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City may convert school into community center
Members of the Westland City needs of the city, and a sale of the ” ater). Marshall School is 120,000
Council have approved a condi- building is approved by the Westland has had great success repurposing square foot of pure potential,”
tional purchase of Marshall members of the Wayne Westland Wild posted on social media.
Upper Elementary School from Board of Education, a purchase vacant buildings Circuit City (city hall), While the school building and
the Wayne Westland school dis- price will be negotiated, officials Jefferson-Barns Elementary (community center), property are not listed for sale,
trict. said. The abandoned school should the city purchase or even
The approval for the pur- already has a gymnasium and WLND Cable Building (community theater). lease the site from the schools,
chase of the 120,000 square foot track along with baseball, foot- the district could potentially
building is dependent on a 120- ball and tennis facilities. The would be an addition to the addition of the space at Marshall save up to $1 million in demoli-
day due diligence period during building also has an auditorium assets of the community. could ease that situation and tion costs at the site, officials
which city professionals will and music rooms in addition to Currently, Westland does not allow the city to offer more activ- said.
evaluate the Bayview Street the classrooms. Mayor William have a dedicated recreation cen- ities and senior services. Officials said that before tak-
building closed by the school dis- Wild said that many community ter. “Westland has had great suc- ing on the renovation at the
trict last year. centers and senior centers are Wild noted that the current cess repurposing vacant build- Marshall building, should a sale
The building is being consid- now offering many classes, mak- senior center in the city is very ings. Circuit City (city hall), or lease be negotiated with the
ered as a potential recreation, ing the classrooms ideal for city busy and out of room for the Jefferson-Barns Elementary school district, there would be an
senior and community center. use. Wild also said the building is services and activities utilized by (community center), WLND outreach survey to determine
If the purchase meets the centrally located in the city and Westland seniors. He said the Cable Building (community the- the needs of the community.
Westland man sentenced to prison in woman’s death
Third Circuit Judge Donald Hines Park. He originally told He noted
Knapp sentenced Anthony ” police investigators that she had that the
Kesteloot, 27, of West-land to 5-15 Kesteloot had entered a plea walked home from his apartment medical
years in prison in connection to of no contest to a charge of manslaughter. that same night and that he did examiner's
the death of Westland resident not know he whereabouts. report did
Olivia Rossi. The judge expressed his sym- not conclu-
Kesteloot had entered a plea pathy to Rossi's family during the sively say
of no contest to a charge of dence in a criminal case. knew from school, and he was Zoom sentencing but said that he that Rossi
manslaughter, reduced from a No contest is usually treated acting strangely. believed there was a strong died of
charge of open murder. He had as a guilty plea by the court. About a week later, after multi- chance that, if the case had gone strangula-
previously been charged with dis- Rossi, 23, last communicated ple police interviews during to a jury trial, Kesteloot would tion nor had Anthony Kesteloot
interment of a dead body, with her family on Sunday, Aug. which he denied knowing any- not have been found guilty of the prosecutor proved that
obstruction of justice, removing a 18, 2019 when she sent a text mes- thing about her death, Kesteloot murder. In a not guilty verdict by Kestleloot strangled her.
dead body without proper per- sage to her twin sister, Raquel finally directed Westland police a jury, the judge said, no jail sen- Kesteloot was given credit for
mission, failure to report a dead Rossi. In the text she said she was investigators to Rossi's body par- tence at all would have been 560 days of jail time already
body and tampering with evi- with Kesteloot, whom the pair tially lying in the Rouge River in imposed. served against his sentence.
Greek Islands license suspended for COVID violations
The owners of Greek Islands G.I. Poros, Inc., d/b/a Greek for staff and patrons and a lack of risks suspension or revocation of MLCC by filing a complaint with
Eatery on Main Street in down- Islands Eatery in Plymouth on social distancing. its license. All licensees must the MLCC Enforcement Division
town Plymouth were scheduled March 2. Investigators said that The hearing yesterday was set comply not only with the online or by calling the division
to appear at a hearing yesterday the restaurant violated the gath- by Zoom to determine if the sus- MDHHS orders, but also with hotline, toll-free, at 866-893-2121.
before an Administrative Law erings and face mask order that pension should continue or if local health department orders The MLCC website
Judge to determine if the suspen- was in effect, including allowing other fines and penalties should and local ordinances regarding ( provides
sion of the liquor license should non-residential, indoor gather- be imposed. The results of the reduced occupancy rates and information on the MDHHS
continue. ings without requiring patrons to hearing were not available at social distancing protocols relat- Emergency Orders, indoor serv-
The Michigan Liquor Control be seated; exceeding 25 percent press time. ed to the COVID-19 pandemic. ice restrictions, face mask
Commission (MLCC) issued an of normal seating capacity; allow- Officials said that any licensed The public can report any sus- requirements, and Frequently
emergency suspension of the ing prohibited intermingling; establishment that is in violation pected non-compliance issue at Asked Questions for restaurants
liquor licenses and permits for failing to require face coverings of the MDHHS emergency order an establishment directly to the and bars.