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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 11, 2021

                INKSTER - SUMPTER                                                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN
                 INKSTER - SUMPTER
                                                                                                           PLANNING COMMISSION ORDINANCE
                                                                                                              ARTICLE II, Sec. 18, No. _________
                                                                                      AN ORDINANCE  TO AMEND, RESTATE AND CONFIRM  THE ESTABLISHMENT OF  THE SUMPTER  TOWNSHIP
                                                                                      PLANNING COMMISSION UNDER THE MICHIGAN PLANNING ENABLING ACT, PUBLIC ACT 33 of 2008, MCL
        Deputy supervisor’s pay                                                       DUTIES, AND LIMITATIONS OF THE COMMISSION; AND REPEAL ANY ORDINANCE, RESOLUTIONS OR PARTS
                                                                                      125.3801, et seq.; PROVIDE FOR THE COMPOSITION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDE FOR POWERS,
                                                                                      THEREOF IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE
                                                                                      THE TOWNSHIP OF SUMPTER, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN, HEREBY ORDAINS:
        rate remains board topic                                                      Section 1: Scope, Purpose and Intent
                                                                                      This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted the Township Board under the Michigan Planning Enabling Act,
                                                                                      Public Act 33 of 2008, MCL 125.3801, et seq., and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006, MCL 125.3101,
                                                                                      et seq., to establish a planning commission with the power, duties and limitations provided by those Acts and subject to the terms
                                                                                      and conditions of this ordinance and any future amendments to this ordinance.
                                                                                      The purpose of this ordinance is to provide and restated that the Sumpter Township Board hereby confirms the prior establish-
           Finance Director Michelle Cole accept-  the full payment including benefits and  ment of the Sumpter Township Planning Commission under the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008, MCL
        ed the appointment as deputy supervisor  other compensation. The board members,  125.3801, et seq., formerly established under the Township Planning Act, Public Act 168 of 1959, MCL 125.321, et seq.; to estab-
                                                                                      lish the appointments, terms and membership of the Planning Commission; to identify the officers and the minimum number of
        in Sumpter Township last month, following  through Young, offered him a $5,500 settle-  meetings per year of the Planning Commission; and to prescribe the authority, powers and duties of the Planning Commission.
        the abrupt resignation of Kenneth      ment which he refused and he is currently  Section 2: Establishment
        Bednark.                               pursuing the issue through the Michigan  The Sumpter Township Board hereby confirms the establishment of the Sumpter Township Planning Commission under the
           Bednark reportedly resigned due to a  Department of Labor while the township  Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008, MCL 25.3801, et seq., formerly established under the  Township
        pay dispute and a public disagreement  has hired a labor attorney to handle his  Planning Act, Public Act 168 of 1959, MCL 125.321 et seq. The Sumpter Township Planning Commission shall consist of nine
                                                                                      (9) members. Members of the Sumpter Township Planning Commission as of the effective date of this Ordinance Amendment
        with Supervisor Tim Bowman during a    claim.                                 and Restatement shall, except for an ex officio member whose remaining term of the Planning Commission shall be limited to
                                                                                      his or her term on the Township Board, continue to serve for the remainder of their existing terms so long as they continue to
        meeting of the board of trustees. The dis-  During the meeting of the board last  meet all membership eligibility requirements as set forth within the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008,
        pute regarding the hourly wage for the  month, trustees were asked to approve the  MCL 125.3801, et seq.
        position was the topic of discussion by  same part-time rate of $8,406 for Cole,  Section 3: Appointments and Terms
        board members again during the Feb. 26  prompting  Morgan, who had been the   The Township Supervisor, with the approval of the Township Board by a majority vote of the members elected and serving, shall
                                                                                      appoint all Planning Commission members, including the ex officio members.   The Planning Commission members, other than
        meeting when Trustee Peggy Morgan con-  most supportive of the higher wage for  an ex officio member, shall serve for terms of three (3) years each and the terms shall be staggered as currently exists. A Planning
        tinued to advocate for a higher hourly  Bednark, to strongly disagree with the pro-  Commission member shall hold office until his or her successor is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in
                                                                                      the same manner as the original appointment. Planning Commission members shall be qualified electors of the Township (i.e.
