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PAGE 8                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 17, 2022


        State of Community luncheon is planned

           The annual State of the     for the event is April 4. Tickets                                                           nity, environment, and family
        Community Luncheon hosted by   are priced at $45 each for cham-                          ”                                 and be a role model for commu-
        the Northville Chamber of      ber of commerce members and                 Nominations for the John Genitti                nity youth and citizens.
        Commerce is planned for 11:45  $50 each for non-members.                       Citizen of the Year Award                     A brief outline of the reasons
        a.m. until 1:30 p.m. April 13 at  Registration and networking                                                              a nominee qualifies for the
        the    Schoolcraft   College   will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the                are still being accepted.                   award is required with the nom-
        VisTaTech Center.              buffet luncheon and program                                                                 ination. The deadline to nomi-
           The event will also honor the  will begin at 11:45 a.m., organiz-                                                       nate a candidate for the award is
        2022 Citizen of the Year, officials  ers said.                                                                             March 28.
        said.                            Nominations for the John     work and play. In 2014, the   and the Holiday Lighted Parade.  To register for the luncheon
           Scheduled speakers include  Genitti Citizen of the Year    award was designated the "John   Nominees for the award must  visit: https://www.northville.
        Superintendent of Northville   Award are still being accepted.  Genitti Citizen of the Year  be involved in actively support-  org/events/details/state-of-the-
        Public Schools Mary Kay        The Northville chamber annual-  Award", in honor of local resi-  ing (through time, talent, or  community-luncheon-04-13-
        Gallagher, Northville Township  ly celebrates the dedication and  dent and businessman John  financial support) an organiza-  2022-2336.
        Supervisor Mark Abbo and City  commitment of community        Genitti. The Citizen of the Year  tion  that  improves  the    The direct link to nominate a
        of Northville Mayor Brian      members who donate their time,  receives a place of honor in the  Northville community; live or  candidate for Citizens of the
        Turnbull.                      energy, and talent to make     2022 Independence Day Parade,  work in the Northville commu-  Year is: https://www.northville.
           The deadline for registration  Northville a special place to live,  the Heritage Festival Parade,  nity; show concern for commu-  org/ form/view/25784.
        Eggstravaganza returns to Northville Maybury Farm

           Spring will bring Eggstrava-  Children will also have the oppor-
        ganza back to Maybury Farm     tunity to have their photo taken
        April 9.                       with the Easter Bunny and the
           Following a 2-year hiatus, the  event will feature appearances by
        popular egg hunt for children  Smokey the Bear, the Tooth Fairy,
        ages 2 to 10 years old will return  and  other  characters.
        to   the   farm   this  year.  Concessions will be available
        Eggstravaganza will feature egg  from Kona Ice, Bearclaw Coffee
        hunts for children in three differ-  Co., S & S Kettle Corn, and All-
        ent age groups: 2 to 3-year-olds  City Dogs.  All activities at
        can participate in multiple hunts  Eggstravaganza are included in
        between 10 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.;  admission with the exception of
        egg hunts for 4 to 6-year-olds will  food and drinks. A raffle will take
        take place at  11 a.m. and egg  place at 12:45 for all those who
        hunts for 7 to 10-year-olds are set  filled out the raffle ticket form.
        for 11:45 a.m.  Each group will  Eggstravaganza and the farm will
        have their own egg hunt area and  close at  p.m.
        children in the two older groups  Admission to Eggstravaganza
        will be tasked with finding a spe-  is $10 per vehicle (cash only).
        cific number of eggs. Children  Prize bags are limited to the first
        will redeem their eggs for a prize  800 children, but all children can
        bag filled with candy and treats  participate in all the other activi-
        from supporters in the communi-  ties going on at the farm. Maybury  To learn more, visit www.may-  Foundation/ Maybury Farm, and  experiences that are both engag-
        ty.                            Farm is located at 50165 Eight or call (248) 704-  Preservation Dental.       ing and educational.  Maybury
           This is the fourth year for  Mile Road in Northville.  Limited  9211.                       Maybury Farm is operated by  Farm is located at 50165 Eight
        Eggstravaganza at Maybury Farm.  free parking will be available at  Eggstravaganza is sponsored  the Northville Community  Mile Road in Northville.  It is 1-1/4
        In addition to the egg hunt, chil-  Maybury Farm and there is addi-  by the Parks Partnership  Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit  mile west of Beck Road on Eight
        dren can visit the Maybury Farm  tional parking at Maybury State  Committee (PPC), consisting of  organization.            Mile, 1/2 mile west of Maybury
        animals, listen to a story, plant  Park (Recreation Passport  representatives from Maybury     Maybury Farm is a working   State Park.
        seeds with the Friends of      required).  Recreation Passports  State Park, Northville Parks, and  farm with a mission to connect  Enter at the Maybury Farm
        Maybury, play on the playground,  are $12 at the Secretary of State  Recreation, Friends of Maybury  the community to animals and  sign, do not enter the State Park.
        and have their faces painted.  and $17 at the State Park entry.  State Park, Northville Community  agriculture through hands-on  Parking is free at Maybury Farm.
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