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February 21, 2019                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Speed racers

        Veterans and Scouts enjoy competition

                          Julie Brown  them.”                         James Kendall, who served in
                          Staff Writer   The indoor track, at an angle,  Iraq and Afghanistan, was the
                                       was the cheering crowd's focus as  veteran winner that day and
           Military veterans James     the miniature cars took turns in  recalled being a member of the
        Kendall of Plymouth Township   heats.                         Cub Scouts. Al Sneath, who was
        and Al Sneath of Canton enjoyed  “I was a Cub Scout. We used to  in the Boy Scouts, noted his mili-
        some old-fashioned fun at the  race on a wooden track. Now    tary service was duty “back in the
        Plymouth Veterans of War Post  everything's electronic. But the  States” as a firefighter stationed
        6695 on a recent Saturday.     cars are exactly the same, they  in Savannah, GA. His dad, he
           Sneath and Kendall were     haven't changed,” commented    said, worked with Scouts.
        among about a half dozen veter-  Maxworthy.                     “We did crash and rescue. I
        ans who joined Boy Scouts in rac-  The military veterans gar-  did helicopters in Vietnam,” said
        ing cars indoors at the post.   nered trophies and certificates.  Sneath. His aim Feb. 9 for the
           “Oh, it's great,” said Kendall,  McKinley and her husband, both  young people is “Respect for the
        who completed his nursing train-  veterans, have visited European  veterans,” with Kendall adding,
        ing in the Army and works at the  military cemeteries. She emcees  “This isn't just for us. We're here
        Veterans      Administration   veterans' remembrance events,  to help other veterans.”
        Hospital in Ann Arbor. “I actually  including Memorial Day.     The military men did some
        won, for once.”                  “We need to start connecting  good-natured ribbing that morn-
           The post on Mill Street, which  this younger generation with that  ing among service branches. The
        also is home to the Vietnam    older generation,” the Scout   youth race winners were Adam
        Veterans of America Plymouth-  mom noted. She said some stu-  Stickler who took first place, Pete
        Canton Chapter, was filled on  dents don't enjoy history class but  Mascaro who came in second  Fun was the order of the day for Boy Scouts, family members and
        Saturday, Feb. 9, for a Boy Scout  added, “history is just a bunch of  place and Charlie Lievense who  the military veterans.
        car race.                      stories. They (veterans) seem  won third place honors.
           “It goes back awhile,” said  very happy to make those con-   Krista McKinley noted that     Andrew Lievense had the job  such a race as a pack, and seek-
        Cubmaster Krista McKinley of   nections. Now we're just trying to  the top three times were very  of releasing cars uniformly on the  ing volunteers.
        Plymouth Township who heads    expand it,” she added of those  close. “We're talking Olympic  track as the crowd cheered and  “It's a fast car too,” Radachy
        up Pack 293. Most of the boys  cross-age relationships.       close,” she said.             applauded.                     said, and was previously raced by
        come from Farrand and Bird ele-  Both McKinley and her hus-     John Maxworthy agreed that     “They learn how to win prop-  his son and grandson. Kendall, as
        mentary schools, along with a few  band are VFW members, and she  the traditional Pinewood Derby  erly and lose with grace. They  the veteran winner, raced the
        parochial schools.             told the veterans there, “You are  races have stood the test of time:  learn to complete something  Scouts. McKinley shared kind
           John Maxworthy of Plymouth  a living history book.” McKinley  “A lot of the dads bring their cars,  from start to finish,” as well as  words, as did others with the
        Township noted Pinewood Derby  told parents who see a veteran of  race their sons, not official.”  developing engineering and  Scout Motto of “Do Your Best” on
        competition dates to the early  any war to “encourage your kid to  There were 64 Scouts in first  craftsmanship skills,” McKinley  their t-shirts.
        1950s, adding, “We've only been  go up and say, 'Thank you for your  through fifth grades that day at  said.                 “I am very proud of all the
        involved as long as our sons have.  service.' Veterans have amazing  the VFW. Parents and volunteers  McKinley had some help with  boys. You learn how to lose with
        I have a third- and a fourth-grad-  stories.”                 said they appreciate the pack get-  a larger soapbox derby car  dignity. If you're disappointed,
        er. As long as they've been Scouts  Veterans also often are willing  ting free meeting space from the  owned by Steve Radachy. She  that's OK. You should be proud of
        we've been building and racing  to share their stories, she added.  VFW post.               was gauging parent interest in  the work you did,” McKinley said.
        Meeting                                Court on the west side, necessitated a call  extra $300,000 for something…My issue is  bined fire services trial at the Lake Pointe
                                                 A township fire last month on Sheffield
                                                                                                                              Last year after a failed 11-month com-
                                                                                       “I'm not sure we want to spend and
                                               for mutual aid from the Northville-   we should be sharing services so we pro-  Fire Station No. 2, Northville Township
