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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 17, 2022

                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND
                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND

        Westland offering grant funding for neighborhood projects

           Community project organizers  age residents to work collabora-  ed for projects/events that support  landscaping/beautification; stew-  and ends April 1. Funds must be
        in Westland have until April 1 to  tively to foster a sense of commu-  community involvement and  ardship of neighborhood parks  spent and documented by June 30,
        apply for grant money to help  nity and actively participate in  reflect positively on the entire city.  and common spaces; youth pro-  2022. The application is available
        fund their project.            making improvements to their   Some examples of projects can be  grams like Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts,  online at: https://www.cityofwest-
           The Neighborhood Grant      neighborhoods.                 community art programs; commu-  or the Westland Youth Athletic
        Program was established by the   A maximum of up to $500 per  nity events such as neighborhood  Association, officials said.  3 and at the city clerk's office at
        Westland City Council to encour-  neighborhood grant can be award-  parties; parades; public space  The application is open now  Westland City Hall.
        Coin sales will help fund Police Honor Guard appearance in capital

           Challenge Coins to help fund  ice.  May 15 is designated as                                                             would include participation in a
        the appearance of the Westland  National  Peace    Officers'                             ”                                 Wreath Laying Ceremony, stand-
        Police Honor Guard during      Memorial Day when the nation                This event is the tribute that these            ing watch for the fallen, and a
        National Police Week in        honors those officers who have                 teams give to honor fallen                   candlelight vigil to honor the fall-
        Washington D.C. are still avail-  made the ultimate sacrifice. This                                                        en.
        able.                          event is the tribute that these                officers and their families.                   To purchase a Westland Police
           Many teams of highly dedicat-  teams give to honor fallen offi-                                                         Department Honor Guard
        ed law enforcement officers    cers and their families.                                                                    Challenge access:
        attend police week to represent  The Westland Police Honor                                                                   https://wlpdcommunitypart-
        organizations from across the  Guard unit exists to honor and  with the highest level of respect  in Washington for Police Week.
        United States and Canada. The  pay tribute to the dedicated men  and honor befitting their sacri-  The team would represent  To learn more about the
        teams meet in the national capi-  and women who selflessly serve  fice.                     Westland while performing some  National Police Week Honor
        tal every year for National Police  in public safety, and when called  The goal of the Challenge  of the rituals in remembrance of  Guard Exhibition, access:
        Week, where peace officers are  upon, will care for the families  Coin sale is to fund the Westland  public safety officers who died in  https://www.police-
        honored for their dedicated serv-  and lay to rest fellow officers  Police Honor Guard appearance  the line of duty. These details

           Her Honor                                                                                 Marijuana business is OK’d

           As Westland continues to celebrate                                                          Members of the Westland     told the commission members
           Women's History Month, the achieve-
           ments of the only individual in the his-                                                  Planning Commission approved  that the business was striving
           tory of the city to serve and lead all                                                    the plans for a marijuana retail  for “more of a wellness feel. We
           three branches of the local governing                                                     business and cultivation center  really want it to be professional
           bodies, legislative, executive, and                                                       during the March 2 meeting.   and classy,” he said during the
           judicial, has been honored by the                                                           The business will be a new  meeting.
           municipality. Current 18th District                                                       construction at 37501 and 36505  City Planning Director
           Court Judge Sandra Ference Cicirelli                                                      Cherry Hill Road and will     Mohamed Ayoub told the com-
           was first elected to Westland City                                                        require the demolition of a   missioners that there were no
           Council in 1990, where she served as                                                      house currently on the property.  current lawsuits pending
           council president for 6 years. She was                                                    Plans submitted include a 6,080-  against the city regarding mari-
           elected as Westland mayor in 2002                                                         square-foot retail center called  juana businesses.
           and then elected as 18th District
           judge in 2007, where she continues to                                                     Kinship and a separate 21,313-  The plans will now be sub-
           serve the community. In addition to                                                       square-foot cultivation center at  mitted to members of the city
           her prestigious elected offices,                                                          the site.                     council for review and
           Cicirelli has supported her hometown                                                        Kinship owner Curt Molino   approval.
           of more than 40 years with her partici-
           pation in Relay For Life of Westland-
           Wayne, MI, the Westland Youth                                                                                To subscribe to
           Assistance Program, the Westland
           Chamber of Commerce, the Westland                                                                             The Eagle visit
           Area Jaycees, the YMCA of
           Metropolitan Detroit, the Westland                                                      
           Goodfellows and many others.

        Plymouth library offers multi-

        lingual storytime for children

           Plymouth District Library has intro-  books and languages are released each
        duced a new multi-lingual storytime    month, she said.
        resource called LOTE Online for Kids.    LOTE Online can be accessed
           LOTE is a database of digital books in  through the Research and Learn or
        world languages, created for children to  Youth tabs on the library website at ply-
        enjoy books and learn languages and is available to
        through storytelling, a library        Plymouth District Library cardholders.
        spokesperson said.                     Anyone who lives or works in Plymouth,
           The platform provides more than     or goes to school in the Plymouth-
        1400 digital books in 45 languages,    Canton Community School district is eli-
        together with English translations.  New  gible for a card.

