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Second downtown survey of residents is completed
A second survey conducted by Public Input Process stores, small shops, and/or neigh-
members of the Northville Subcommittee, and their analysis ” borhood cafes should be part of
Planning Commission received was the basis of the report. The preference is for traditional/historic the residential setting, according
515 responses regarding three Of the survey participants, 61 architectural design, even if modern to the results Elmiger presented.
areas in the downtown area of percent were city residents, 98 The preference is for tradition-
the community. percent of whom own their materials/methods are used. al/historic architectural design,
The second survey sought pub- homes, and 34 percent were even if modern materials/meth-
lic opinion and insight into the township residents, business ods are used, she said.
look and feel of new develop- owners or individuals who work At the planning commission
ment, green space and physical in the township. City business Street subarea, Elmiger reported. many favoring an indoor/outdoor, meeting Feb. 16, Chair Donna
attributes in the community. City owners comprised 6 percent and Respondents want traffic to move multi-use facility to house the Tinberg, also a member of the
Planner Sally Elmiger presented 7 percent of respondents work in efficiently by using traffic-calm- market. Many respondents said subcommittee that oversaw the
the survey report to members of the city. Elmiger explained that ing devices to allow pedestrians they wanted an iconic landmark survey, also presented prelimi-
the planning commission during respondents could belong to and bicyclists to cross streets to mark the southern entrance nary survey results. At that time,
their March 2 meeting. Elmiger more than one category, making safely. Daylighting the river was into Northville at Seven Mile and Commissioner Steve Kirk
described overall findings, areas the sum more than 100 percent. favored, with people envisioning South Center, she said. expressed appreciation for all
of consensus and data on priori- Key findings include the a park that incorporates both the The majority of respondents survey participants and said he
ties for new development, traffic, desire to create connections from river and Johnson Creek, and fea- preferred single-family residen- was pleased to see so many
walkability, parking, along with new development to the down- tures paved paths, bridges, and tial in the racetrack subarea, with detailed and thoughtful com-
other factors. She said she had town/historic district and to other elements that bring people some townhomes and senior ments.
discussed the survey results with Seven Mile/Hines Park. Most of together and add points of inter- independent living options - all The results of both the first
City Manager Pat Sullivan and those responding said they want est. Retaining the Farmer's appealing to a diversity of resi- and second survey appear on the
members of the Master Plan to see mixed use in the Cady Market was a high priority with dents. Many agreed that corner city website.
City to sell land to Poole's tavern
Members of the Northville owners will pay $45 per square chase agreement, must build an
City Council approved the prepa- foot of the 218 square foot of land ADA-compliant passageway,
ration of a purchase agreement being purchased. Referred to in begin work within six months of
for the sale of some city property proposals and option C, this was the sale and commit to a timeline
at the corner of Main and Hutton the smallest amount of land nec- for the development. Officials
to facilitate the renovation and essary to accommodate the said the conditions allow the city
expansion of Poole's Tavern. expansion of the building and more time to consider the possi-
Seniors may soon a second floor and rooftop dining the construction of a staircase to bility of selling more land to
Current plans include adding
the second floor.
Poole's in the future or retain the
property as city-owned.
The owners, as part of the pur-
at the corner restaurant. Poole's
have teen pen pals
During the pandemic Currently, the program is
required time of social dis- reaching out to area seniors to
tancing and isolation, senior encourage registration for this
citizens are especially affect- free service. Any area senior
ed by the separation from in the Northville and sur-
their friends and families. rounding communities who
North Youth Network would be interested can now
(NYN) Youth Action Board register for the program.
members are developing a About 90 students from
Pen Pal program between Northville middle schools and
Northville youth and area Northville High School are
senior citizens to help allevi- participating in the Pen Pals
ate the feelings of isolation program.
that many are experiencing Northville youth and sen-
due to the pandemic. Pen Pals ior citizens who would like to
will exchange cards, letters or participate in the Pen Pal pro-
emails with each other to fos- gram can sign up at (248) 344-
ter connections and brighten 1618 or email northvil-
each other's days.
Vaccine until 6 p.m. Monday, Wednesday M.P.H., who leads the Mobile 4635 Howe Road in Wayne.In reducing medications prior to
and Friday and from 9 a.m. - 1
testing. When arriving at the
Westland, testing will take place
COVID Testing Program for
p.m. Saturdays. To pre-register go Wayne Health. “The sooner peo- in the parking lot at the Westland drive-through clinic, individuals
FROM PAGE 1 to ple know their COVID status, the Friendship Center, located at should have a form of identifica-
Rapid drive-through COVID- quicker they can take the neces- 1119 Newburgh Road. Residents tion ready. Visitors are asked that Other 19 testing is also available at USA sary steps to keep themselves will have no out of pocket they leave their car windows up
communities are also taking Hockey Arena in Plymouth. safe and stop the spread.” expenses for testing. However, if until asked to lower them. In
names for a wait list for the vac- RapidBio, a molecular diagnos- USA Hockey Arena is located insurance information is avail- Wayne, both drive-through and
cine. When appointments tics laboratory, is partnering with at 14900 Beck Road in Plymouth able, it will be collected for the inside testing is available.
become available, they will be the arena and Wayne Health to Township. laboratory testing fees. There is Individuals older than 5 are eligi-
notified by either the community provide drive-through collection Testing for COVID-19 is also no pre-registration or appoint- ble to be tested, but must be
or by Wayne County personnel. and rapid test results for COVID- available to the public in both ment needed, officials said. accompanied by an adult. There
Testing for coronavirus is also 19. The company said it is using Wayne and Westland. The cities Minors must be accompanied by is no doctor's order or pre-regis-
currently available in Canton, the sensitive qPCR assay com- have cooperated with Wayne a parents or guardian and tration necessary. As in Westland,
Plymouth, Wayne and Westland. bined with “highly automated County to provide the testing patients can expect to receive there is no cost but if insurance
Canton Township, in coopera- equipment” to provide the poten- sites in an effort to reach the goal their results within 2-3 days, information is available, it will be
tion with the Wayne County tial to process 5,000 COVID-19 of 8,000 tests each day.In Wayne, which will be shared via email, collected. Individuals who may
Health Department and tests per day and the ability to the cost-free testing with report- phone call or text message. The be experiencing COVID-19 symp-
Memorial Healthcare, is offering expand further, with results edly shorter waiting times is Westland COVID-19 testing is toms are encouraged to get tested
COVID-19 Testing at Heritage delivered in 24 hours or less. open at the HYPE Recreation open from 9 a.m.until 7 p.m. and quarantine until test results
Park, 46202 Heritage Park Road, “This new partnership allows us Center from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and from are received. Symptoms can
Canton. At this time, this is site is to provide results to our patients Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday. develop up to 14 days after expo-
conducting testing only. Testing faster than ever before,” 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Health professionals advised sure to the virus, health profes-
will be available from, 10 a.m. explained Phillip Levy, M.D., The athletic center is located at individuals not to take any fever sionals said.
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