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March 9 – 15, 2023                                      NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 10                                                                                    www

                                       Former St. Mary priest is sentenced to prison

                                          A former priest at St. Mary                              admitted his guilt during a con-
               Vol. 138, No. 10        Catholic Church in Wayne has              ”                 versation with the victim's father,
            Five Sumpter Township      vowed to appeal the prison term                             which was recorded. Prosecutors
          police officers were among   imposed by the court last week.          Baker              said Baker admitted his guilt and
          the latest participants in the  Joseph “Father Jack” Baker,         repeatedly           apologized for the incident while
          Louisiana State University   61, was found guilty and sen-                               defense attorneys disputed that
          Training   Academy     of    tenced to 3-15 years in prison for      denied              interpretation of the conversa-
          Counter Terrorist Education.  the rape of an elementary stu-     the allegations.        tion.
                          See page 5.  dent at St. Mary Catholic School                               Six former teachers and staff
                                       during the mid-2000s. His sen-                              members at the religious school
                                       tencing hearing took place March                            spoke in defense of Baker and
                                       1 in Wayne County Third Circuit  enforcement officials he was sent  explained that the child would
                                       Court last week. Baker was found  to the church sacristy during an  never have been sent to the sac-
                Vol. 76, No. 10        guilty on Oct. 2022 of first-degree  after-school religious program to  risty and would not have taken
            Members of the Wayne       criminal conduct-sexual penetra-  retrieve a book when the sexual  part in after school religious edu-
          County       Commission      tion with a person under the age  assault occurred.         cation as these classes were only
          approved the use of $4.75    of 13. His prison sentence will be  The victim, who is now in his  offered to non-students at the     Father Jack Baker
          million in county American   reduced by the 140 days Baker  mid-20s, only revealed the assault  parish school. The victim was a
          Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds     has already served in jail.   to his parents in 2019, according  student and therefore would not  Baker repeatedly denied the
          for renovation of Cherry Hill   The charges stemmed from   to court reports. His parents  have attended those classes, the  allegations and continued to deny
          Village in Canton.           2004 when the alleged victim was  reported the allegation to the  witnesses testified. The victim  his guilt during his sentencing
                          See page 2.  a second-grade student at St.  archdiocese and church officials  claimed he attended the classes  hearing.
                                       Mary Catholic School in Wayne  forwarded the charge to the office  as part of preparation for his first  Baker's attorney, Alison Kriger,
                                       and Baker served as pastor of the  of the state attorney general.    communion because he had  said an appeal of the verdict is
                                       church. The victim told law      Prosecutors claimed Baker  missed several sessions.      planned.

