. Agenda                                                                       COMPLETE COPY OF ORDINANCE ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE,
            A.  Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo, to accept the agenda as presented.           11111 WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI.
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                            Within forty-five (45) days after publication of any ordinance duly passed by the Council, a petition
         2. Minutes                                                                   may be presented to the Council protesting against such ordinance continuing in effect.  Said peti-
            A.  Res. #23-031 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley, to approve the Minutes from the   tion shall contain the text of such ordinance and shall be signed by not less than six percent (6%) of
                Regular Meeting held on Monday, February 6, 2023, at 7:30 p.m.        the registered electors registered at the last preceding election at which a Mayor of the City was
                Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Williams  Abstain - Wadsworth  Motion Carried
            B.  Res. #23-032 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley, to approve the  Minutes from the  elected.  Said ordinance shall thereupon and thereby be suspended from operation and the Council
                Special Meeting - Study Session held on Monday, February 6, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the   shall immediately reconsider such ordinance.
                proposed zoning amendments for the Southern Gateway Overlay District and Airport District.   Introduced:  03-13-2023
                Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Williams  Abstain - Wadsworth  Motion Carried   Adopted:  03-27-2023
         3. Petitioner - None                                                         Published Effective:  04-06-2023                             RM0723 - 040623  2.5 x 4.905
         4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
            A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley, to accept the Chairperson's Report.
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                             CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID
         5. Mayor's Report - Robert A. McCraight, Mayor                                   ITB 22/23-23 Contract for Annual NFPA Compliant Fire Fighter Physicals
            A.  Res. #23-033 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Virginia Williams to concur with the
                Administration and consent to piggyback on the MiDeal Contract 071B7700091 for the biannual   The City of Romulus is seeking bids from qualified vendors for the purpose of entering into a twelve
                monthly rental of one (1) Elgin Broom Bear street sweeper at a cost of $12,090.00 ($11,790.00 plus   month contract for on site, annual, NFPA 1582 Compliant, Firefighter Physicals and for the purpose
                $300.00 delivery fee) per rental from MacQueen Equipment LLC dba Bell Equipment through   of designating an official department physician who shall be responsible for the physicals and for
                January 12, 2026.   Motion Carried Unanimously                        guiding, directing and advising members and the department with regard to the health, fitness and
            B.  Res. #23-034 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a resolution   suitability for duty of the firefighters as required by NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department
                determining the location of the restoration project for the Romulus Veteran's Memorial Monument to  Occupational Safety and Health Program.
                be in the City Municipal Complex. Motion Carried Unanimously          (1) Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the City.
         6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk                                 Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing Group page of
            A.  Res. #23-035 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Virginia Williams, to approve the Second   BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless mad
                Reading and Final Adoption of the text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, TA-2022-002, to add to
                Articles 7, Business District, Section 7.06 and 8, Industrial Districts, Section 8.04(b)(9) Southern   (2) Questions must be emailed to and received no later than 12:00 PM
                Gateway Overlay District. Motion Carried Unanimously                     Local Time, 4/14/2023.
            B.  Res. #23-036 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Virginia Williams, to approve the Second   (3) Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discretion of
                Reading and Final Adoption of the text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, TA-2022-003, to   the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN Purchasing Group
                amend Article 9, Airport District, Table 9.02, Schedule of Uses to include drive-through restaurants   page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the MITN website regularly
                as special land uses.    Motion Carried Unanimously                      for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued addenda and
            C.  Res. #23-037 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth, to approve the Second   acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of each addendum as part of
                Reading and Final Adoption of Budget Amendment 22/23-11 in the amount of $356,000.00 for the   the required documents for this solicitation and to list the addendum and sign and date the
                completion of the Brandt Road project. Motion Carried Unanimously        "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the bid documents.
            D.  Res. #23-038 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Celeste Roscoe, to approve the Study Session
                Request for Monday, February 27, 2023, at 6:45 p.m. to discuss amendments to The Fairways at   (4) A total of two copies (one marked "Original" and one marked "Copy") of the bid must be sub-
                Gateway PDA (Planned Development Area) site plan. Motion Carried Unanimously  mitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no later
         7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer - See Clerk's Office for a complete copy of the Minutes  than 2:00 P.M., Thursday, April 27, 2023.  Bids should be addressed using the bid package label
         8. Public Comment                                                               provided in the solicitation documents or submitted electronically on the MITN Purchasing
                A resident inquired the City Council regarding emergency dispatches' tracking of landlines.  Group page of BidNet Direct.
         9. Unfinished Business - None                                                (5) At approximately 3:00 p.m., local time April 27, 2023, all timely received bids will be publical-
         10. New Business - None                                                         ly opened and read.
         11. Warrant                                                                  (6) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the
            A.  Res. #23-039 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley, to approve Warrant #: 23-03 for   right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received and to
                checks presented in the amount of $2,301,030.33
                Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth     Nays - Williams   Motion Carried   award the bid in whole or in part. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest most
         12. Communication - See Clerk's Office for a complete copy of the Minutes       responsive and responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus
                Res. #23-040 Moved by Virginia Williams, seconded by Kathy Abdo to adopt a memorial   or otherwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.
                resolution for the family of Tracie Bland. Motion Carried Unanimously  (7) The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all bonds and insurance required by the
         13. Adjournment                                                                 solicitation documents and copies of all required endorsements.
                Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams, to adjourn the meeting at 8:08   (8) For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by calling
                p.m. Motion Carried Unanimously                                          (734) 955-4568 or by emailing .
         I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan, certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the  (9) The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published document
         minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on February 13, 2023.
                                                                                         or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.  Unauthorized post-
                                                                                         ing of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or solicitations is strictly
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                     RM0725 - 040623  2.5 x 10  Publish: April 06, 2023                          RM0724 - 040623  2.5 x 6.022
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