                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                  NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
         If you experience an overflow or back up of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a written claim with
         the Northville Township Department of Public Services within 45 days after the overflow or backup was discovered.  Notice
         should be mailed to:
                              Northville Township
                              Department of Public Services
                              44405 Six Mile Road
                              Northville, Michigan 48168- 9670
         Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery of damages.  Contact the Department of Public Services at (248) 348-
         5820 for assistance immediately upon discovery of an overflow or backup.
                                                    Roger Lundberg, Clerk
                                                    Charter Township of Northville
         Publish:  March 17, 2022                                      NT0176 - 031722  2.5 x 2.276

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              KMHGC46F49U045291     hours.                1G2NW52E81C265828     2G2WP552871204187
                              2007 FORD ESCAPE      All vehicle are sold in “as  2006 Pontiac   1992 Chevrolet
                              1FMCU02Z17KA59517     is condition”.  Bidding on  1GMDX33L36D219276  1GCEC14Z8NE214224                                Call
        On Wednesday, March   2003 FORD TAURUS      all vehicles will start at  2015 FREIGHTINER  1980 Chevy
        30, 2022 at 1PM, Frazier’s  1FAHP532X3G219221  the amount due for tow-  3ALACWDT4FDGC0087  2GCEC24CSD1117631   FISH FOR STOCKING:       734-467-1900
        Auto  Service  Towing  2003 CHEVY MALIBU    ing and storage.  Vehicles  2002 Chevrolet  SUMPTER POLICE DEPT.     MOST VARIETIES         to place your
        located at 35830 Van  1G1ND52J43M548229     may be deleted from this  1GBFG15R721105381   23501 Sumpter Rd,       POND LAKES
        Born Rd Wayne, MI 48184  2003 MITS. ECLIPSE   list at any time prior to the  2016 Great Dane  Belleville, MI 48111  LAGGIS’FISH FARM      classified
        will conduct a public auc-  4A3AC34G63E015997  start of the auction.  This  1GRAA0621GW703324  2014 International
        tion of Impounded and  2006 SATURN RELAY    is a cash only sale and all                 3HAMMAAL7EL766933       269-628-2056 Days
        Abandoned    Vehicles.  5GZDV23LD172968     vehicles must be paid in    ROMULUS                                269-624-6215 Evenings
        The following vehicles  20165 DODGE DART    full at the time of the con-  POLICE DEPT.
        will be offered for sale to  1C3CDFBB3GD516914  clusion of the auction.   11165 OLIVE ST.
        the highest bidder.   2007 PONTIAC G. PRIX                          ROMULUS MI 48174
                              2G2WP552471202582                           2011 Audi
        KNAFB161525086662     1G1AL52FX57535225       BELOW HAVE BEEN     2002 Chevrolet
        2007 CHRYSLER         2007 JEEP COMMANDER    DEEMED ABANDONED     1GNDX03EX2D175329
        SEBRING               1J8HG48K57C518442      AND WILL BE SOLD AT  2004 Ford
        1C3LC56K37N507907     2002 PONTIAC G. AM       PUBLIC AUCTION,    1FTRX14W54FA17239
        2001 CHEVY CALILIER   1GNF52E12M580384       BIDDING WILL START   1995 Toyota
        1G1JC124617213764     2006 BMW 325I            AT STORAGE AND     1NXAE09B1SZ351999
        2005 CHEVY UPLANDER   WBAVD13566KV14484         SERVICE FEES.     2013 Ford
        1GNDV23L25D154947     2000 FORD FOCUS            J&M TOWING       1FMCU9H98DUC33952
        2012 DODGE CHAL-      1FAFP33P6YW122134        8964 INKSTER RD.   WAYNE POLICE DEPT.
        LENGER                2003 CHEVY MALIBU       ROMULUS, MI 48174   33701 Michigan Ave,
        2C3DYAGXCW105872      1G1ND52J13M725478      ON 03/31/22 @ 12P.M.  Wayne, MI 48184
        2015 FORD F250        2004 TOYOTA RAV4                            2001 Sterling
        1FT7X2B63FEA52466     JTEHD20VX46009608      TAYLOR POLICE DEPT.  2FWJA3AS31AH92446
        2006 HYNUDAI ELANTRA                          23515 Goddard Rd.
        KMHDN46D86U253634     The above vehicles are    Taylor MI. 48180    WESTLAND POLICE
        2004 FORD FREESTAR    impounded through the  1991 GMC              DEPT. 36701 Ford Rd,
        2FMZA52244BB24532     cities of Romulus, Wayne,  1GKER16K8MF502790  Westland, MI 48185
        2002 FORD ESCAPE      Taylor, and Westland.  All  2000 Sterling   1990 Ford
        1FMYU04152KA64421     paperwork  must   be  2FZHRJBA7YAF18486     1FTEF15N6LA71740
        2009 HYUNDAI GENESIS   picked up within 48  2001 Pontiac          2007 Pontiac
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