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March 17, 2022                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Lee’s Chicken winging way to Michigan Avenue site

           Wayne officials recently    Chicken is coming to the City of
        announced that two new busi-   Wayne,” said Wayne Director of
        nesses are expected to be wing-  Planning Lori Gouin at a city
        ing their way into the city soon.  council meeting last month.
           Wing Stop representatives   “This is something that is long
        have announced that a new loca-  overdue. We have a great tenant
        tion of the restaurant will open  and a very stable tenant going
        in the Rite Aid Plaza on       into this building.”
        Michigan Avenue and Wayne        Lee's Chicken is a national
        Road. Currently, the closest Wing  franchise chain known for fried
        Stop is on Ford                               chicken and
        Road in Canton              ”                 other items.
        near Ford Road                                The      new
        and Lotz, offi-           Lee's is            Michigan
        cials said.              a good fit           Avenue loca-
           In addition,                               tion is expected
        Lee's Chicken is          for us to           to    include
        expected to ren-       expand locally.        areas for dining
        ovate and open                                as  well   as
        in the former                                 drive-through
        Brownie's Diner                               service.
        on Michigan                                     “Lee's    is  Lee's Chicken will soon fill the former Brownie's Diner location in Wayne.
        Avenue near                                   growing and
        downtown Wayne. The closest    we're excited to expand our pres-  Michigan over the coming     “Lee's is a good fit for us to  the past couple of years. We
        current location for the popular  ence in the state of Michigan for  years,” said Lee's CEO Ryan  expand locally, especially as  expect to be a part of continuing
        facility is on Ann Arbor Road in  Lee's fans to experience our  Weaver in a news release.   long-time fans of the brand,” said  that momentum, especially with
        Plymouth.                      fresh never frozen products. The  The expansion in Michigan is  Noman Aiyash, who along with  our many years of restaurant
           “I'm sure many of you have  Lee's location in Plymouth has a  the largest ever Lee’s market  Leo Gonzalez, is named as an  experience in these markets,” he
        stood in line at Lee's Chicken on  legendary following, so we're  development. according to the  owner of the new Wayne location  said. The new location is expect-
        Ann Arbor Trail. We're absolute-  looking forward to adding many  news release. Lee's was founded  franchise. “Lee's as a whole is  ed to be open by the end of the
        ly ecstatic to know that Lee's  new locations in southeast    in Lima, Ohio, 55 years ago.  seeing record sales growth over  year.
        Ripple Effect, Rotary Club sponsoring city-wide clean up

           Wayne Ripple Effect is part-  served to volunteers at noon.  of Wayne, sponsors this year
        nering with the Rotary Club of   Volunteers are needed for the  include Harry J. Will Funeral
        Wayne to conduct a city-wide   event, a spokesperson noted.   Home, Professional Insurance
        cleanup of the roads and paths  Volunteers are encouraged to  Associates, Judge Breeda
        bordering the Rouge River.     wear old clothes, masks, and   O'Leary and Pat Rice RE/MAX
           The Rotary Club of Wayne is  bring gloves.                 Classic. Help will also be provid-
        celebrating its 100-year anniver-  Those who wish to take     ed by members of the City of
        sary by performing one service  advantage of this community   Wayne Department of Public
        project per month. The project  service opportunity should bring  Works.
        this month is the Annual       brooms, shovels, and other       Those who register after April
        Downtown Wayne Clean-Up set    cleaning equipment, if possible.  11 may not be guaranteed a sou-
        for 9 a.m. until noon Saturday,  Trash bags will be provided.  venir tee shirt. To register, visit
        April 23.                        Volunteers will meet at Goudy
           A morning snack bar will be  Park at 8:30 a.m. for registration.  wntown-wayne-clean-up-day-
        provided and pizza will be       In addition to the Rotary Club  2022-tickets-272233607047

           To subscribe to The Eagle visit                  MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
                                                                                                                   January 24, 2022
                                                                                         Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174

