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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 23, 2023


        Chamber plans first ‘red carpet’ awards dinner

           The Northville Chamber of   Manager Matt Zook. Awards will  Township and Linda Bastien from  and enjoy photo ops during the  presentation will begin at 7:30
        Commerce is rolling out the red  be presented for business excel-  the Northville District Library.  evening. Entertainment will be  p.m. at the Marquis Theatre, 135
        carpet March 9 to honor seven  lence, volunteers of the year and  The Citizen of the Year is a closely  provided by the newly-formed  East Main St. in downtown
        local residents for their contribu-  the prestigious John Genitti  guarded secret, Zook  said.  Northville Chorale and there will  Northville.
        tions to the community.        Citizen of the Year honor.       Special guests will include  be a gift basket raffle.        Tickets are priced at $75 per
           During the first Northville   Volunteers honored during the  Northville Mayor Brian Turnbull  The dinner will begin with  person for chamber members and
        Community Awards Dinner resi-  event will include Sher Watkins of  and  Northville  Township  cocktails at 5 p.m. at Genitti's Hole-  $85 for non-members and are
        dents will be recognized for  a  the Chamber of Commerce; Nancy  Supervisor Mark Abbo. This is a  in-the-Wall, 108 East Main St.,  available  online  at:
        variety of accomplishments,    Darga of the City of Northville;  red-carpet event, Zook said, so  Northville. Dinner is scheduled to
        according to chamber Events    Jeff Oles from Northville      guests can wear their finest attire  be served at 6 p.m. and the awards  le-community-awards-dinner
        Heated competition

        Chili’in the Ville pits township against city firefighters

           It will be a heated competi-  with several local restaurants,  on Browndog Barlor &         Ice sculptures have been      Tickets are available to pur-
        tion when firefighters from    offer their very best chili    Restaurant along with Center  sponsored by Center Street Grill  chase in sets of eight for $10.
        Northville Township defend     recipes in an effort to win the  Street Grill; The Exchange Bar  where there will be a live carv-  Each ticket provides a sample-
        their title as the best chili cooks  title. In addition to the chili con-  & Grill; Garage Grill & Fuel Bar;  ing demonstration; Center  size portion of chili from partici-
        in town against their archrivals  test, there will be zoo animal ice  Lava Grille Northville; The  Street Wealth Strategies;  pating businesses.  To purchase
        from the City of Northville Fire  sculptures on display through-  Little Salumi; Lucy & The Wolf;  Dancing Eye Gallery; K & B  tickets, visit Mod Market online,
        Department Feb. 25.            out downtown, organizers said.  North   Center    Brewing;   Jewelers; Lucy & The Wolf; Orin  or at 150 Mary Alexander Court,
           The annual event, Chili'in the  In addition to the fire depart-  Northville Sports Den; Sweet  Jewelers; Sweet Brew N' Spice;  or use the QR code found on
        Ville, is planned for 1 until 5  ment cooks, restaurant competi-  Brew N' Spice Café; Table 5, 126  Table 5 and Tuscan Café, where  Chili'in the Ville posters located
        p.m. Feb. 25 when cooks from   tors this year include 2021    E. Main St.; Toria and Tuscan  there will also be a live carving  in town. Tickets are non-refund-
        the two fire departments, along  defending professional champi-  Café.                      demonstration.                 able.
                                       City purchases property for farmers market

                                          Plans for the relocation of  ods. The council approved a  aged by the Northville Chamber  deposit, ends April 29. AKT
                                       the Northville Farmers Market  not-to-exceed $24,000 contract  of Commerce and the city acts  Peerless is performing the envi-
                                       are moving forward with the    with OHM to address the site  as the host for the weekly event.   ronmental due diligence exami-
                                       purchase of the former         requirements as part of the first  Councilwoman Barbara      nation. A second due diligence
                                       McDonald Ford site and         due diligence period. OHM per-  Moroski-Browne requested the  period of six months may be
                                       approval of a due-diligence con-  sonnel will determine the feasi-  city include a 20 percent contin-  procured for a second $50,000
                                       tract.                         bility of operating the Farmers  gency allotment be added to the  deposit. If the property sale is
                                          Northville City Council mem-  Market at the site and deter-  project cost allowing the city  complete, these deposits will be
                                       bers approved the $1 million   mine whether the property     manager funding to consult an  counted toward the purchase
                                       purchase agreement for the     could accommodate a potential  experienced farmers' market   price.
                                       property at Seven Mile and     multi-use Farmers Market      operator.                        If the city does not close the
                                       Main Street with provisions for  building for year-round use.   The initial due diligence   deal, the deposits are forfeited,
           First in class              one to two due diligence peri-   The Farmers Market is man-  period, procured with a $50,000  officials noted.