        wage for the position.                 posed motion setting the wage for the posi-  U.S. citizen, 18-years old, who have been a resident of the state for six months and a resident of the Township for at least thirty
           Bednark was appointed to the deputy  tion.                                 days), except that one Planning Commission member may be an individual who is not a qualified elector of the Township.    The
        position by newly-elected Bowman in      Morgan said she had no objection to  membership of the Planning Commission shall be representative of important segments of the community, such as the econom-
                                                                                      ic, governmental, educational, and social development of the Township, in accordance with the major interests as they exist in
        November and was to be paid, both      Cole, but disagreed with the pay rate.  the Township, such as agriculture, natural resources, recreation, education, public health, government, transportation, industry,
                                                                                      and commerce.   The membership shall also be representative of the entire geography of the Township to the extent practicable.
        acknowledged, at the same rate as the pre-  Trustee Don LaPorte asked Morgan if
        vious deputy, $31.44 per hour, along with  she felt the rate was too low and wanted to  One member of the Township Board shall be appointed to the Planning Commission as an ex officio member. An ex officio mem-
                                                                                      ber has full voting rights. An ex officio member's term on the Planning Commission shall expire with his or her term of the
        medical benefits. The board of trustees dis-  pay Cole more. He suggested that the rate  Township Board. No other elected officer or employee of the Township is eligible to be a member of the Planning Commission.
        agreed with that wage decision and, follow-  could be increased if brought to the board  Section 4: Removal
        ing a legal opinion from township attorney  members at a later date.          The Township Board may remove a member of the Planning Commission for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office
        Rob Young, explained that the board mem-  “I think the pay is appropriate,”   upon written charges and after a public hearing.
        bers, by township charter, not the supervi-  explained Trustee Matt Oddy. “She (Cole)  Section 5: Conflict of Interest
        sor, determine the rate of pay for employ-  is already getting paid as the finance direc-  Before casting a vote on a matter on which a Planning Commission member may reasonably be considered to have a conflict of
                                                                                      interest, the member shall disclose the potential conflict of interest to the Planning Commission. Failure of a member to disclose
        ees. During a meeting Feb. 15, the trustees  tor, this is additional pay to perform the  a potential conflict of interest as required by this Ordinance constitutes malfeasance in office.
        reduced the full-time position to part-time  statutory duties of the supervisor, such as  For the purposes of this section, “conflict of interest” is defined as, and a Planning Commission member shall declare a conflict
        at an annual salary of $8,406 or $8.08 per  the budget. She is performing those duties  of interest and abstain from participating in Planning Commission deliberations and voting on a request when:
        hour, and disallowed all benefits. The  already,” he said.                       a.  An immediate family member is involved in a request which the Planning Commission is asked to decide. “Immediate
        board subsequently agreed to pay Bednark  Treasurer Jim Clark agreed noting that   family member” is defined as an individual's father, mother, son, daughter, including an adopted child, brother, sister,
        at the higher rate up until the change, from  Cole had already accepted the part-time  and spouse and a relative of any degree residing in the same household as that individual.
        Nov. 20 until Dec. 15, but ordered him to  pay rate with no benefits for the duties  b. The Planning Commission member has a business or financial interest in the property involved in the request or has a
        repay the extra salary that he had received  involved as deputy supervisor.        business or financial interest in the applicant's company, agency, or association.
        since that date. The amount was being    The pay rate as presented in the motion  c.  The Planning Commission member owns or has a financial interest in neighboring property.   For purposes of this sec-
        deducted from his paychecks.           was approved by a vote of the board mem-    tion, a “neighboring property” shall include any property falling   within   the   notification   radius   for the  application
                                                                                           or proposed development, as required by the zoning ordinance or other applicable ordinance.
           Bednark complained and demanded     bers.                                     d. There is a reasonable appearance of a conflict of interest, as determined by a majority vote of the remaining members
        Food bank may soon open                                                       Section 6: Compensation
                                                                                           of the Planning Commission.

                                                                                      The Planning Commission members may be compensated for their services as provided by Township Board resolution or be
        at Sumpter Township site                                                      township approval reflected in the approved Township Board meeting minutes. The Planning Commission may adopt bylaws rel-
                                                                                      ative to the compensation and expenses of its members for travel when engaged in the performance of activities authorized by
                                                                                      the Township Board, including but not limited to, attendance at conferences, workshops, educational and training programs, and
                                                                                      Section 7: Officers and Committees
           Sumpter Township Trustee Peggy      project for the township. Do we need to  The Planning Commission shall elect a chairperson and a secretary from its members and may create and fill other offices as it
        Morgan asked her fellow board members  vote or can we just approve it?” she asked.  considers advisable. An ex officio member of the Planning Commission is not eligible to serve as chairperson. The term of each
                                                                                      office shall be one (1) year, with opportunity for re-election as specified in the Planning Commission bylaws. The Planning
        to approve a request from Habitat for    Trustee Matt Oddy also agreed that this  Commission may also appoint advisory committees whose members are not members of the Planning Commission.
