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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 23, 2023


        Classroom or courtroom

        District court judges conducting high school truancy hearings

           Students at John Glenn High  tal health issues, and lack of                                                             Often, students are empowered
        School in Westland can go to   medical insurance.  Addressing                            ”                                 by this process because they play
        class or go to court.          these issues early helps students             The goal of Truancy Court is                  an active role in identifying solu-
           Judges at the 18th District  achieve better success as they             to agree on an intervention plan                tions with school personnel.
        Court have partnered with the  progress through high school, a                                                             Cases are generally monitored
        Westland Youth Assistance      court spokesman said.                        to improve school attendance.                  every two months.
        Program and the Wayne            Judges Sandra Ference                                                                       “This collaboration creates an
        Westland Community Schools     Cicirelli and Mark A. McConnell                                                             atmosphere in which parents get
        district to combat the rise in  preside over these intervention                                                            support and students get to
        chronic absenteeism among high  hearings with at risk students,  any disciplinary history.  The  and hopefully academic achieve-  school.  It is hoped that this will
        school students.               their parents, school officials and  youth assistance program is uti-  ment, a court representative  reduce truancy, while avoiding
           Explanations for chronic    staff of the Westland Youth    lized to provide support services  noted.  During this informal  formal court involvement.  If this
        absenteeism vary widely and    Assistance Program.  At these  for the students and families.  hearing, a partnership is formed  intervention fails, formal truancy
        include such issues as lack of  hearings, the student's record of  The goal of Truancy Court is  between the parents, students,  proceedings will be filed with the
        transportation, homelessness,  attendance and academic per-   to agree on an intervention plan  school officials, Westland Youth  Wayne County Juvenile Court,”
        substance abuse, untreated men-  formance are reviewed as well as  to improve school attendance  Assistance staff, and the judges.  according to a court spokesman.
        Police department seeking crossing guard applicants

           The    Westland    Police                              ”                                    Crossing guards are paid $15
        Department is looking for candi-                                                            per hour and must be physically  m/.../Crossing-Guard-2022...
        dates to serve as crossing guards           Crossing guards will be assigned                able to provide safe crossing for  Applications can be complet-
        in the city, helping students safe-            to work at a variety of posts                school children and pedestrians  ed online or printed and submit-
        ly cross streets as they travel to                                                          during school drop-off and dis-  ted at the Westland Police
        and from classes.                      in school parking lots and at intersections.         missal, including observing and  Department. Crossing guards
           Three students in the Wayne                                                              stopping vehicular traffic.    will work under the training and
        Westland Community Schools                                                                  Crossing guards also assist lost  supervision of the Westland
        district have been involved in  stranger danger, CPR/First Aid,  the job include a criminal histo-  or injured students or others  Police Department Traffic
        serious vehicle accidents during  missing persons, and other safety  ry check and candidates must be  who may need assistance and  Bureau.
        the past few months, officials  procedures. Crossing guards will  aware of the responsibility for  should represent a positive  For more information, contact
        said, proving the need for help at  be assigned to work at a variety  the  safety  of  children.  image of the Westland Police  Ofc. Michael Aldini with the
        city intersections.            of posts in school parking lots  Candidates must be dependable  Department and school district.   Westland Police Department
           Candidates for the crossing  and at intersections throughout  and available to work during the  Applications are available at  Traffic  Bureau    at
        guard positions will receive   the city, police officials said.  hours of 7 until 9:30 a.m. and/or  the front desk of the police or (734) 722-
        training in topics such as       Minimum qualifications for   2:30 until 4:15 p.m.          department or online at:       9633.
                                                                                     Library services moved to school

                                                                                       Renovations at the William P. Faust  35100 Bayview St.
                                                                                     Public Library of Westland on Central City  Patrons can check out and return items,
                                                                                     Parkway are under way and should be com-  fax/copy/print materials, use the computers
                                                                                     plete on schedule, officials said.    and other services usually available at the
                                                                                       During the major remodeling of the  library.  The entrance and parking for the
                                                                                     library building, full library services are  library is at the rear of the school building,
                                                                                     available at Marshall Elementary School,  accessible by the west driveway.

                                                                                       To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           Security session

           Students at the William D. Ford Career-Technical Center cybersecurity program
           visited Westland City Hall recently to get a first-hand look at an enterprise level
           IT department functions and procedures related to cyber security during daily
           operations. Chief Innovation Officer Craig Brown, Mayor Michael P. Londeau
           and Chief of Staff Michael Reddy greeted the students and Instructor Joshua
           Rychlicki, who also heads the learning lab at the Jefferson Barns Community
           Vitality Center. The students were provided examples of networking tools used
           for monitoring the environment, important aspects of cybersecurity and some of
           the challenges faced by the industry.
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