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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 9, 2023

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        New city manager

        takes oath of office

           New Northville City Manager George  Monday, March 6.
        Lahanas was on the job this week, begin-  In his new capacity with the city,
        ning his employment with the city. He was  Lahanas’ office will provide general
        sworn into office by City Clerk Mike Smith  administrative services for the manage-
        at the regular city council meeting   ment of the city to ensure that all city
                                              council policies and directives are imple-
                                              mented. Lahanas will coordinate the work
                                              of all city departments and employees and
                                              he will be responsible for the enforce-
                                              ment of all ordinances and expenditure of
                                              funds in accordance with the budget and
                                              the Northville City Charter.
                                                 Lahanas was the city manager of East
                                              Lansing for 11 years, and served that city
                                              for a total of 24 years. He earned his
                                              Master of Public Administration degree    Winning streak
                                              from Northern Michigan University, with
                                              a concentration in personnel and labor    The Northville Township Fire Department team brought home the trophy for Best
                                              relations, He was awarded his bachelor of  Firehouse Chili during the annual Chili’in the Ville event in downtown Northville
                                              science degree, cum laude, from           recently. This was the second consecutive win for the township firefighters who
                                              Northern Michigan University, with a      wished their rivals from the city “better luck next year.” The event drew a large
                                              major in criminal justice.                crowd into downtown all sampling the various entries from local restaurants
                                                 Lahanas lives in East Lansing with his  along with the two fire departments. The township champs have promised to
                                              wife, Shelley, and two teen daughters,    return next year, hoping for a three-peat.
                  City Manager George Lahanas  Eleni and Marina.
        Inkster man facing drug, weapons felony charges

           A 34-year-old Inkster man was                              and cocaine, which was thought  scale, baggies, and U.S. Currency.
        among three suspects arrested              ”                  to be mixed with fentanyl. A take-  Each of the men is charged with
        and each charged with seven                                   out restaurant in Kincheloe was  delivery of methamphetamine;
        felonies following an investiga-      One overdose            allegedly the base of this opera-  delivery of cocaine; weapons,
        tion by the Tri-County Drug           killed a young          tion, according to police.    firearm possession by felon;
        Enforcement Task Force and the                                  Detectives conducted three  weapons, possession; felony
        Chippewa County Sheriff in         Sault Ste. Marie man.      search warrants on Feb. 24 - for  firearm; conspiracy to deliver
        Sault Ste. Marie.                                             O'Connor, Neilson and Hicks. All  methamphetamine and conspir-
           According to a Facebook post                               three suspects were found at the  acy to deliver cocaine. O'Connor
        by the Chippewa County Sheriff's                              restaurant in Kincheloe, which  and Neilson are both fourth
        Office, 36-year-old Joshua Allen                              the Chippewa County Sheriff   offense habitual offenders.
        O'Connor of Kincheloe, 36-year-  to police sources.           said was owned by one of the sus-  All three were lodged in the
        old Brian Thomas Nielson of      Trident detectives assisted the  pects.                    Chippewa County Correctional
        Kincheloe, and Brian Antonio   Sault   Ste   Marie   Police     Detectives found a large    Facility and have been arraigned
        Hicks of Inkster were arrested  Department in the investigation  amount of cocaine and metham-  in Chippewa County's 91st
        following several reports of drug  into the death. As part of that  phetamine suspected to be laced  District Court. Detectives are
        overdoses in Chippewa County.  investigation, detectives looked  with fentanyl. Detectives also  continuing the investigation into
        One overdose killed a young    into a group of people believed to  found a loaded handgun and  the overdose death and more
        Sault Ste. Marie man, according  be selling methamphetamine   other evidence such as a digital  arrests or charges are expected.      Brian Antonio Hicks

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                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, April 6, 2023 for the following:
                          BID PACKAGE #01A - SUMMIT POOL TILE RENOVATIONS
         Proposals may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or
         you may contact Mike Sheppard at: All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clear-
         ly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of proposal opening. The
         Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race,
         color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
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