        Humanity during the Feb. 23 meeting.   was a benefit to the community and sug-  Section 8: Bylaws, Meetings and Records
           Morgan said she had been contacted by  gested that the Community Center would  The Planning Commission shall hold a least four (4) regular meetings each year and shall by resolution determine the time and
        representatives of the non-profit organiza-  be the best location. He noted that the  place of the meetings.
        tion about operating a Forgotten Harvest  township would have to have someone to  Unless otherwise provided in the Planning Commission's bylaws, a special meeting of  the Planning Commission may be called
        food distribution center in the township.  let the people using the center into the  by the chairperson or by two other members, upon written request to the secretary. Unless the bylaws otherwise provide, the sec-
                                                                                      retary shall send written notice of a special meeting to Planning Commission members at least 48 hours before the meeting.
           “This is all done and managed though  building and to coordinate the distribu-
        the county,” she said, “The township   tion.                                  The business that the Planning Commission may perform shall be conducted at a public meeting held in compliance with the
                                                                                      Open Meetings Act, Public Act 267 of 1976, MCL 15.261, et seq., except that the notice of a special meeting to Planning
        needs only to provide a location.” Morgan  Morgan said that her information was  Commission members shall be at least 48 hours before the meeting. The Planning Commission shall keep a public record of its
        said the township Community Center or  that there was no cost to the township, the  resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations. A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of or retained by a
                                                                                      Planning Commission in the performance of an official function shall be made available to the public in compliance with the
        the Parks and Recreation building would  municipality was being asked only to pro-  Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976, MCL 15.231, et seq.
        be possible locations for such a food distri-  vide space and that the operation would  Section 9: Annual Report
        bution effort. She said that both the build-  be managed through Wayne County.  The Planning Commission shall make an annual written report to the Township Board concerning its operations and the status of
        ings have double driveways which would   With the agreement of the entire board,  the planning activities, including recommendations regarding actions by the Township Board related to planning and develop-
        allow cars to pull up and pull out smooth-  she said that she would pursue the matter.
        ly.                                      “It sounds like we are giving the go  Section 10: Authority to Make A Master Plan
                                                                                      Under the authority of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008, MCL 125.3801, et seq., and other applicable
           Township Clerk Esther Hurst said she  ahead, so I will follow through with these  planning statutes, the Planning Commission shall consider and adopt a master plan as a guide for development within the
        agreed that this would be “a wonderful  people,” she said.                    Township's planning jurisdiction. Final authority to approve a master plan or any amendments thereto shall rest with the Planning
                                                                                      Commission unless the Township Board passes a resolution asserting the right to approve or reject the master plan.
        Inkster church offering                                                       Unless rescinded by the Township, any plan adopted or amended under the Township Planning Act, Public Act 168 of 1959, MCL
                                                                                      125.321, et seq., need not be re-adopted under the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008, MCL 125.3801, et
        online cancer program                                                         Section 11: Zoning Powers
                                                                                      The Township Board hereby confirms the transfer of all power, duties, and responsibilities provided for zoning boards or zoning
                                                                                      commissions by the former Township Zoning Act., Public Act 184 of 1943, MCL 125.2761, et seq.; the Michigan Zoning
                                                                                      Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006, MCL 125.3101, et seq.; or other applicable zoning statutes to the Sumpter Township
                                                                                      existing zoning ordinance shall remain in full force and effect except as otherwise amended or repealed by the Township Board.
           Surviving Cancer is the topic of a  diagnosed with cancer.                 Planning Commission formerly established under the Township Planning Act, Public Act 168 of 1959, MCL 125,321, et seq. Any
        YouTube program presented by Adventist   The church website will also include  Section 12: Capital Improvements Program
        Community Service of the Sharon SDA    the Karmanos Cancer Institute flyer    To further the desirable future development under the master plan, the Township Board, after the master plan is adopted, may
                                                                                      prepare, or cause to be prepared a capital improvement program of public structures and improvements, showing those structures
        Church in Inkster.                     regarding free cervical and breast cancer  and improvements in general order of their priority, for the following 6-year period. The prepared capital improvements program,
           The program became available for    testing for women ages 21-39 available to  if prepared by someone other than the Township Board, shall be subject to final approval by the Township Board. The Planning
        viewing this week on the Sharon Church  women in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb    Commission is hereby exempted from preparing a capital improvements plan.
