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March 17, 2022                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Leisure Services wins state programming honor

           Canton Township Leisure     Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion  place in Heritage Park, provided a  ties, and much more."   Since 2004, the Canton
        Services has been recognized by  programs both debuted in 2021  safe and engaging experience to  mParks' annual awards recog-  Township Leisure Services
        mParks, formerly the Michigan  and were well received within the  participants of all ages and are  nize parks and recreation profes-  department has been accredited
        Recreation and Parks Association,  Canton Community, officials said.  expected to be offered again in  sionals, agencies, advocates, and  by  the  Commission  for
        with a 2021-2022 Innovative    The Canton Pride OUTside event  the coming years, officials said.  legislators, who provide enriching  Accreditation of Park and
        Programming Award, which was   was designed to increase aware-  "This statewide recognition is  and engaging experiences that  Recreation Agencies (CAPRA),
        presented March 9, at the mParks  ness, build community, and sup-  an immense honor and we take  support the state of Michigan  which recognizes park and recre-
        annual Conference and Trade    port the LGBTQ+ community. The  great pride in receiving it," said  recreation industry, which has  ation agencies for excellence in
        Show in Traverse City.         Canton Diwali celebration, which  Canton Leisure Services Director  long been an important economic  operation and service.  Currently,
           mParks, a statewide profes-  was the first municipally hosted  Greg Hohenberger. "Canton resi-  driver by inspiring tourism, sup-  there are 191 CAPRA accredited
        sional association for the     festive event of this kind in the  dents are fortunate to have access  porting jobs, and improving health  agencies in the United States.
        Michigan parks and recreation  state, encouraged artistic expres-  to these award-winning communi-  and wellness for residents and vis-  Canton Leisure Services was also
        industry, honored Canton Leisure  sion of this Indian cultural cele-  ty events, as well as year-round  itors. The Innovative Recreation  recognized as the 2008 winner of
        Services with special recognition  bration through vibrant perform-  recreation opportunities, health  Programming Award honors cre-  the National Recreation and
        of the Canton Pride OUTside and  ances, unique exhibits, and color-  and wellness programs, enrich-  ative recreation programs, fund-  Parks Association Gold Medal
        Diwali Festival of Lights commu-  ful decorations.  Each of these  ment classes, fine arts and cultur-  raising activities, and promotional  Award for Excellence in Park and
        nity events. These award-winning  community events, which took  al programs, family-friendly activi-  tools.               Recreation Management.
        25-year Canton police veteran retires

           Canton Township Police Ofc.  age-appropriate curriculum to  Association of School Resource  and pride, officials said, and to
        Andrew Curry has resigned after  thousands of students, promot-  Officers. This prestigious award  his fellow officers he was a solid
        25-years on the job.           ing responsible citizenship and  recognized the group for exem-  and steady partner, who was val-
           Curry began his career in   positive character traits.     plary training, policies and stan-  ued for the knowledge and com-
        Canton as a road patrol officer in  Curry expanded on his train-  dards while demonstrating cre-  passion he brought to the job.
        March, 1997. His initial duties  ing with school-aged youth, serv-  ative and innovative approaches  “In his 25 years, whether
        included responding to calls for  ing as a School Resource Officer  to school-based policing.   working in the schools or as a
        service, initiating contact with  (SRO) for three years at the  Throughout his career, Curry  patrol officer, he was a symbol of
        individuals and participating in  Plymouth-Canton Educational  has received numerous awards  the core values of the Canton
        the department community       Park. In this role, he was respon-  and citations, including a Life  Police Department, which starts
        policing and engagement prac-  sible for contributing to the  Saving Award from the Federal  by operating with the highest
        tices. In addition to his patrol  development of safety programs  Aviation Administration (FAA) in  level of the professional poise-at
        duties, Curry was also a long-  and educational opportunities  1988 for his heroic efforts in res-  the same time, striving for excel-
        standing instructor of the TEAM  for high school students and fac-  cuing the pilot of a Cessna air-  lence while working as a team    Ofc. Andrew Curry
        (Teaching Education and        ulty, officials said. In 2016, Curry  craft that had crashed on a  member and serving with  and our police department will
        Mentoring) program in Canton   and his SRO partners were      neighborhood street in Canton.   integrity and courage,” said  miss him. We wish him all the
        elementary and middle schools.  awarded with a Model Agency     Curry has served the Canton  Police Chief Chad Baugh.      best in his retirement,” Baugh
        As an instructor he provided   Award from the National        community with professionalism  “Officer Curry lived these values,  added.
        Indoor Farmers Markets planned at Summit on the Park