           Northville Township Fire
           Department Lt.  Adam        Maple syrup tours set to begin at Maybury Farm
           Burton recently completed
           the State of Michigan Fire     Maple Syrup Tours will take  at the farm, organizers said.  late arrivals cannot be accommo-  ice. Closures will be announced
           Officer III certification   place at Maybury Farm in         After the tour, visitors can  dated. The wagon ride to and  on the website as soon as possi-
           course and test. This was
           the first offering of the Fire  Northville Saturdays and   warm up in the Maybury Farm   from the Sugar Bush is included  ble.
           Officer III curriculum in   Sundays from March 11 through  General Store where hot drinks  in admission.                  Reservations are not required
           Michigan, making Burton     April 2. The tours begin with a  and snacks are available to pur-  Appropriate dressing for the  and tickets are sold at the door.
           one of the first in the state  tractor-pulled wagon ride into  chase. Pure Michigan Maple  unpredictable Michigan March  Space for the popular tours is
           to achieve this certification.  the woods to see how maple  Syrup is also available for pur-  weather and shoes comfortable  limited, organizers advised, and
           This training is based on   trees are tapped  and watch and  chase along with free recipes  for the walk into the wooded  tickets usually sell out quickly.
           NFPA 1021: Standards for    taste the sap run. This is a walk-  which use maple syrup.   area are advised. The outdoor    Maybury Farm is located at
           Fire Officer Professional   ing trip into the Sugar Bush, so  The cost for the popular event  walking tour is sometimes wet  50165 Eight Mile Road in
           Qualifications. The pro-    visitors should be prepared to  is $10 per person, with children 2  and snow covered.       Northville and is operated by the
           gram is designed for exec-  walk a short distance, the farm  and younger admitted at no cost  Tours depart on the half hour  Northville  Community
           utive-level fire officers and  manager explained.          with an adult. Group tours are  from 12:30 until 4 p.m. when the  Foundation, a registered 501 c 3
           focuses on the principles
           of management, including       Visitors will return to the farm  available for any group of 15 or  last wagon leaves for the wooded  organization. The farm entrance
           leadership techniques,      by wagon ride and be taken     more paid admissions.         area. The tours are dependent  is about a quarter mile past the
           health and safety, training  directly to the Sugar Shack to see  Space is limited for each tour  on the weather. Visitors should  state park entrance off Eight
           and professional develop-   how the sap becomes maple      and visitors are asked to be at the  call to ensure the tours are  Mile Road.
           ment.                       syrup. Visitors can also enjoy a  wagon loading area 15 minutes  scheduled in the event of freez-  For more information, call
                                       visit with the farm animals while  prior to the assigned tour time,  ing temperatures, high winds or  (248) 374-0200.

        Jobs                                   Roger, and I am excited to have the oppor-
                                                 “It has been a pleasure working with

                                               tunity to follow in his footsteps,”
        FROM PAGE 1                            Jankowski said. “With the passage of
                                               Proposal 2 last year, there will be a lot of
           Jankowski served on the Northville  changes in election law. I am looking for-
        Board of Education for nine years, with  ward to the opportunity to ensure that
        three terms as president. In 2020, she was  every vote is counted, and that our elec-
        elected to the board of trustees and has  tions are safe and secure.”
        served on the Senior Advisory            This appointment process follows state
        Commission and Northville Youth        law MCL 168.370, which governs how
        Network Committee. She also is a leasing  townships fill vacant offices, according to
        coordinator for a local developer and a 15-  a prepared statement from township offi-
        year paralegal.                        cials.
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