        website; https://InksterSharonmi.adven-  counties.                            Section 13: Subdivision and Land Division Recommendations
                                                                                      The Planning Commission may recommend to the Township Board provisions of an ordinance or rules governing the subdivi-                          For more information, contact Lucy   sion of land. Before recommending such an ordinance or rule, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the pro-
           Presenters include Dr. Poala Hall, M.D.  Byrd, Adventist Community Services  posed ordinance or rule. The Planning Commission shall give notice of the time and place of the public hearing not less than 15
        of the Henry Ford Health Systems and   director for the church at (313) 293-9753.  days before the hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the Township.
        Elder Rita Parrish of the church. The pro-  Sharon SDA Church is located at 28537  The Planning Commission shall review and make recommendation on a proposed plat before action thereon by the Township
                                                                                      Board under the Land Division Act, Public Act 288 of 1967, MCL
        gram will explore cancer prevention, com-  Cherry St. in Inkster and is under the  560.101 et seq. Before making its recommendation, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed plat.
        mon forms of cancer and what to do if  direction of Pastor Keynel Cadet.      A plat submitted to the Planning Commission shall contain the name and address of the proprietor or other person to whom notice
                                                                                      of a hearing shall be sent. Not less than 15 days before the date of the hearing, notice of the date, time and place of the hearing
                                                                                      shall be sent to that person at that address by mail and shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Township.
                                                                                      Similar notice shall be mailed to the owners of land immediately adjoining the proposed platted land.
           Money man                                                                  Section 14: Severability
                                                                                      Should any word, sentence, or any portion of this Ordinance be held in a manner invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction
                                                                                      or by any state agency having authority to do so for any reason whatsoever, such holding shall be construed and limited to such
           Vijay Virupannavar has been named                                          word, sentence, phrase or any portion of this Ordinance held to be so invalid and shall not be construed as affecting the validity
           as treasurer for the City of Inkster. A                                    of any of the remaining words, sentences, phrases or portions of this Ordinance.
           2018 Crain's 40 Under 40 selection,                                        Section 15: Conflicting Ordinances
           Virupannavar holds Certified Public                                        All prior existing ordinances adopted by the Township of Sumpter inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance
           Accountant and Chartered Global                                            are, to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency, hereby expressly repealed. All prior ordinances adopted by the Township of
           Management Accountant designa-                                             Sumpter that are  not inconsistent or do not conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall continue in full force and effect
                                                                                      and without modification thereto.
           tions. Virupannavar earned a bache-
           lor's degree from the University of                                        Section 16: Effective Date
                                                                                      This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days immediately after publication.
           Michigan in 2005 and completed a
           masters of accountancy from Western                                        Section 17. Publication
           Michigan University in 2008.                                               This Ordinance shall be recorded by the Clerk in the Township Code of Ordinances upon adoption. This Ordinance shall be
           Virupannavar has performed public                                          signed by the Supervisor and Clerk. A true copy of the Ordinance can be inspected at the Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter
           accounting services, S-1 consulting                                        Road, Belleville, Michigan 48111.
           services, technical accounting con-                                        This Ordinance was approved and adopted by the Township of Sumpter, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, at a regular Board
           sulting services, and just prior to his                                    meeting held on February 23, 2021.
           current role worked with Olympia
           Entertainment Inc. and 313 Presents                                           I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance exactly as passed and adopted by the Township Board of
           LLC. Virupannavar is a co-founder                                          Trustees of the Township of Sumpter at a regular Township Board Meeting held in the Township of Sumpter on February 23,
           and president of Let's Go Detroit (a                                       2021.
           501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, serves as the treasurer of the board
           of directors for One Detroit Credit Union, is an officer on the executive board of                                                ________________________
           the Michigan Democratic Party where he is also a state central delegate alter-                                                    Esther Hurst, Township Clerk
           nate. He is vice chair of the 13th Congressional District Democratic Party    I further certify that the foregoing was published in Associated Papers/The Eagle, a newspaper of general circulation in the
           Organization, vice chair of the Western Michigan University Haworth College of  Township of Sumpter, on the 11th day of March, 2021.
           the Business Young Alumni Advisory Board, and owns a passive real estate
           investing business.                                                                                                               ________________________
                                                                                      ST0039 - 031121  2.5 x 21                              Esther Hurst, Township Clerk
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