        FROM PAGE 1                            Plymouth Fire Department to use the 100-  vide good service at the proper cost-for the  moved out. During the period the station
                                               foot aerial ladder truck.             difference we could buy another ambu-  had to be closed numerous times because
           Currently, with one exception, the    Township officials reported it was 30  lance,” Vorva retorted.            of insufficient staffing. The station had
        township fire department has no way to  minutes before the truck arrived on the  “We don't need another ambulance.”  been closed since 2012 when a longstand-
        battle fires of more than one story or per-  scene, likely because the volunteers-on-  Supervisor Kurt Heise responded.   ing shared-service agreement between the
        form rescue work above ground level and  call must first drive to the fire station to  Treasurer Mark Clinton said he wanted  township and the City of Plymouth ended
        must rely on mutual aid from surrounding  retrieve the vehicle.              to know the risks involved in not having a  abruptly, resulting in radical restructuring
        communities for use of an aerial truck or  As the discussion escalated, Vorva  ladder truck.                       and layoffs in the fire departments of both
        engine-ladder apparatus, Phillips said.  cross-examined Phillips in detail, ques-  “Do I want to be the one who's responsi-  communities.
        Many times, fire officials report, critical  tioning how the township was able to pro-  ble for a person being trapped on a top  “No fire department in this region can
        minutes are lost when the available equip-  tect the citizens without a ladder truck  floor because I didn't want to spend  have everything,” said Doroshewitz. “The
        ment dispatched to the scene is found to  and asking whether there was a mutual-  $30,000 a year for the next 10 years…I'm  money is burning a hole in somebody's
        be inadequate for the rescue of victims,  aid policy in effect with neighboring com-  not sure I want to be that person,” he said.  pocket.”
        necessitating an 11th-hour call for help to  munities.                          “You're haggling over $30,000 a year,”  Vorva pressed Phillips, “How many
        neighboring fire departments, like Canton,  “When is the last time we had a work-  Heise scolded Vorva.            people have died over the last 20-years in
        Northville and Livonia.                ing ladder truck? Since 2012, has there  Trustee Bob Doroshewitz, who has   those buildings, because of fires?”
           Phillips highlighted various township  been any fires in these buildings? Do you  publicly admitted he has not been an avid  “None,” Phillips replied.
        landmarks of critical importance, like  have an agreement for auto-mutual-aid?  or enthusiastic supporter of the township  “If there's one, that's one too damn
        Plymouth Independence Village, Bosch   Have they ever denied use of that? A  union fire department in the past, said  many. You tell the citizens you're betting
        Corp., the Burroughs building, St. John's  tower truck would be better for taking  he's in favor of a “regional plan where the  nothing's going to happen-I'm not telling
        Seminary and Conference Center, Hilton  most people out of Independent Village, (a  chiefs get together.”          them,” said Heitman.
        Garden Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Comfort  large multi-story assisted living facility on
        Inn and Oerlikon, Phillips where ladder  Northville Road),” he said.                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
        trucks were a necessity, and most often   “I want to be clear, we're going to be                       ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
                                                                                                                THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019
        two or more units were required.       getting the kind of equipment that's going                              6:00 P.M.
           Phillips emphasized three-story 35-foot  to work for us, so at the same time we're  PLEASE NOTE that the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its Regular Meeting on Thursday,
        buildings like Northridge Church, LA   (not) buying stuff just so to buy it,” Vorva  March 7, 2019 commencing at 6:00 p.m., to consider:
        Fitness and Red Roof Inn, indicating it  stated.                                   Application 1591, R78-020-02-0056-000, 14585 Shadywood, R-1 zoning district is requesting four variances to con-
        was only a partial list of buildings the  Phillips disagreed with Vorva's idea,    struct an addition and front porch:
        department could not adequately protect.  based on his experience, that a tower      1. Rear yard setback required  50 Feet, proposed 45 Feet, variance requested 5 Feet.
                                                                                             2. Front yard setback required 25 Feet, proposed 24 Feet, variance requested 1 Foot.
        Phillips added that the new Hillside   truck would be a better choice, claiming      3. Side yard setback required 5 Feet, proposed 4.5 Feet, variance requested 5 Inches.
        Residences slated for the Court House  raising and lowering the bucket for rescue    4. Percentage of lot coverage 25%, proposed 26%, variance requested 1% percent.
        Grill property would be four stories high  is much slower process than the ladder  The meeting will be held at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road in the Town Hall Meeting Room.
        when completed.                        vehicle he recommended.                Posted: Eagle Newspaper February 21, 2019                  PT0233 - 022119  2.5 x 2.199

