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March 9, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        District students advise school board members

           Plymouth-Canton Community   said Wilson, who is also the CEO
        Schools students are making an  of the Boys and Girls Clubs of
        impact - in real time and in an  Southeastern Michigan. “As a
        official capacity - on school dis-  member of the board and some-
        trict policies through a newly cre-  one who loves this community,
        ated committee.                I'm amazed every day at the pas-
           The students, through the   sion and wisdom our young peo-
        Student Voice in Action        ple are bringing to the table.”
        Committee (SVA), are part of the  Officially formed in December
        Plymouth Canton Community      2022, the SVA Committee is off to
        Schools Board of Education. A  a fast start. The group meets
        brainchild of Board of Education  twice a month to tackle issues
        President Shawn Wilson and     that are important to students -
        approved unanimously by the    from safety matters to classroom
        board, the student committee   learning to health and wellness.
        members are already offering   In addition to attending board
        student perspectives on some   meetings, the next milestone for
        key issues affecting them, includ-  students on the SVA Committee
        ing diversity, equity, and inclu-  is working with board members
        sion initiatives, social-emotional  and administrators to implement  88.1 The Park radio station Community Focus interview of 2022 Student Voice and Action Committee.
        health programs within the dis-  their recommendations.       dent Haidy Zhang. “This not only  change, and I believe that togeth-  bers of the SVA Committee.
        trict, and ways to enhance the   The SVA committee includes   allows administration to gain  er we can make a positive impact  “By providing a platform for
        student experience both in and  about 60 students from grades 6-  deeper insight on the needs of  on our community for years to  student voices, student agency
        out of the classroom, officials  12 who attend all five district  the students, but this also helps  come,” Zhang said.    and student action, the SVA
        said.                          middle schools, Canton, Salem  foster a sense of belonging and  In addition to Wilson and stu-  Committee supports our district's
           “At     Plymouth-Canton     and Plymouth high schools and  inclusion for the student body.”  dents, board members Anupam  dynamic plan of connecting all
        Community Schools, getting the  Starkweather Academy.           “For me, being a part of SVA  Chugh Sidhu and Lauren       aspects of a student's learning
        perspectives of our students on  “SVA provides a platform for  has been a remarkable experi-  Christensen, as well as      experience, inside and outside
        policies that affect them is essen-  students to voice their concerns  ence. It has given me the oppor-  Superintendent Dr. Monica  the classroom,” Merritt said. “As
        tial if we're going to encourage  and ideas on school policies that  tunity to connect with so many  Merritt  and  Assistant  educators, we're thrilled to see
        independent thinking, problem  have a direct effect on them,”  other students who share an  Superintendent     Dr.   Liz   our students act as engaged citi-
        solving and student leadership,”  said committee member and stu-  equal passion for initiating  Vartanian-Gibbs, are also mem-  zens.”
        Legislator supports protection of election workers

           State Rep. Matt Koleszar, D-                                                             will provide sufficient funding to
        Plymouth, strongly supports pro-                          ”                                 township, city and county clerks
        posed legislation to protect elec-             “Safe and secure elections                   to ensure their security and the
        tion workers in the state.               are the cornerstone of our democracy.              security of their elections and vot-
           Secretary of State Jocelyn                                                               ers, according to a statement
        Benson, the chairs of both the                                                              from Benson's office.
        Senate and House elections com-                                                                “I am proud of the work I've
        mittees, and numerous other law-  work to do,” said Benson. “We are  ban and increase the penalty for  done as a member of the House
        makers, including Koleszar, are  in an era of misinformation with  threatening or harassing election  elections committee and I look
        promoting legislative plans to  voters being lied to about their  workers and for pressuring elec-  forward to continuing that work
        protect the people who protect  right to vote and election workers  tion officials to act illegally. The  in the majority,” said Koleszar .
        democracy - the thousands of   subject to a near constant barrage  group plans to introduce legisla-  “Safe and secure elections are
        election workers and millions of  of threats and harassment for  tion to ban deceptive practices in  the cornerstone of our democra-
        voters in Michigan. “We have   simply doing their jobs. We must  elections such as lying to voters  cy, and I am happy to continue to
        made great strides expanding the  do more to protect the people  when seeking their signatures on  work with Secretary Benson on
        voice and protecting the vote of  who protect democracy.” State  petitions and knowingly sharing  reforms to protect the right to
        every Michigan citizen over these  lawmakers said they plan to rein-  false information about elections  vote and ensure fair, transparent,
        last few years, but we have more  troduce and enact legislation to  and citizens' ability to vote and  and accessible elections.”  State Rep. Matt Koleszar
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