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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            March 9, 2023


        County demands improved rail safety, communication

           Wayne County Commission     authorized by the Michigan                                                                  review of safety and notification
        Chair Alisha Bell and her fellow  Department of Environment,                             ”                                 measures at Republic's Van Buren
        commissioners are calling on fed-  Great Lakes and Energy, along               This isn't a political issue,               and Romulus facilities and any
        eral officials to enact rail safety  with the U.S. Environment                  it's a public safety issue.                other Wayne County landfill oper-
        and improve communication with  Protection Agency (EPA), to                                                                ations.”
        local officials following the recent  receive diluted toxic waste in both                                                    Bell also noted that federal offi-
        train derailments in Ohio.     liquid and solid forms at its                                                               cials must enact new safety rules
           Wayne County Executive      Romulus Injection Well Facility.  from the derailment has been  Haidous (D-Wayne), whose    for trains carrying toxic materials.
        Warren Evans' office received  Two days earlier, on Feb. 22,  halted from coming into our coun-  District 11 communities include  “This isn't a political issue, it's a
        information    that  Norfolk   Republic Services had been     ty, but more must be done to pre-  Romulus and Van Buren     public safety issue,” she said.
        Southern was transporting haz-  authorized to receive solid toxic  vent something like this from ever  Township.             An inquiry is expected to be
        ardous waste resulting from the  waste at the Van Buren Township  happening again,” Bell said. “As a  “This is a safety issue for  made involving the EPA,
        East Palenstine Ohio derailment  facility.                    county commission, we will do  Wayne County residents and one  Department of Transportation,
        for disposal in both Romulus and  Following criticism of the lack  everything in our power to make  that cannot be compromised by  state of Ohio and all others
        Van Buren Township in Wayne    of communication on the process,  sure safety measures are in place  any means,” Haidous said.  involved in derailment determin-
        County after the waste had     the EPA halted shipments of toxic  to protect our residents.”   “We were extremely disap-   ing how waste disposal will be
        already arrived at the sites.  waste to the Wayne County sites   “It is disappointing that there  pointed that plans had been made  handled, according to a prepared
           The administration learned  Friday, Feb. 24.               was no knowledge of this happen-  and carried out,” Bell said.  statement from the entire board of
        that Republic Services had been  “I am pleased that toxic waste  ing,” said Commissioner Al  “Moving forward, we will ask for a  commissioners.


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        tices.  There has to be clear
        oversight and inspection
        processes that hold companies
        accountable to the citizen's safe-
        ty, these should not be self-
        reporting processes," said
        McCraight. "We have to serious-
        ly consider if Michigan and the
        world's largest supply of fresh
        water is the best location for an
        injection well."
           This week State Sen. Darrin
        Camilleri took the first step and
        secured an additional $500,000
        toward increased oversight and
        inspections at the Romulus well
        location. Republic has shared    PFAS chemicals), vinyl chlo-   al were delivered to the deep  were grateful to the officials  Congresswoman    Debbie
        the following information in     ride and water                 well facility               and organizations that quickly  Dingell;, U.S. Congresswoman
        regard to the shipments:       • Upon arrival at Romulus      • Truck route consisted of I-94  and actively supported the city  Rashida Tlaib; Romulus City
        • At derailment site liquids are  deep well the material is     to Middlebelt Exit; south on  in an effort to halt further ship-  Council members; Huron
           extracted and screened        screened and tested to con-    Middlebelt to Wick Road;    ments of waste to the Romulus  Township Supervisor David
        • Following the screening        firm disposal requirements     east on Wick Road to Inkster  site and into the State of   Glaab; City of Taylor Mayor Tim
           process disposal options are  • Once confirmed waste mate-   Road; north on Inkster Road  Michigan.                     Wooley; Conference of Western
           determined                    rial is safely disposed into   to Citron Drive until arrival  Support came from Wayne     Wayne; Downriver Community
        • Romulus deep well is select-   the deep well                  at the facility             County CEO Warren Evans,       Conference members and the
           ed as best option for disposal  • Approximately 300,000 gal-  • EGLE inspects this facility  Camilleri; State Reps. Reggie  Wayne County Emergency
        • Material consists of AFFF      lons were safely disposed      on a quarterly basis        Miller, Dylan Wegela, and      Management and Homeland
           (fire-fighting foam which has  • Over 60 truckloads of materi-  Romulus officials said they  James  DeSana;,     U.S.   Security office.
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