               Vol. 76, No. 10
             A 34-year-old Inkster man    Mixing it up
          was among those arrested
          and charged with seven
          felonies in Chippewa County     District culinary students compete for championship honors
          in Sault Ste. Marie.              Plymouth- Canton
                          See page 6.
                                          Community Schools will com-
                                          pete to avoid the “chopping
                                          block” in a statewide culinary
                                          competition as they vie for an
                Vol. 23, No. 10           opportunity to be the best stu-
            The Northville Township       dent chef in Michigan, and
          Fire Department team            potentially move on to a
          brought home the trophy for     national cooking contest.
          Best Firehouse Chili during       “This team is quite possi-
          the annual Chili'in the Ville   bly the most caring, kind,
          event    in   downtown          hard-working, respectful and
          Northville recently.            tough young culinarians I've
                          See page 6.     ever had the pleasure of
                                          coaching in 22 years and their
                                          talent is something we should
                                          all watch for in the months
                                          and years to come,” said
                                          Diana Woodward, district
                Vol. 23, No. 10           chef instructor and coach.
            Plymouth- Canton                The Hospitality and
          Community Schools students      Culinary Arts Team has 10
          are making an impact - in       members who competed last
          real time and in an official    weekend at the Michigan
          capacity - on school policies   ProStart Competition in Port  The Plymouth Canton Community Schools Hospitality and Culinary Arts Team competed last
          through a newly-created         Huron. The top Michigan      weekend at the Michigan ProStart Competition in Port Huron. The team is coached by Diana
          committee.                      team will then go on to com-  Woodward, district chef instructor.
                          See page 3.     pete May 2-4 at the National   Nearly 50 students are    culinary, restaurant service,  how good we really are.”
                                          ProStart Invitational in    enrolled in the Plymouth-    baking and management pro-     Salowich and the team
                                          Washington, D.C.            Canton hospitality and culi-  grams.                      practice four times a week in
                                            Student participants com-  nary arts program, consid-     “I've always wanted to be a  preparation for the ProStart
                                          peted in three events, includ-  ered among the best in the  chef and cook for people, so  Competition. During a recent
               Vol. 138, No. 10           ing: creating a nutritious and  state, according to educators.  being in the culinary arts pro-  practice, Salowich sauteed a
                                          delicious children's menu;  The program consistently     gram shows me what it's like  mirepoix of onions, carrots
            Wayne           County
          Commissioners are calling       developing a restaurant from  ranks among the top pro-   to work in a restaurant,” said  and celery while nearby,
          on federal officials to enact   the ground up and pitching it  grams in the state and across  Salem High School junior  teammate Yamira Garver
          rail safety and improve com-    “Shark Tank”-style to judges,  the country, according to  Charlie Salowich, a member  kept a close eye on sugar bub-
          munication following the        complete with a written pro-  ProStart and SkillsUSA     of the team at the ProStart  bling in a ramekin as it
          Feb. 3 train derailment in      posal and preparing a three-  career and technical pro-  Competition. “Competing      became caramel.
          Ohio.                           course dinner without refrig-  grams. In 2022, the Plymouth-  against students from other  “I love this team so much,”
                          See page 4.     eration, electricity or running  Canton program was ranked  schools is a lot of fun because  Garver said. “They're fun and
                                          water. Students will have   first or second in the state -  we get to go up against people  they love food as much as I
                                          camp stoves for heat.       and across the country - for  from all over the state and see  do.”

                                       Romulus mayor seeks oversight of waste disposal

                Vol. 76, No. 10
            Wayne has joined the          City of Romulus officials                             ”                                Energy (EGLE).  Official docu-
          Families Against Narcotics   recently issued an update                      This is a regional issue,                  ments obtained by the City of
          COMEBACK        program,     regarding the shipments of                                                                Romulus indicate that the
          becoming the 21st local      toxic waste from the train                    not just a Romulus issue.                   product was comprised of 95-99
          department to participate in  derailment in East Palestine,                                                            percent water.  Even though
          the Quick Response Team      OH into the community.                                                                    the products appear to meet
          effort.                         Upon receiving notification  of elected officials, further  ments, processing and inject-  the EPA requirements, ship-
                          See page 2.  from Republic Waste that the  shipments to the Romulus      ing the liquid product into the  ments into Michigan were
                                       Romulus Deep Well Injection   facility were halted and this  well.  From Feb. 20 until Feb.  stopped during the evening of
                                       facility was accepting delivery  past week, McCraight met with  24, the well injected approxi-  Feb. 24.
                                       of liquid waste from the Ohio  officials from Republic and  mately 313,807 gallons of prod-  McCraight has since met or
                                       train derailment that occurred  requested details in an effort to  uct from a total of 63 shipments  spoken with elected officials
                                       Feb.   3,   Mayor    Robert   better inform the public and  that averaged between 4,000-  and representatives of multiple
                Vol. 76, No. 10        McCraight and his team imme-  clarify the situation.        5,200 gallons per shipment.   organizations to discuss next
            Members of the Westland    diately reached out to city,     As early as Feb. 10, Republic  Lab results show the products  steps.
          community are mourning       county, state and federal agen-  began to accept samples for  discharged into the well satisfy  "This is a regional issue, not
          the death of Dave Monak, a   cies for assistance to better  testing of the liquid proposed  the guidelines as set forth by  just a Romulus issue, we have
          constant presence at city    understand how this was tran-  to be shipped from East      both the Environmental        to focus on overall transporta-
          events for more than 30      spiring without  notification to  Palestine, officials said.  On  Protection Agency (EPA) and  tion protocols and best prac-
          years.                       the city, explained the pre-  Feb. 20, the Romulus Republic  the state Department of
                          See page 5.  pared statement. With the help  facility began accepting ship-  Environment, Great Lakes and       See Update, page 4

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