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February 23, 2023                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                    PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS
                                                    PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS

        Veterans memorial will be returned to municipal complex

           Members of the Romulus City  dent that the majority of the peo-                                                         the dignity and respect those
        Council voted unanimously to   ple who attended the public                               ”                                 who attended the hearing
        return the city Veterans       hearing were in favor of having               This is democracy at its best.                showed for the differing opinions
        Memorial to the grounds of the  the memorial at the city hall                                                              expressed during the discussion.
        municipal complex.             complex.                                       We're going to keep it here.                   Following the unanimous
           The vote came following a     A proposal to move the memo-                                                              vote, McCraight said he wanted
        public hearing at city hall last  rial from the former site to the                                                         to compliment Jill Martin, who
        Monday, Feb. 13, when several  grounds of the historic Peter C.                                                            was involved in the proposed
        local residents offered opinions  Bird House near Wayne and   southwest corner of the munici-  is what the majority of people  location for the memorial.
        and concerns about the reinstal-  Vining Road was favored by  pal complex, Councilwoman     want so I will be voting in favor of  “She had the courage to have
        lation of the monument. The    some residents who attended the  Tina Talley noted that during the  this.”                  that vision and she came up with
        memorial was disassembled dur-  hearing.  Moving the monument  study session preceding the     Council President John      a great idea, did the homework,
        ing construction of the new court  to the Bird House site would  meeting, the “overwhelming  Barden agreed with Talley's   supplied data, talked to people.
        house and has been in storage at  have included the establishment  majority of those in attendance”  assessment. “We asked for a  This is democracy at its best.
        the DPW facility for more than a  of a veterans park on the proper-  wanted the memorial to be rein-  show of hands and when I looked  We're going to keep it here,”
        year.                          ty which has been designated as  stalled on the municipal site.   out, the majority of those (at the  McCraight said. No timeline for
           Mayor Robert McCraight      a registered national historic site.   “I believe in building for those  public hearing) wanted to keep it  the reconstruction of the monu-
        introduced the issue during his  Following a formal motion by  coming in the future,” Talley  here.”                       ment was discussed.
        report to the members of the   Councilman Bill Wadsworth to   said, “I believe in building for  Councilwoman Kathy Abdo      Councilwoman Eva Webb was
        council. He said he was confi-  reinstall the memorial at the  those who come after us but this  said she wanted to comment on  absent from the meeting.


        FROM PAGE 1

        emails and personal visits. We would like
        to send a special shout out to all the area
        agencies and departments for saving the
        cabin including fire departments from the
        City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Township,
        Dexter, Northfield, South Lyon, Scio,
        Superior, Northville City, Northville
        Township,     Plymouth,    Plymouth
        Township, Canton Township, Lyon,
        Salem, Huron Valley Ambulance,
        Michigan State Police and Washtenaw
        County Sheriff,” Poulos posted.
           “Without you the loss would have been
        greater. We have already started the   Fire fighters and engines from 14 local departments responded last Wednesday to the blaze at Karl's Cabin on Gotfredson Road.
        cleaning process today and will keep you
        posted as we learn more on our long road  not sure how long it will take. As sad as we  happy no one was hurt. Stay tuned for  you support and understanding,” the post
        ahead. Our plan is to reopen, we're just  are for our staff and guests we are so  more information as we obtain it. Thank  concluded.

        Dog                            Schools Board of Education.    for Echo and fund his profession-  Plymouth Rotary Past President  larly like to thank the Kiwanis
                                                                                                                                   Club of Colonial Plymouth for the
                                                                                                    Dale Yagiela helped launch the
                                                                      al training. The gift is part of a
                                       “That's why our board is deeply
                                       supportive of innovative ways to  wider effort from local service  idea of a K-9 therapy dog in 2022.   lead gift in this effort as well as
        FROM PAGE 1
                                       foster a safe and welcoming envi-  organizations to promote school  “Echo and his handler are a  ongoing support for the program
                                       ronment, including bringing a K-  safety, a spokesman said. The  key part of our security plan and  from our school board members.
        where students can learn with  9 therapy dog like Echo on     community-wide drive aims to  we are very excited to welcome  This is a great example of the
        peace of mind,” said Shawn     board.”                        raise funds for upgraded security  them to our district,” School  way residents of this great com-
        Wilson, president of the         The Kiwanis Club of Colonial  measures in all Plymouth Canton  Superintendent Dr. Monica  munity band together to support
        Plymouth Canton Community      Plymouth donated $13,000 to pay  Community Schools facilities.  Merritt said. “We would particu-  our students and staff.”
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