                                                                                      Pledge of Allegiance
                                      February 7, 2022                                Roll Call
            Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174          The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem, John Barden.
                                                                                           Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb,
         The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.        Virginia Williams
                                                                                           Absent / Excused: None
         Pledge of Allegiance                                                              Administrative Officials in Attendance:
                                                                                           Robert McCraight, Mayor
         Roll Call                                                                         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
              Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb,  Stacy Paige, Treasurer (Remote)
              Virginia Williams                                                            Administrative Staff in Attendance:
              Absent / Excused:                                                            D'Sjonaun Hockenhull - Deputy Clerk; Stephen Hitchcock - City Attorney; Julie Wojtylko - Chief of Staff
              Administrative Officials in Attendance:                                      (Remote); Roberto Scappaticci - DPW Director; Maria Farris - Finance Director (Remote); Robert
              Julie Wojtylko, Chief of Staff                                               Pfannes - Police Chief (Remote); Julie Albert - Director of Assessing & Financial Services (Remote)
              Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk                                             1. Agenda
              Stacy Paige, Treasurer (Remote)                                           A.   Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the agenda as presented.
              Administrative Staff in Attendance:                                            Motion Carried Unanimously
              D'Sjonaun Hockenhull - Deputy Clerk; Stephen Hitchcock - City Attorney; Carol Maise - City Planner;  2. Minutes
              Gary Harris - Purchasing Director (Remote); Damian Hull - Police Captain (Remote)  A.  Res. #22-013 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to approve the Minutes
                                                                                             from the regular meeting held on Monday, January 10, 2022, at 7:30 p.m.
         1. Agenda                                                                           Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Williams          Abstain - Talley, Webb
            A.  Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the Agenda as presented.  Motion Carried
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                              B.   Res. #22-014 Moved by Virginia Williams, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to approve the Minutes
         2. Minutes                                                                          from the Special Meeting - Study Session held on Monday, January 10, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss
            A.  Res. #22-024 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the minutes from  the audit presentation by Plante Moran.
                the Regular Meeting held on Monday, January 24, 2022, at 7:30 p.m.           Roll Call Vote: Ayes -  Barden, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Williams          Abstain - Abdo, Talley, Webb
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                   Motion Carried
            B.  Res. #22-025 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the minutes from the   3. Petitioner - None
                Special Meeting - Study Session held on Monday, January 24, 2022, at 6:15 p.m. to discuss the Lead  4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
                Service Line Status for the City of Romulus.  Motion Carried Unanimously     State Senator Erika Geiss and State Representative Alex Garza presented a Special Tribute to Clerk
         3. Petitioner                                                                       Bragg for her recognition as the 2021 City Clerk of the Year.
            A.  Glenn Shapiro, COO of PMG SealMaster, and Eric Frazzini, manager of Planning for Community   A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson's Report.
                Image Builders, presented a PowerPoint on the request to rezone 2.64 acres of property located at   Motion Carried Unanimously
                27989 Van Born Rd.                                                    5. Mayor's Report - Robert A. McCraight, Mayor
                Res. #22-026 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the first reading   A.  Res. #22-015 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the
                of the Zoning Map Amendment for RZ-2021-002 for PMG SealMaster to rezone 2.64 acres of   Administration and adopt the Resolution for the City of Romulus Poverty Exemption for 2022 to be
                property, Parcel ID #80-00-99-0008-702, from M-1, Light Industrial to M-T, Industrial   used by the Board of Review to review or approve poverty exemptions.
                Transportation. Motion Carried Unanimously                                   Motion Carried Unanimously
         4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem                            B.   Res. #22-016 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the
                Res. #22-027 Moved by Virginia Williams, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a memorial   Administration and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into an agreement with Gabriel, Roeder,
                resolution for the family of Antonio Bland. Motion Carried Unanimously       Smith and Company for an actuarial valuation to determine the City's Retiree Healthcare Plan.
                Res. #22-028 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Eva Webb to adopt a memorial resolution for  Motion Carried Unanimously