                               CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
                                       PUBLIC NOTICE                                                           CITY OF ROMULUS
                          2019 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SCHEDULE
                                                                                                              2019 BOARD OF REVIEW
         To all residents and other interested parties: Agendas, Minutes and Board Packets for the Charter Township of Plymouth Board
         of Trustee Meetings are available for review online at under Agendas/Minutes and in the Clerk’s Office  To the taxpayers of the City of Romulus: The Board of Review will meet in the Romulus City Hall,
         at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N Haggerty Road, Plymouth MI 48170           Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174 on the following dates and times by
         The Board of Trustees is adding a minimum of one (1) study session meeting per month for the rest of the year. The dates in  APPOINTMENT ONLY for the purpose of reviewing the assessment roll. Please come prepared,
         boldface are the additions to the normal schedule. The Study Sessions are planned for the first Tuesday of each month until fur-  as a ten (10) minute time limit before the Board will be strictly adhered to.
         ther notice. Any cancellations of the Study Sessions will be publicly posted in the display box outside the front doors of Township
         Hall and on the Township website at The schedule is as follows:  March 11, 2019:    9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
         February 26, March 5, 12 and 26, April 2, 9 and 23, May 7, 14, and 28, June 4, 11 and 25 July 2, 9, and 23, August 6, 13, and  March 12, 2019:  6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
         27, September 3, 10 and 24, October 1, 8, and 22, November 5, 12, and 26, December 3 and 10.  March 13, 2019:  9:00 am to 12:00 pm
         Special meetings will continue to be scheduled as needed and will likely occur on the third Tuesdays of the month when Board  Residents and Non-Residents may appeal by (1) making an appointment to appear before the Board
         Meetings are not already scheduled.
                                                                                      OR (2) in writing (personal appearance is not required).  The Board of Review MUST receive all
         The public is invited and encouraged to attend all Board of Trustee Meetings.  Citizen input is anticipated and encouraged.  written appeals/documentation no later than March 13, 2019 at 11:00 am.
         Jerry W Vorva                                                                Property owners may appoint and authorize a representative to appear on their behalf.  According to
         Plymouth Township Clerk
                                                                                      Ordinance, all Representatives or Agents MUST submit an original, notarized, current proof of
         Publish: February 21, 2019                                 PT0234 - 022119  2.5 x 2.964  authorization to act on behalf of the property owner as a prerequisite to appeal to the Board of

                                                                                      To schedule an appointment to appeal to the March Board of Review, please call the City of Romulus
                                                                                      Department of Assessment at 734. 942.7520.
                                                                                      For the purpose of addressing clerical errors, mutual mistakes of fact, poverty exemptions, veteran's
                                                                                      exemptions, and principal residence exemptions, the Board of Review will meet in the Romulus City
                                                                                      Hall, Council Office, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174 on:
                                                                                             July 16, 2019:               9:30 am
                                                                                             December 10, 2019:           9:30 am
                                                                                      All Board of Review meetings are open meetings in compliance with the “Open Meetings Act”.

                                                                                      Publish:      02/21/2019
                                                                                                                                                   RM 0373 - 022119 2.5 x 5.251
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