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February 23, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                           WAYNE - INKSTER
                                                           WAYNE - INKSTER

        Death of student struck by school bus is mourned

           Officials from the City of                                                                  Westland Mayor Michael
        Wayne and the Wayne City                                  ”                                 Londeau also sent a message of
        Council were among the many                  Jacob is the third student in the              sympathy to Jacob's family.
        who offered condolences to the                                                                 “He was loved by his teachers
        family of Jacob Escobedo, a 12-          Wayne-Westland district to be involved             and classmates and has been
        year-old Franklin Middle School                   in a vehicle accident.                    described as a brilliant and kind
        student who was killed last week.                                                           student with a charming smile.
           The student was struck and                                                               Westland is a compassionate city
        killed by a school bus at about  Community          Schools   Karson; his grandparents Darla  and I encourage you to keep this
        2:50 p.m. Feb. 14 in the area of  Superintendent John Dignan  Escobedo, David Taylor and    family in your prayers as they go
        Howe Road and Annapolis        said in a letter to families   Theresa Taylor and many aunts,  through this painful and difficult
        Street, police said. Classes were  Wednesday. “He was also cre-  uncles, cousins, and friends.     time of grief. Please join me in
        being dismissed for the day when  ative and smart and was working  “We know that this loss is diffi-  offering heartfelt and deepest
        the incident took place, accord-  on a fantasy book. Jacob will be  cult for the students who have  condolences to his family, includ-
        ing to police reports.         missed by his teachers and class-  been his classmates, his friends,  ing his three siblings that attend
           A GoFundMe started to pay   mates.”                        and the staff members and facul-  the Wayne-Westland Schools.”
        for funeral costs, called “Jacob  The tween, who was less than  ty of the Wayne Westland       Jacob is the third student in
        Escobedo,” raised more than    two weeks from his 13th birthday,  Community School District who  the Wayne-Westland district to be       Jacob Escobedo
        twice the $7,000 goal in less than  was the son of Joanie (Sean-  had the incredible opportunity to  involved in a vehicle accident
        24 hours.                      Taylor) Dawson and Brian       be a part of his life and his edu-  during the past months while  Our Lady of Hope Cemetery in
           “Jacob was a wonderful stu-  Escobedo. In addition to his par-  cational journey,” noted a post on  traveling to or from school.  Brownstown  Township.
        dent and friend who was always  ents, he is survived by siblings  the City of Wayne social media  Interment services are set for  Visitation hours are posted on
        smiling,”    Wayne-Westland    Dallas, Elizabeth, Carly, and  page.                         12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 at  the Uht Funeral Home website.
        Inkster DPS planning multiple road and pipe repairs

           The Inkster Department of   posed for last year have been                                                               under the leadership of Mayor
        Public Service will oversee sev-  delayed due to due to supply                           ”                                 Patrick Wimberly and Jerome
        eral road and water line proj-  chain interruptions for supplies            The city will install 36 or more               Bivins, director of Department
        ects expected to begin this    and material. The replacement             speed bumps at 15 road segments                   of Public Service.
        spring.                        is also scheduled to begin this                                                               Currently, the Inkster
           Scheduled projects include  spring.                                       identified as problem areas.                  Department of Public Service
        road reconstruction in the       Section 17 water main and                                                                 consists of three divisions:
        northwest quadrant of the city.  lead service replacement has                                                              Central Services, Roads/ Parks,
        Officials said trees in the area  also been delayed, and is also  Department of Transportation.  for the next few months.  Grounds and Water and Sewer.
        have already been removed and  set for construction within the  That project is set to begin   The department replaces 67  The department oversees the
        trenchless sanitary  sewer work  next few months, according to  sometime this year, officials  lead water lines each year and  maintenance of  6.2 square
        has been completed. The road   an official report.            said.                         the schedule includes the      miles of roads within city  limits.
        reconstruction is among those    The city will install 36 or    Phase one and two of the city  replacement of all the lead serv-  The department is also
        scheduled for the spring       more speed bumps at 15 road    sanitary sewer rehabilitation is  ice lines in the city by 2034.  responsible for city snow plow-
        months.                        segments identified as problem  also under way. Phase one has   All the above projects are  ing, grass cutting, flooded
           Plans for replacement of the  areas by the police department.  been completed and restoration  overseen by Special Project  streets, road  repairs, trees, city
        North River Park Drive water   The installation will be funded  and manhole rehabilitation  Manager for Department of      buildings and the beautification
        main and lead service pipe pro-  by a grant from the Michigan  remaining is also a project set  Public Service May Roots,  of the city.
        Volunteers are sought to serve on Wayne commission, committee

           City of Wayne officials are seek-  on the City of Wayne Housing  tion Facebook page.     tion is complete, it should be  Monday through Thursday or
        ing applications to serve on two  Commission or the City of Wayne  Applications must be complet-  emailed to cityclerk@city-  from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. on
        volunteer groups in the communi-  Parks and Trails Committee can  ed to be considered for appoint- or delivered to  Friday.
        ty.                            submit an application available  ment to either advisory board,  Wayne City Hall during regular  Both of the groups meet month-
           Anyone interested in serving  on the City of Wayne administra-  officials noted. When the applica-  hours, 10 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.  ly, usually at Wayne City Hall.
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