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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 6, 2023


        Village Arts Factory offering special sensory program

           Art is an intersection of many  that more individuals will take                                                         lutionize and effect change in
        human needs and The Village    part in our events and activities                         ”                                 the community for those with
        Arts Factory in Canton Township  and not avoid them due to loud          The Village Arts Factory is committed             sensory needs, not just those
        is now welcoming visitors at   noises and possibly over-stimu-            to ensuring that all of our programs             with autism. Since the program
        every level of sensory response.  lating environments.”                                                                    began, KultureCity® has created
           The facility is now certified by  Sensory sensitivities or chal-            and events are inclusive.                   more than 1,000 Sensory
        KultureCity®, a leading non-   lenges with sensory regulation                                                              InclusiveTM public and private
        profit organization committed to  are often experienced by indi-  how to handle a sensory over-  and where they can be accessed.  services, organizations, events,
        creating more inclusive experi-  viduals with autism, dementia,  load situation.            The App also includes the Social  and venues in six countries: this
        ences for those with sensory   PTSD, and other similar condi-   KultureCity® Sensory Bags,  Story, which will provide a pre-  includes special events such as
        needs. The new initiative will  tions. One of the major barriers  equipped with noise-canceling  view of what to expect while  the NFL Pro-Bowl, NFL Super
        provide an accommodating envi-  for these individuals is sensitivi-  headphones provided by Puro  enjoying a Village Arts Factory  Bowl, MLB World Series, and
        ronment for all participants,  ty to overstimulation and noise,  Sound Labs, fidget tools, verbal  event.                  MLB All-Star Weekend, accord-
        enabling guests with sensory   which is an enormous part of the  cue cards, and KCVIP lanyards,  “Our communities shape our  ing to a prepared release.
        issues to have a positive experi-  environment in a high-traffic  will be available to all guests at  lives and to know that the Village  The Village Arts Factory is a
        ence when taking part in a     area.  With this new certification,  the Village Arts Factory who may  Arts Factory is willing to go the  multipurpose arts complex locat-
        Village Arts Factory program or  the Village Arts Factory is now  feel overwhelmed by a new envi-  extra mile to ensure that every-  ed at 50755 Cherry Hill Road.
        event, officials explained.    better prepared to assist guests  ronment. In addition, facility  one, no matter their ability, is  The facility serves as a nexus for
           “The Village Arts Factory is  with sensory sensitivities in hav-  signs will indicate noisier spaces  included in community experi-  the arts, culture, music, and com-
        committed to ensuring that all of  ing the most comfortable and  as “Headphone Zones.”  Staff  ences is amazing,” said Uma  munity engagement.  The his-
        our programs and events are    accommodating experience pos-  members will also be able to  Srivastava, KultureCity® execu-  toric studio complex is dedicat-
        inclusive and welcoming to all  sible, officials said.        direct guests to quieter or less  tive director.  “We're honored to  ed to providing equitable, inno-
        individuals who are interested   The certification process    stimulating areas in facilities or  partner with the Village Arts  vative, and inclusive arts pro-
        in participating,” said Kevin  ensures that Village Arts Factory  at events, Ryan said. Prior to  Factory to provide a truly inclu-  gramming and experiences for
        Ryan, community program        staff members are trained annu-  attending an event, families can  sive experience for all guests!”   all to enjoy.
        director. “By providing all of  ally by leading medical profes-  download the free KultureCity®  KultureCity® is a leading   For additional information,
        these    sensory    inclusive  sionals on how to recognize    App where one can view what   non-profit recognized nation-  visit villagearts or
        resources to our guests, we hope  guests with sensory needs and  sensory features are available  wide for using  resources to revo-  call (734) 765-7061.
        ‘Weighting’ in

        Rock band to appear in Canton theater

           Americana and Roots Rock will be the  “Audience members are truly in for a
        spirit of the special appearance of The  memorable experience when The Weight
        Weight Band in Canton April 15.        Band comes to Canton,” said Ben Frick,
           Performing original songs as well as  performing arts coordinator.  “The Weight
        classics, The Weight Band is led by Jim  Band carries on where The Band left off
        Weider, a 15-year former member of The  performing fan favorites including: “Up
        Band and the Levon Helm Band. The      on Cripple Creek,” “The Weight” and
        Weight Band originated in 2013 inside the  “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down,”
        famed Woodstock barn of Levon Helm.    as well as newer originals. The level of
        Weider was inspired by Helm to carry on  musicianship is unmatched. It's classic
        the musical legacy of the Rock and Roll  Americana music at its finest, combining
        Hall of Fame group.                    blues, classic rock, and country.”
           The veteran quintet, which includes   Tickets are $32 per person or, for a lim-
        band leader Weider, keyboardist Brian  ited time, purchasers can receive two
        Mitchell (Levon Helm's Midnight Ramble  tickets to the show and a 2-for-1 bar
        Band), bassist Albert Rogers (Jim Weider  voucher for $50 with promo code: DATE.
        Band, Jimmy Vivino), drummer Michael   Purchase tickets in advance online at                                              The Weight Band Photo by Michael Bram
        Bram (Jason Mraz) and keyboardist Matt, by calling
        Zeiner (Dickey Betts), shares a deep   (734) 394-5300, or at the door - if still avail-
        appreciation and knowledge for this    able. The Village Theater at Cherry Hill
        music, which Weider describes as the   is located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road in
        “Woodstock Sound.” The Weight Band     Canton. For more information call
        continues to serve as its torchbearer, with  (734)394-5300 or visit www.cantonvil-
        their new album, Shines Like Gold.

                                    CITY OF ROMULUS
                               NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                   May 1, 2023, at 6:30 PM
         The Romulus City Council will hold a public hearing at the Romulus City Hall in the Council
         Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174, for the proposed 2023/24 FY Budget for the
         City of Romulus as set forth in Section 9.3 of the Romulus City Charter.
         The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions.
         Information will be available for viewing at City Hall between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday
         through Friday.  Written comments will be received by the Romulus City Clerk at 11111 Wayne
         Road, Romulus, MI 48174, no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the above meeting.

         Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus
         Publish: April 6, 2023


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