           The Canton Farmers Market                                                                more than ever we are glad that  son of the Canton Farmers
        will return with special Off-      Every winter we look forward to hosting our monthly      we're able to help support these  Market left off. The new season
        Season Markets at the Summit                                                                local farmers and crafters who  of the outdoor Canton Farmers
        on the Park community recre-          off-season markets at the Summit on the Park          provide access to healthy food  Market will re-open from 9 a.m.
        ation center from 10 a.m. to 2        to provide convenient access to our vendors.          sources and unique items.”     until 1 p.m. Sunday, May 8, and
        p.m. March 20, and April 24.                                                                   Bridge Card and Double Up   will continue every Sunday
           A variety of local food grow-                                                            Food Bucks transactions will also  through Oct. 16 in Preservation
        ers and producers have signed  turing chocolates and baked    STEAP, featuring loose leaf teas;  be accepted.  Tokens may be pur-  Park, located at 500 N. Ridge
        on to participate in these Off-  treats; Kapnick Orchards, featur-  The Cheese People of Grand  chased at the Canton Leisure  Road, Canton, MI, 48187.
        Season Farmers Markets, includ-  ing cold storage produce and  Rapids, featuring a variety of  Services table. Market-goers are  For  additional  Canton
        ing: Baubles by Barb, featuring  baked goods; Kapolnek Farms,  cheeses; and The Rustic Red  encouraged to enter through the  Farmers Market information,
        handmade jewelry; Bittersweet  featuring a variety of meat; One  Head, featuring candles.   banquet doors. Social distancing  visit, con-
        Garden & Bakery, featuring a   Tough Cookie, featuring decorat-  “Every winter we look for-  will be required when shopping  tact the Farmers Market
        variety of baked goods; Blue   ed sugar cookies; Pick Michigan  ward to hosting our monthly off-  in the market area and face  Coordinator at cantonfarmers-
        Lilac Skincare, featuring skin-  featuring greenhouse produce;  season markets at the Summit on  masks will be highly recommend- or call
        care items; Boblin Honey - fea-  Sign Woodworks, featuring home  the Park to provide convenient  ed.                       (734) 394-5375. The Summit on
        turing honey; Deliteacious, fea-  and festive holiday signs and dec-  access to our vendors,” said  All of these indoor Off-Season  the Park is located at 46000
        turing loose leaf teas and tea gift  orations; Spice Grrrl, featuring  Canton Health and Wellness  Farmers Markets will pick up  Summit Parkway in Canton, MI,
        sets; Jessica's Confectionery, fea-  organic spices, teas and salts;  Specialist Jennifer Franz. “Now  where the outdoor regular sea-  48188.

                                    PLANNING COMMISSION                                                         PLANNING COMMISSION
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                                   CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                                                    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant
         to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton  to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton
         will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the First Floor Meeting Room of the Canton Township  will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the First Floor Meeting Room of the Canton Township
         Administration Building, 1150 S. Canton Center Road on the following proposed Special Land Use request as provided in  Administration Building, 1150 S. Canton Center Road on the following proposed Special Land Use request as provided in
         Section 27.03 of the Canton Township Zoning Ordinance:                       Section 27.03 of the Canton Township Zoning Ordinance:
         ZIPPY AUTO  WASH - Consider request for Special Land Use approval for an automobile wash establishment (Section  MISTER CAR  WASH - Consider request for Special Land Use approval for an automobile wash establishment (Section
         17.02(B)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance) on parcel nos. 71-128-99-0005-702 (47725 Michigan Ave.) and 128-99-0006-703 (47575  17.02(B)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance) on parcel no. 71-050-99-0009-003 (2100 Haggerty Rd.).   The parcel is zoned C-3,
         Michigan Ave.).  Both parcels are zoned C-3, Regional Commercial District, and are located on the south side of Michigan  Regional Commercial District and Central Business District Overlay.  The parcel is located on the east side of Haggerty Road
         Avenue and west of Beck Road.                                                and south of Ford Road.
         Public comments may be made during the meeting.  Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received  Public comments may be made during the meeting.  Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received
         by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 4, 2022.  Written comments may be emailed to or delivered to the  by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 4, 2022.  Written comments may be emailed to or delivered to the
         Township Administration Building at 1150 S Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI 48188.  Township Administration Building at 1150 S Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI 48188.
         SEE ATTACHED MAP     Greg Greene, Chairman                                   SEE ATTACHED MAP     Greg Greene, Chairman
                              Publish: Newspaper - March 17, 2022        CN2360 - 031722  2.5 x 9.187      Publish: Newspaper - March 17, 2022        CN2360 - 031722  2.5 x 9.187
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