                the family of Frank Hood. Motion Carried Unanimously                    C.   Res. #22-017 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to concur with the Administration
                Res. #22-029 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Virginia Williams to adopt a resolution in   and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into the Inter-Governmental Agreement with the
                support of the resolution from the Wayne County Commission calling upon legislators in the   Romulus Schools for one (1) School Resource Officer.  Motion Carried Unanimously
                Michigan House and Senate to pass legislation that protects those in their communities from sexual   D.  Res. #22-018 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with the Administration
                violence. Motion Carried Unanimously                                         and approve the re-appointments of Stanley Bragg and Vonda Cooley to the Police, Fire & Safety
                Res. #22-030 Moved by Kathy Abdo seconded by Virginia Williams to schedule a Study Session   Commission with terms to expire on February 22, 2025.  Motion Carried Unanimously
                on Monday, February 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Council's budget for the 2022/23 fiscal   E.  Res. #22-019 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the
                year. Motion Carried Unanimously                                             Administration and approve the re-appointment of Cathy Freitag and appoint Emery Long to the
            A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson's Report.  Planning Commission with terms to expire January 31, 2025. Motion Carried Unanimously
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                              F.   Res. #22-020 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the
         5. Mayor's Report - Robert A. McCraight, Mayor                                      Administration and consent to piggyback on the MiDeal Contract #071B770081 to purchase one (1)
            A.  Res. #22-031 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the   2022 Ford Explorer XLT (K8B) with options from Gorno Ford at a cost of $34,823.00.
                Administration and award bid ITB 21/22-11 to the most responsive and responsible bidder and   Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb         Nays - Williams
                authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a four (4) year contract (ending of the 2025/26 fiscal   Motion Carried
                year) with Great Lake Graphics, Inc., for the printing, handling and mailing services needed for tax   G.  Res. #22-021 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to concur with the
                statements, assessment notices, and water account billing for the City of Romulus Water &   Administration and award RFP 20/21-09  to Campbell, Inc. Mechanical Services for a ten (10) year
                Assessment Departments and the Treasurer's Office on an as-needed basis.      contract, for performing maintenance and as needed repairs and equipment replacement on the
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                   HVAC systems in all City buildings at the costs associated, in the pricing sheet.
            B.  Res. #22-032 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the Administration   Motion Carried Unanimously
                and award bid ITB 21/22-12 to the lowest most responsive, and responsible bidder, Vance Outdoors,   6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
                Inc., for the purchase of four (4) Rock River Arms AR-15 Patrol Rifles in the amount of $6,803.20.  A.  Res. #22-022 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth to approve the Study
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                   Session requests for Monday, April 4, 2022, and Monday, April 11, 2022; and, approve the Public
         6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk - None                              Hearing request for Monday, May 2, 2022, for the purposes of discussing and presenting the 2022/23
         7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer - None                               FY Budgets.     Motion Carried Unanimously
         8. Public Comment - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes   7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
         9. Unfinished Business - None                                                8. Public Comment - None
         10. New Business - None                                                      9. Unfinished Business - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
         11. Communication - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes   10. New Business - None
                Res. #22-033 Moved by Virginia Williams, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a resolution to be  11. Warrant
                sent to the Michigan Public Service Commission, disapproving of Comcast Cable services and rates.  A.  Res. #22-023 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve Warrant #22-2 for
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                   checks presented in the amount of $1,408,603.63.  Motion Carried Unanimously
         12. Adjournment                                                              12. Communication - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
                Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m.   13. Adjournment
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                   Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
                                                                                             Motion Carried Unanimously
         I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on February 7, 2022.  copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on January 24, 2022.

         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk                                             Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                  RM0669 - 031722  2.5 x 10.58  City of Romulus, Michigan                     RM0670 - 031722  2.5 x 11.191
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