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February 21, 2019                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 7


        ‘We are the Champions’

        High school program celebrates success

           From the outside looking in, Wayne    Mentor Amy Murray, the school librari-
        Memorial High Schools seems like any   an, said a mentor must be willing to
        other high school in the nation. It has all  “encourage them (students) when they're
        of the general features of a traditional  discouraged, try and get them to achieve
        secondary institution, but Wayne       at a higher rate, and build positive adult-
        Memorial High School students and      student relationships.”
        teachers are part of a unique and innova-  Two of the longest reigning champi-
        tive program that lets them earn while  ons, Shannon Pypa and Liz Bocks, both
        they learn.                            highlight this aspect of the program.
           Students have the opportunity to join  Bocks said, “It facilitates really positive
        the Champions of Wayne program, a non-  relationships between students and staff  Students receive their $200 checks from Champions of Wayne founcer Richard
        profit organization centered in the    members.”                             Helppie and Wayne Memorial High School Principal Kevin Weber.
        Wayne-Westland community that provides   “I think that every student in this
        all participating students a chance to  building should have a designated adult  pended for a semester, organizers  including behavior problems in school.
        earn $200, just by completing a goal that  here. A person they can go to and feel safe  explained.                    Organizers noted that while a report
        they set at the start of each semester. Bill  talking to… and champions has facilitat-  Melandie Hines, vice-president of the  card may indicate that one goal is better
        Gray and Richard Helppie founded the   ed that,” Pypa added.                 Wayne Westland Community Schools      than the other, the Champions of Wayne
        program a decade ago as a way to show    During the Champions of Wayne ban-  Board of Education and a former       program holds both of those achieve-
        students that they are “capable of doing  quet one of the student speakers,  Champions of Wayne mentor, affirmed   ments on the same level. A goal of a 2.0 or
        better than they already are.” said    Cameron Kupel, said, “One of the best  that this is one of her favorite elements  a 4.8 GPA or just coming to school all
        Helppie during the Champions of Wayne  parts of Champions is being able to go in  about Champions of Wayne.        semester, each student's goal is held to the
        banquet earlier this month.            and talk to Mrs. Bocks whenever I need   “Every student is at different levels  same level of importance.
           While on the surface the $200 incen-  to.”                                and you have to come to where they are…  The Champions of Wayne program
        tive and the surplus of student goals met  Another unique feature of the program  Because you never know what someone's  provides a real cash award to students
        is a tangible result of the Champions pro-  is its all-inclusive nature and the sliding  past or home life is like,” she said.   and fosters strong bonds between stu-
        gram, the lasting effect is much more  scale of goals, organizers said. The pro-  The concept was reinforced by speak-  dents and teachers, bonds that might
        valuable than $200, Gray said.         gram is open to all students no matter  ers at the awards banquet. While Kupel's  never have been forged without the pro-
           Organizers noted that one of the bene-  their intelligence, behavior, or past. The  goal was a 4.0 GPA and he revealed some  gram, organizers said.
        fits of the program is the strong sense of  program also allows each student set a  of his struggles of growing up in a father-  (Editor's note: This article was submitted
        community and trust that each student  personal goal that fits their individual  less household and not always having the  by Wayne Memorial High School student
        builds with their mentor, a critical asset  abilities and circumstances. One student  best home life, Tyshaun Freeman was  Jordan Holt, a senior will plans to study
        addressed by nearly every student and  might be going for a 4.0 GPA while anoth-  attempting to achieve a 2.5 GPA goal. He  journalism in college next year at Tuskegee
        mentor involved in the program.        er might have the goal of not getting sus-  explained his struggles with issues  University.)

           Clarification:                        Distinguished Alumni nominees sought

             The Feb. 7-13 edition of The Eagle     Commencement at Wayne Memorial     annual basis.”                       munity. A distinguished Alumni committee
           contained a factual error in a story  High School this year will include the tradi-  The award has become a part of the  has been established at Wayne Memorial
           about interim Wayne City Clerk Eileen  tion of awarding a Distinguished Alumni  annual commencement ceremony at Wayne  High School to select the recipient for 2019.
           DeHart.                               medal to a former graduate.           Memorial. Each winner is awarded a   To nominate any graduate, contact Weber's
             Her brother, Westland Councilman       “We have had many outstanding people  medal inscribed with the official school  office at (734) 419-2206.  Nominations can be
           Bill Johnson, sent out a text message in  graduate from Wayne Memorial, said Kevin  seal.                        mailed to the school at 3001 Fourth St. in
           January regarding the interim clerk   Weber, principal at Wayne Memorial,     “This is an opportunity for our current  Wayne, Mi 48184 and should be received by
           position rather than in December as   “many have contributed significantly to the  graduating class to hear first-hand from a  Feb. 28 to be considered by the committee.
           stated in the story.                  betterment of society on a local, state,  former alumnus who has made his/her  An announcement of the winner will be
             The Eagle regrets the error and any  national or international level. The  mark on society,” Weber said.       made in mid-May and the recipient will
           misunderstanding it may have caused.  Distinguished Alumni Award is our way of  Nominations for the honor are now  then be honored at commencement set for
                                                 honoring an outstanding graduate on an  being accepted from throughout the com-  June 1.
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